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socket是每个看这篇博文的人都很熟悉的,一般在使用socket选取一些IO策略的时候,可以考虑select /poll/epoll之类的,本博文不对这个IO策略如何选择进行讨论,只是用宏选择如何对策略进行配置。在下现以epoll作为使用的IO策略[ 参照  ”epoll的使用”  ]



mio.c 和 mio.h :这两个文件负责对mio_st结构的定义,并声明创建新的mio_st结构的方法。

mio_impl.h :模型的主要实现文件 ,触发多个操作都是从该文件触发的。

mio_select.h和mio_select.c :用于实现SELECT IO策略文件,包含一些和SELECT策略相关的宏。

mio_poll.h和mio_poll.c:同上。用于实现POLL IO策略的文件 。

mio_epoll.h mio_epoll.c:同上。用于实现EPOLL IO策略的文件 。


mio_st 结构用于对IO的管理,包括建立监听和连接,发送或者读取数据以及其它的一些数据回调。

typedef struct mio_st{  void (*mio_free)(struct mio_st **m);  struct mio_fd_st *(*mio_listen)(struct mio_st **m, int port, char *sourceip,  mio_handler_t app, void *arg);  struct mio_fd_st *(*mio_connect)(struct mio_st **m, int port, char *hostip,   mio_handler_t app, void *arg);  struct mio_fd_st *(*mio_register)(struct mio_st **m, int fd,   mio_handler_t app, void *arg);  void (*mio_app)(struct mio_st **m, struct mio_fd_st *fd,  mio_handler_t app, void *arg);  void (*mio_close)(struct mio_st **m, struct mio_fd_st *fd);  void (*mio_write)(struct mio_st **m, struct mio_fd_st *fd);  void (*mio_read)(struct mio_st **m, struct mio_fd_st *fd);  void (*mio_run)(struct mio_st **m, int timeout);} **mio_t;

typedef struct mio_fd_st{    int fd;} *mio_fd_t;

typedef enum { action_ACCEPT, action_READ, action_WRITE, action_CLOSE } mio_action_t;typedef int (*mio_handler_t) (struct mio_st **m, mio_action_t a, struct mio_fd_st *fd, void* data, void *arg);



mio_t mio_new(int maxfd){  mio_t m = NULL;#ifdef MIO_EPOLL  m = mio_epoll_new(maxfd);  if (m != NULL) return m;#endif#ifdef MIO_WSASYNC  m = mio_wsasync_new(maxfd);  if (m != NULL) return m;#endif#ifdef MIO_SELECT  m = mio_select_new(maxfd);  if (m != NULL) return m;#endif#ifdef MIO_POLL  m = mio_poll_new(maxfd);  if (m != NULL) return m;#endif  return m;}

static mio_t _mio_new(int maxfd){    static struct mio_st mio_impl = {        _mio_free,        _mio_listen, _mio_connect, _mio_setup_fd,        _mio_app,        _mio_close,        _mio_write, _mio_read,        _mio_run    };    mio_t m;    /* init winsock if we are in Windows */#ifdef _WIN32    WSADATA wsaData;    if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ), &wsaData))        return NULL;#endif    /* allocate and zero out main memory */    if((m = malloc(sizeof(struct mio_priv_st))) == NULL) return NULL;    /* set up our internal vars */    *m = &mio_impl;    MIO(m)->maxfd = maxfd;    MIO_INIT_VARS(m);    return m;}

typedef struct mio_priv_st{    struct mio_st *mio;    int maxfd;    MIO_VARS} *mio_priv_t;#define MIO(m) ((mio_priv_t) m) // 就是一个强制类型转换,两个结构,第一个元素都指向同一个副本。#define FD(m,f) ((mio_priv_fd_t) f)#define ACT(m,f,a,d) (*(FD(m,f)->app))(m,a,&FD(m,f)->mio_fd,d,FD(m,f)->arg)
MIO_VARS 会根据不同的IO策略有不同的展开,它是IO策略相关的。这个在决定用哪个IO策略的时候就决定了,对我们来说,选取的epoll,那么 MIO_VARS如下定义:

#define MIO_VARS \    int defer_free;                                                     \    int epoll_fd;                                                       \    struct epoll_event res_event[32];#define MIO_INIT_VARS(m) \    do {                                                                \        MIO(m)->defer_free = 0;                                         \        if ((MIO(m)->epoll_fd = epoll_create(maxfd)) < 0)               \        {                                                               \            mio_debug(ZONE,"unable to initialize epoll mio");           \            free(m);                                                    \            return NULL;                                                \        }                                                               \    } while(0)




static mio_fd_t _mio_connect(mio_t m, int port, char *hostip, mio_handler_t app, void *arg){    int fd, flag, flags;    mio_fd_t mio_fd;    struct sockaddr_storage sa;    memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));    if(m == NULL || port <= 0 || hostip == NULL) return NULL;    mio_debug(ZONE, "mio connecting to %s, port=%d",hostip,port);    /* convert the hostip */    if(j_inet_pton(hostip, &sa)<=0) {        MIO_SETERROR(EFAULT);        return NULL;    }    if(!sa.ss_family) sa.ss_family = AF_INET;    /* attempt to create a socket */    if((fd = socket(sa.ss_family,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0) return NULL;    /* set the socket to non-blocking before connecting */#if defined(HAVE_FCNTL)    flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);    flags |= O_NONBLOCK;    fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);#elif defined(HAVE_IOCTL)    flags = 1;    ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, &flags);#endif    /* set up address info */    j_inet_setport(&sa, port);    /* try to connect */    flag = connect(fd,(struct sockaddr*)&sa,j_inet_addrlen(&sa));    mio_debug(ZONE, "connect returned %d and %s", flag, MIO_STRERROR(MIO_ERROR));    /* already connected?  great! */    if(flag == 0)    {        mio_fd = _mio_setup_fd(m,fd,app,arg);        if(mio_fd != NULL) return mio_fd;    }    /* gotta wait till later */#ifdef _WIN32    if(flag == -1 && WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)#else    if(flag == -1 && errno == EINPROGRESS)#endif    {        mio_fd = _mio_setup_fd(m,fd,app,arg);        if(mio_fd != NULL)        {            mio_debug(ZONE, "connect processing non-blocking mode");            FD(m,mio_fd)->type = type_CONNECT;            MIO_SET_WRITE(m,FD(m,mio_fd));            return mio_fd;        }    }    /* bummer dude */    close(fd);    return NULL;}
在调用 connect连接成功之后,得到的是一个连接描述符,需要将这个SOCKET描述符和我们的mio_st模型连接起来,怎么连接呢?_mio_setup_fd方法完成这一步:

static mio_fd_t _mio_setup_fd(mio_t m, int fd, mio_handler_t app, void *arg){    int flags;    mio_fd_t mio_fd;    mio_fd = MIO_ALLOC_FD(m, fd);    /* ok to process this one, welcome to the family */    FD(m,mio_fd)->type = type_NORMAL;    FD(m,mio_fd)->app = app;    FD(m,mio_fd)->arg = arg;    /* set the socket to non-blocking */#if defined(HAVE_FCNTL)    flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);    flags |= O_NONBLOCK;    fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);#elif defined(HAVE_IOCTL)    flags = 1;    ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, &flags);#endif    return mio_fd;}

    static mio_fd_t _mio_alloc_fd(mio_t m, int fd)                      \    {                                                                   \        struct epoll_event event;                                       \        mio_priv_fd_t priv_fd = malloc(sizeof (struct mio_priv_fd_st)); \        memset(priv_fd, 0, sizeof (struct mio_priv_fd_st));             \                                                                        \        priv_fd->mio_fd.fd = fd;                                        \        priv_fd->events = 0;                                            \                                                                        \        event.events = priv_fd->events;                                 \        event.data.u64 = 0;                                             \        event.data.ptr = priv_fd;                              \        epoll_ctl(MIO(m)->epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &event);         \                                                                        \        return (mio_fd_t)priv_fd;                                        \    }

typedef enum {     type_CLOSED = 0x00,     type_NORMAL = 0x01,     type_LISTEN = 0x02,     type_CONNECT = 0x10,     type_CONNECT_READ = 0x11,    type_CONNECT_WRITE = 0x12} mio_type_t;typedef struct mio_priv_fd_st{    struct mio_fd_st mio_fd;    mio_type_t type;     mio_handler_t app;    void *arg;    MIO_FD_VARS} *mio_priv_fd_t;

#define MIO_FD_VARS \    uint32_t events;

  1. 根据IP和端口调用系统调用connect,返回连接文件描述符fd。
  2. 调用_mio_alloc_fd函数将fd和mio_st实例关联起来,通过mio_priv_fd_t结构关联起来,并且将该fd添加到epoll实例中。从这以后,如果这个描述符(fd)有读写或者错误时,epoll会通知给上层应用。



static void _mio_run(mio_t m, int timeout){    int retval;    int iter;    mio_debug(ZONE, "mio running for %d", timeout);    /* wait for a socket event */    retval = MIO_CHECK(m, timeout); // 这个宏是IO策略相关的,在IO策略是epoll时,这个宏最后展开是:epoll_wait(MIO(m)->epoll_fd,MIO(m)->res_event, 32, t*1000);看到这个,大家就明白了是怎么回事了。    /* nothing to do */    if(retval == 0) return;    /* an error */    if(retval < 0)    {        return;    }    /* loop through the sockets, check for stuff to do */    MIO_ITERATE_RESULTS(m, retval, iter)    {        mio_fd_t fd = MIO_ITERATOR_FD(m,iter);if (fd == NULL) continue;        /* skip already dead slots */         if(FD(m,fd)->type == type_CLOSED) continue;         /* new conns on a listen socket */        if(FD(m,fd)->type == type_LISTEN && MIO_CAN_READ(m,iter))        {            _mio_accept(m, fd);            continue;        }        /* check for connecting sockets */        if(FD(m,fd)->type & type_CONNECT &&           (MIO_CAN_READ(m,iter) || MIO_CAN_WRITE(m,iter)))        {            _mio__connect(m, fd);            continue;        }        /* read from ready sockets */        if(FD(m,fd)->type == type_NORMAL && MIO_CAN_READ(m,iter))        {            /* if they don't want to read any more right now */            if(ACT(m, fd, action_READ, NULL) == 0)                MIO_UNSET_READ(m, FD(m,fd));        }        /* write to ready sockets */        if(FD(m,fd)->type == type_NORMAL && MIO_CAN_WRITE(m,iter))        {            /* don't wait for writeability if nothing to write anymore */            if(ACT(m, fd, action_WRITE, NULL) == 0)                MIO_UNSET_WRITE(m, FD(m,fd));        }        /* deferred closing fd         * one of previous actions might change the state of fd */         if(FD(m,fd)->type == type_CLOSED)        {            MIO_FREE_FD(m, fd);        }    }}

ACT宏展开后会调用mio_priv_fd_t 结构的app回调,这个是在模块的应用层上定义的。
FD宏用于将fd,转换成mio_priv_fd_t 结构,几个主要是的宏都是IO策略相关的,定义如下:

#define MIO_ITERATE_RESULTS(m, retval, iter) \    for(MIO(m)->defer_free = 1, iter = 0; (iter < retval) || ((MIO(m)->defer_free = 0)); iter++)#define MIO_ITERATOR_FD(m, iter) \    (MIO(m)->res_event[iter].data.ptr)#define MIO_CAN_READ(m,iter) \    (MIO(m)->res_event[iter].events & (EPOLLIN|EPOLLERR|EPOLLHUP))#define MIO_CAN_WRITE(m,iter) \    (MIO(m)->res_event[iter].events & EPOLLOUT)#define MIO_CAN_FREE(m)         (!MIO(m)->defer_free)



static void _mio_accept(mio_t m, mio_fd_t fd){    struct sockaddr_storage serv_addr;    socklen_t addrlen = (socklen_t) sizeof(serv_addr);    int newfd;    mio_fd_t mio_fd;    char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];    /* pull a socket off the accept queue and check */    newfd = accept(fd->fd, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, &addrlen);    if(newfd <= 0) return;    if(addrlen <= 0) {        close(newfd);        return;    }    j_inet_ntop(&serv_addr, ip, sizeof(ip));    /* set up the entry for this new socket */    mio_fd = _mio_setup_fd(m, newfd, FD(m,fd)->app, FD(m,fd)->arg);    /* tell the app about the new socket, if they reject it clean up */    if (ACT(m, mio_fd, action_ACCEPT, ip))    {        mio_debug(ZONE, "accept was rejected for %s:%d", ip, newfd);        MIO_REMOVE_FD(m, FD(m,mio_fd));        /* close the socket, and reset all memory */        close(newfd);        MIO_FREE_FD(m, mio_fd);    }    return;}

static mio_fd_t _mio_setup_fd(mio_t m, int fd, mio_handler_t app, void *arg){    int flags;    mio_fd_t mio_fd;     mio_fd = MIO_ALLOC_FD(m, fd);    /* ok to process this one, welcome to the family */    FD(m,mio_fd)->type = type_NORMAL;    FD(m,mio_fd)->app = app;    FD(m,mio_fd)->arg = arg;    /* set the socket to non-blocking */#if defined(HAVE_FCNTL)    flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);    flags |= O_NONBLOCK;    fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);#elif defined(HAVE_IOCTL)    flags = 1;    ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, &flags);#endif    return mio_fd;}


在有数据读写之后,都是通过 ACT(m, fd, action_WRITE, NULL)宏调用用户的自定义数据处理回调。
