
来源:互联网 发布:js 数组转化为字符串 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:53

/* * VARENUM usage key, * * * [V] - may appear in a VARIANT * * [T] - may appear in a TYPEDESC * * [P] - may appear in an OLE property set * * [S] - may appear in a Safe Array * * *  VT_EMPTY            [V]   [P]     nothing *  VT_NULL             [V]   [P]     SQL style Null *  VT_I2               [V][T][P][S]  2 byte signed int *  VT_I4               [V][T][P][S]  4 byte signed int *  VT_R4               [V][T][P][S]  4 byte real *  VT_R8               [V][T][P][S]  8 byte real *  VT_CY               [V][T][P][S]  currency *  VT_DATE             [V][T][P][S]  date *  VT_BSTR             [V][T][P][S]  OLE Automation string *  VT_DISPATCH         [V][T]   [S]  IDispatch * *  VT_ERROR            [V][T][P][S]  SCODE *  VT_BOOL             [V][T][P][S]  True=-1, False=0 *  VT_VARIANT          [V][T][P][S]  VARIANT * *  VT_UNKNOWN          [V][T]   [S]  IUnknown * *  VT_DECIMAL          [V][T]   [S]  16 byte fixed point *  VT_RECORD           [V]   [P][S]  user defined type *  VT_I1               [V][T][P][s]  signed char *  VT_UI1              [V][T][P][S]  unsigned char *  VT_UI2              [V][T][P][S]  unsigned short *  VT_UI4              [V][T][P][S]  unsigned long *  VT_I8                  [T][P]     signed 64-bit int *  VT_UI8                 [T][P]     unsigned 64-bit int *  VT_INT              [V][T][P][S]  signed machine int *  VT_UINT             [V][T]   [S]  unsigned machine int *  VT_INT_PTR             [T]        signed machine register size width *  VT_UINT_PTR            [T]        unsigned machine register size width *  VT_VOID                [T]        C style void *  VT_HRESULT             [T]        Standard return type *  VT_PTR                 [T]        pointer type *  VT_SAFEARRAY           [T]        (use VT_ARRAY in VARIANT) *  VT_CARRAY              [T]        C style array *  VT_USERDEFINED         [T]        user defined type *  VT_LPSTR               [T][P]     null terminated string *  VT_LPWSTR              [T][P]     wide null terminated string *  VT_FILETIME               [P]     FILETIME *  VT_BLOB                   [P]     Length prefixed bytes *  VT_STREAM                 [P]     Name of the stream follows *  VT_STORAGE                [P]     Name of the storage follows *  VT_STREAMED_OBJECT        [P]     Stream contains an object *  VT_STORED_OBJECT          [P]     Storage contains an object *  VT_VERSIONED_STREAM       [P]     Stream with a GUID version *  VT_BLOB_OBJECT            [P]     Blob contains an object  *  VT_CF                     [P]     Clipboard format *  VT_CLSID                  [P]     A Class ID *  VT_VECTOR                 [P]     simple counted array *  VT_ARRAY            [V]           SAFEARRAY* *  VT_BYREF            [V]           void* for local use *  VT_BSTR_BLOB                      Reserved for system use */BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CMyView, CHtmlView)        DISP_FUNCTION(CMyView, "MyFunction", MyFunction, VT_BSTR, VTS_NONE)END_DISPATCH_MAP() 
