在Java Project项目中使用p6spy的作用

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖家怎么发货 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:42




使用Hibernate提供的内置属性<Property name="show_sql">true</Property>只能输出类似于下面的SQL语句:

1.           Hibernate:  


3.           insert into student(name, sex, age, cardId, classroom_id, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)


一、在Java Project项目中使用p6spy:

  1. 到其官方网站下载其Jar包,http://www.p6spy.com/(貌似不能访问了)靠Google或Baidu搜索一下吧。
  2. 一般Download下来的是zip或jar文件包,将其解压缩,将里面的p6spy.jar放入构建路径里,将spy.properties文件放入src目 录下。
  3. 修改两个属性,第一个,realdriver=你使用具体数据库的驱动类(例如MySQL为:com.mysql.jdbc.Driver);第二个,logfile=指定log文件的位置(例如,c:/spy.log)。
  4. 修改Hibernate.cfg.xml配置文件中的 <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver</property>


1.           1326730516837|-1||debug||com.p6spy.engine.common.P6SpyOptions reloading properties 

2.           1326730516842|-1||info||Using properties file: D:\WorkSpace\MyEclipse\9\hibernate\list mapping\bin\spy.properties 

3.           1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getStackTrace, using: false 

4.           1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getAppender, using: com.p6spy.engine.logging.appender.FileLogger 

5.           1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getDeregisterDrivers, using: false 

6.           1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getUsePrefix, using: false 

7.           1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getExecutionThreshold, using: 0 

8.           1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getAutoflush, using: true 

9.           1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getExclude, using:  

10.       1326730516842|-1||info||No value in environment for: getExcludecategories, using: info,debug,result,batch 

11.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getFilter, using: false 

12.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getInclude, using:  

13.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getIncludecategories, using:  

14.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getLogfile, using: spy.log 

15.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealdriver, using: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 

16.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealdriver2, using:  

17.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealdriver3, using:  

18.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getAppend, using: true 

19.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getSpydriver, using: com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver 

20.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getDateformat, using:  

21.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getDateformatter, using: null 

22.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getStringmatcher, using: com.p6spy.engine.common.SubstringMatcher 

23.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getStringMatcherEngine, using: com.p6spy.engine.common.SubstringMatcher@60e128 

24.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getStackTraceClass, using:  

25.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getSQLExpression, using: null 

26.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getReloadProperties, using: false 

27.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getReloadPropertiesInterval, using: 60 

28.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getJNDIContextFactory, using: null 

29.       1326730516843|-1||info||No value in environment for: getJNDIContextProviderURL, using: null 

30.       1326730516844|-1||info||No value in environment for: getJNDIContextCustom, using: null 

31.       1326730516844|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealDataSource, using: null 

32.       1326730516844|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealDataSourceClass, using: null 

33.       1326730516844|-1||info||No value in environment for: getRealDataSourceProperties, using: null 

34.       1326730517419|7|0|statement|select max(id) from classroom|select max(id) from classroom 

35.       1326730517440|0|0|statement|select max(id) from student|select max(id) from student 

36.       1326730517454|0|0|statement|insert into classroom (grade, number, id) values (?, ?, ?)|insert into classroom (grade, number, id) values ('fourth grade', 1, 1) 

37.       1326730517456|1|0|statement|insert into student (name, sex, age, cardId, classroom_id, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)|insert into student (name, sex, age, cardId, classroom_id, id) values ('lisi', 'true', 21, '08053120', 1, 2) 

38.       1326730517457|0|0|statement|update student setclassroom_id=?, index_=? where id=?|update student setclassroom_id=1,index_=1 whereid=2

39.       1326730517458|0|0|commit||

二、在Java Web项目中使用p6spy(Tomcat环境下)

  1. 将p6spy.jar 放入应用程序的WEB-INF/lib目录,将spy.properties放入WEB-INF/classes目录
  2. 其他与Java Project项目使用方法一样。
  3. 重启Tomcat服务器


如果spy.log里出现你的程序的数据库驱动名称 is a real driver in spy.properties, but it has been loaded before p6spy. p6spy will not wrap these connections. Either prevent the driver from loading, or try setting 'deregisterdrivers' to true in spy.properties.

