
来源:互联网 发布:沃伦夫妇纪录片 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 18:45

【 声明:版权所有,欢迎转载,请勿用于商业用途。  联系信箱:feixiaoxing @163.com】

typedef struct RAW_MSG_Q {        RAW_VOID         **queue_start;            /* Pointer to start of queue data                              */  RAW_VOID         **queue_end;              /* Pointer to end   of queue data                              */  RAW_VOID         **write;               /* Pointer to where next message will be inserted  in   the Q  */  RAW_VOID         **read;              /* Pointer to where next message will be extracted from the Q  */  RAW_U32       size;             /* Size of queue (maximum number of entries)                   */  RAW_U32       current_numbers;          /* Current number of entries in the queue                      */  RAW_U16        blocked_send_task_numbers; /*number of blocked send task numbers                    */  RAW_U16        blocked_receive_task_numbers; /*number of blocked send task numbers                    */    } RAW_MSG_Q;    typedef struct RAW_QUEUE  {   RAW_COMMON_BLOCK_OBJECT       common_block_obj;  RAW_MSG_Q             msg_q;    } RAW_QUEUE;

RAW_U16 raw_queue_create(RAW_QUEUE  *p_q, RAW_U8    *p_name, RAW_VOID **msg_start, RAW_U32  number)  {    #if (RAW_QUEUE_FUNCTION_CHECK > 0)    if (p_q == 0) {    return RAW_NULL_OBJECT;  }    if ( msg_start == 0) {    return RAW_NULL_POINTER;  }    if (number == 0) {    return RAW_ZERO_NUMBER;  }    #endif    list_init(&p_q->common_block_obj.block_list);                                 p_q->common_block_obj.name = p_name;     p_q->common_block_obj.block_way = 0;  p_q->msg_q.queue_start  =       msg_start;               /*      Initialize the queue                 */  p_q->msg_q.queue_end             = &msg_start[number];  p_q->msg_q.write              = msg_start;  p_q->msg_q.read             = msg_start;  p_q->msg_q.size            =  number;  p_q->msg_q.current_numbers         = 0;  p_q->msg_q.blocked_send_task_numbers = 0;  p_q->msg_q.blocked_receive_task_numbers = 0;  return RAW_SUCCESS;  } 
static RAW_U16 internal_msg_post(RAW_QUEUE *p_q, RAW_VOID *p_void,  RAW_U8 opt_send_method, RAW_U8 opt_wake_all, RAW_U32 wait_option)               {  RAW_U16 error_status;  LIST *block_list_head;  RAW_U8 block_way;     RAW_SR_ALLOC();    #if (RAW_QUEUE_FUNCTION_CHECK > 0)    if (raw_int_nesting) {    if (wait_option != RAW_NO_WAIT) {    return RAW_NOT_CALLED_BY_ISR;  }  }    if (p_q == 0) {    return RAW_NULL_OBJECT;  }    if (p_void == 0) {    return RAW_NULL_POINTER;  }    #endif    block_list_head = &p_q->common_block_obj.block_list;    RAW_CRITICAL_ENTER();    /*queue is full condition, there should be no received task blocked on queue object!*/  if (p_q->msg_q.current_numbers >= p_q->msg_q.size) {      if (wait_option  == RAW_NO_WAIT) {  RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();  return RAW_MSG_MAX;  }    else {    /*system is locked so task can not be blocked just return immediately*/  if (raw_sched_lock) {     RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();  return RAW_SCHED_DISABLE;      }  /*queue is full and  SEND_TO_FRONT  method is not allowd*/  if (opt_send_method == SEND_TO_FRONT) {    RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();  return RAW_QUEUE_FULL_OPT_ERROR;    }    p_q->msg_q.blocked_send_task_numbers++;  raw_task_active->msg = p_void;  block_way = p_q->common_block_obj.block_way;  p_q->common_block_obj.block_way = RAW_BLOCKED_WAY_FIFO;  /*there should be no blocked received task beacuse msg exits*/  raw_pend_object(&p_q->common_block_obj, raw_task_active, wait_option);  p_q->common_block_obj.block_way = block_way;    RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();    raw_sched();     error_status = block_state_post_process(raw_task_active, 0);    return error_status;    }    }    /*Queue is not full here, there should be no blocked send task*/  /*If there is no blocked receive task*/  if (is_list_empty(block_list_head)) {            p_q->msg_q.current_numbers++;                                 /* Update the nbr of entries in the queue        */    if (opt_send_method == SEND_TO_END)  {    *p_q->msg_q.write++ = p_void;                                  if (p_q->msg_q.write == p_q->msg_q.queue_end) {       p_q->msg_q.write = p_q->msg_q.queue_start;    }       }    else {    if (p_q->msg_q.read == p_q->msg_q.queue_start) {                        p_q->msg_q.read = p_q->msg_q.queue_end;      }    p_q->msg_q.read--;  *p_q->msg_q.read = p_void;                               /* Insert message into queue                     */    }    RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();    return RAW_SUCCESS;  }    /*wake all the task blocked on this queue*/  if (opt_wake_all) {    while (!is_list_empty(block_list_head)) {  wake_send_msg(list_entry(block_list_head->next, RAW_TASK_OBJ, task_list),  p_void);  }    p_q->msg_q.blocked_receive_task_numbers = 0;  }    /*wake hignhest priority task blocked on this queue and send msg to it*/  else {    wake_send_msg(list_entry(block_list_head->next, RAW_TASK_OBJ, task_list),  p_void);  p_q->msg_q.blocked_receive_task_numbers--;  }    RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();    raw_sched();      return RAW_SUCCESS;  } 
     (2) 处理消息已满的情况,
RAW_U16 raw_queue_receive (RAW_QUEUE *p_q, RAW_U32 wait_option, RAW_VOID  **msg)  {    RAW_VOID *pmsg;  RAW_U16 result;  LIST *block_list_head;  RAW_TASK_OBJ *blocked_send_task;    RAW_SR_ALLOC();    #if (RAW_QUEUE_FUNCTION_CHECK > 0)    if (raw_int_nesting) {    return RAW_NOT_CALLED_BY_ISR;    }    if (p_q == 0) {    return RAW_NULL_OBJECT;  }    if (msg == 0) {    return RAW_NULL_POINTER;  }    #endif    block_list_head = &p_q->common_block_obj.block_list;    RAW_CRITICAL_ENTER();        /*if queue has msgs, just receive it*/  if (p_q->msg_q.current_numbers) {     pmsg = *p_q->msg_q.read++;                        if (p_q->msg_q.read == p_q->msg_q.queue_end) {           p_q->msg_q.read = p_q->msg_q.queue_start;  }    *msg = pmsg;    /*if there are  blocked_send_tasks, just reload the task msg to end*/  if (p_q->msg_q.blocked_send_task_numbers) {    blocked_send_task = list_entry(block_list_head->next, RAW_TASK_OBJ, task_list);    p_q->msg_q.blocked_send_task_numbers--;    *p_q->msg_q.write++ = blocked_send_task->msg;                                  if (p_q->msg_q.write == p_q->msg_q.queue_end) {       p_q->msg_q.write = p_q->msg_q.queue_start;    }       raw_wake_object(blocked_send_task);  RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();    raw_sched();    return RAW_SUCCESS;    }    p_q->msg_q.current_numbers--;      RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();    return RAW_SUCCESS;                           }        if (wait_option == RAW_NO_WAIT) {    /* Caller wants to block if not available?                */  *msg = (RAW_VOID *)0;  RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();  return RAW_NO_PEND_WAIT;  }     if (raw_sched_lock) {     RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();  return RAW_SCHED_DISABLE;      }    raw_pend_object(&p_q->common_block_obj, raw_task_active, wait_option);  p_q->msg_q.blocked_receive_task_numbers++;    RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();    raw_sched();                                                 RAW_CRITICAL_ENTER();    *msg      = (RAW_VOID      *)0;  result = block_state_post_process(raw_task_active, msg);    RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();      return result;    } 
RAW_U16 raw_queue_flush(RAW_QUEUE  *p_q)  {  LIST *block_list_head;    RAW_SR_ALLOC();    RAW_TASK_OBJ *block_task;    #if (RAW_QUEUE_FUNCTION_CHECK > 0)    if (p_q == 0) {    return RAW_NULL_OBJECT;  }    #endif    block_list_head = &p_q->common_block_obj.block_list;    RAW_CRITICAL_ENTER();    /*if queue is full and task is blocked on this queue, then wake all the task*/  if (p_q->msg_q.current_numbers >= p_q->msg_q.size) {  while (!is_list_empty(block_list_head)) {  block_task = list_entry(block_list_head->next, RAW_TASK_OBJ, task_list);  raw_wake_object(block_task);  block_task->block_status = RAW_B_ABORT;    }    p_q->msg_q.blocked_send_task_numbers = 0;  }    RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();     raw_sched();    return RAW_SUCCESS;  }  #endif      #if (CONFIG_RAW_QUEUE_DELETE > 0)  RAW_U16 raw_queue_delete(RAW_QUEUE *p_q)  {  LIST  *block_list_head;    RAW_SR_ALLOC();    #if (RAW_QUEUE_FUNCTION_CHECK > 0)    if (p_q == 0) {    return RAW_NULL_OBJECT;  }    #endif    block_list_head = &p_q->common_block_obj.block_list;    RAW_CRITICAL_ENTER();    /*All task blocked on this queue is waken up*/  while (!is_list_empty(block_list_head))  {  delete_pend_obj(list_entry(block_list_head->next, RAW_TASK_OBJ, task_list));  }                                 RAW_CRITICAL_EXIT();    raw_sched();     return RAW_SUCCESS;    }  #endif 
