Oracle Database 12c 行限制子句

来源:互联网 发布:win8无法连接到此网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 19:05

Oracle Database 12c Row Limiting Clause

In Database 12c, to limit the number of rows in a query can be simplified by ANSI fetch first/offset keyword via Oracle SQL row limiting clause.
Database 12c里,通过Oracle SQL 行限制子句来限制一个查询的行数能够用ANSI的 fetch first/offset 关键字简化了.
For example, fetch the top 3 "oldest" employees:
 select *
 from employees
 order by hire_date
fetch first 3 rowsonly;

And, keep the ties:
 select *
 from employees
 order by hire_date
 fetch first 3 rows with ties

Or skip the first 3 employees, what we need is rank 4 to 6:
 select *
 from employees
 order by hire_date
 offset 3 rows
 fetch next 3 rows only

May be limiting row count is way too precise, percentage style is preferred sometime =)
 select * 
 from employees
 order by hire_date
 fetch first 10 percent rows only;


via Oracle Database 12c Row Limiting Clause
