
来源:互联网 发布:dsp广告平台源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 10:54

           S3C2440A_NOR FALSH前4K代码复制到SDRAM中并在SDRAM中运行


; Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs

Mode_USR        EQU     0x10

;----------------------- Stack and Heap Definitions ----------------------------

;// <h> Stack Configuration (Stack Sizes in Bytes)
;//   <o0> Undefined Mode      <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o1> Supervisor Mode     <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o2> Abort Mode          <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o3> Fast Interrupt Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o4> Interrupt Mode      <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;//   <o5> User/System Mode    <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;// </h>

UND_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
SVC_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000008
ABT_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
FIQ_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000000
IRQ_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000080
USR_Stack_Size  EQU     0x00000400

ISR_Stack_Size  EQU     (UND_Stack_Size + SVC_Stack_Size + ABT_Stack_Size + \
                         FIQ_Stack_Size + IRQ_Stack_Size)


Stack_Mem       SPACE   USR_Stack_Size
__initial_sp    SPACE   ISR_Stack_Size

;// <h> Heap Configuration
;//   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF>
;// </h>

Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000000

                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3
Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size

;----------------------- Watchdog Timer Definitions ----------------------------

WT_BASE         EQU     0x53000000      ; Watchdog Timer Base Address
WTCON_OFS       EQU     0x00            ; Watchdog Timer Control Register Offset
WTDAT_OFS       EQU     0x04            ; Watchdog Timer Data Register    Offset
WTCNT_OFS       EQU     0x08            ; Watchdog Timer Count Register   Offset

;// <e> Watchdog Timer Setup
;//   <h> Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTCON)
;//     <o1.8..15>  Prescaler Value <0-255>
;//     <o1.5>      Watchdog Timer Enable
;//     <o1.3..4>   Clock Division Factor
;//       <0=> 16   <1=> 32  <2=> 64  <3=> 128
;//     <o1.2>      Interrupt Generation Enable
;//     <o1.0>      Reset Enable
;//   </h>
;//   <h> Watchdog Timer Data Register (WTDAT)
;//     <o2.0..15>  Count Reload Value <0-65535>
;//   </h>
;// </e> Watchdog Timer Setup
WT_SETUP        EQU     1
WTCON_Val       EQU     0x00000000
WTDAT_Val       EQU     0x00008000

;----------------------- CODE --------------------------------------------------


; Area Definition and Entry Point
;  Startup Code must be linked first at Address at which it expects to run.

                AREA    RESET, CODE, READONLY

                IF      :LNOT::DEF:__EVAL
                IMPORT  ||Image$$ER_ROM1$$RO$$Length||
                IMPORT  ||Image$$RW_RAM1$$RW$$Length||

; Exception Vectors
;  Mapped to Address 0.
;  Absolute addressing mode must be used.
;  Dummy Handlers are implemented as infinite loops which can be modified.

; Watchdog Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------

                LDR     R0, =WT_BASE
                LDR     R1, =WTCON_Val
                LDR     R2, =WTDAT_Val
                STR     R2, [R0, #WTCNT_OFS]
                STR     R2, [R0, #WTDAT_OFS]
                STR     R1, [R0, #WTCON_OFS]
 ; Setup Stack for each mode ----------------------------------------------------

                LDR     R0, =Stack_Top

;  Enter User Mode and set its Stack Pointer
                MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_USR

                MOV     SP, R0
                SUB     SL, SP, #USR_Stack_Size

; Enter the SDRAM dell -------------------------------------------------------------
                AREA    SDRAM, CODE, READONLY

MEM_CTL_BASE EQU       0x48000000
SDRAM_BASE  EQU       0x30000000

       ;bl  disable_watch_dog               ;关闭WATCHDOG,否则CPU会不断重启
       bl  memsetup                        ; 设置存储控制器
       bl  copy_steppingstone_to_sdram     ; 复制代码到SDRAM中
       ldr pc, =on_sdram                   ; 跳到SDRAM中继续执行

                IMPORT  __main
                LDR     R0, =__main
                BX      R0
       b   halt_loop

    ; 将Steppingstone的4K数据全部复制到SDRAM中去
    ; Steppingstone起始地址为0x00000000,SDRAM中起始地址为0x30000000
       mov r1, #0
       ldr r2, =SDRAM_BASE
       mov r3, #4*1024

       ldr r4, [r1],#4     ; 从Steppingstone读取4字节的数据,并让源地址加4
       str r4, [r2],#4     ; 将此4字节的数据复制到SDRAM中,并让目地地址加4
       cmp r1, r3          ; 判断是否完成:源地址等于Steppingstone的未地址?
       bne 1              ; 若没有复制完,继续
       mov pc,     lr      ; 返回

    ; 设置存储控制器以便使用SDRAM等外设

       mov r1,     #MEM_CTL_BASE       ; 存储控制器的13个寄存器的开始地址
       adrl    r2, mem_cfg_val         ; 这13个值的起始存储地址
       add r3,     r1, #52             ; 13*4 = 52

       ldr r4,     [r2], #4            ; 读取设置值,并让r2加4
       str r4,     [r1], #4            ; 将此值写入寄存器,并让r1加4
       cmp r1,     r3                  ; 判断是否设置完所有13个寄存器
       bne 1                          ; 若没有写成,继续
       mov pc,     lr                  ; 返回

    ALIGN 4
    ; 存储控制器13个寄存器的设置值
mem_cfg_val DCD 0x22011110,0x00000700,0x00000700,0x00000700,0x00000700,0x00000700,0x00000700,0x00018005,0x00018005,0x008C07A3,0x000000B1,0x00000030,0x00000030

; User Initial Stack & Heap
                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY

                IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory
                EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap

                LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem
                LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + USR_Stack_Size)
                LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +      Heap_Size)
                LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem
                BX      LR


