
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么关闭花呗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:42
struct link_node{    int data ;    struct link_node *next ;} ;struct link_node *create_linklist(int arr[],int len) {    assert(arr!=NULL) ;    struct link_node *p_head = (struct link_node*)malloc(                        sizeof(struct link_node)) ;    struct link_node *p_tmp = p_head ;    for(int i=0 ; i<len ; i++){        p_tmp->next = (struct link_node*)malloc(                    sizeof(struct link_node)) ;        p_tmp->next->data = arr[i] ;        p_tmp = p_tmp->next ;    }    p_tmp->next = NULL ;    return p_head ;}void print_linklist(struct link_node *p_head){    assert(p_head!=NULL) ;    struct link_node *p_tmp = p_head->next ;    while(p_tmp!=NULL){        cout<<p_tmp->data<<"," ;        p_tmp = p_tmp->next ;    }    cout<<endl ;}int judge_reverse(struct link_node *p_head){    assert(p_head!=NULL &&           p_head->next!=NULL &&           p_head->next->next!=NULL) ;    return p_head->next->data>p_head->next->next->data ;}struct link_node * bubble_sort(struct link_node *p_head){    assert(p_head!=NULL) ;    struct link_node *p_tmp = p_head ;    struct link_node *p_tail = NULL ;    struct link_node *p_index = p_head ;    /*note: termination condition*/    while(p_tail!=p_head->next&&p_tail!=p_head->next->next){        p_index = p_head ;        while(p_index->next != p_tail &&              p_index->next->next != p_tail){            if(p_index->next->data > p_index->next->next->data){                p_tmp = p_index->next ;                p_index->next = p_tmp->next ;                p_tmp->next = p_index->next->next ;                p_index->next->next = p_tmp ;            }            p_index = p_index->next ;        }        p_tail = p_index->next ;    }    return p_head ;}struct link_node *merge_linklist(struct link_node *p_head1,                                 struct link_node *p_head2){    assert(p_head1!=NULL && p_head2!=NULL) ;    struct link_node *p_tmp = NULL ;    struct link_node *p_list1 = NULL ;    struct link_node *p_list2 = NULL ;    p_list1 = p_head1->next->data<p_head2->next->data?p_head1:p_head2 ;    p_list2 = p_head1->next->data<p_head2->next->data?p_head2:p_head1 ;    while(p_list1->next!=NULL && p_list2->next!=NULL){        if(p_list1->next->data>p_list2->next->data){            /*remove the smaller node from list2*/            p_tmp = p_list2->next ;            p_list2->next = p_tmp->next ;            /*insert the node into list1*/            p_tmp->next = p_list1->next ;            p_list1->next = p_tmp ;        }        p_list1=p_list1->next ;    }    if(p_list1->next==NULL && p_list2->next!=NULL){        p_list1->next = p_list2->next ;    }    return p_head1->next==NULL?p_head2:p_head1 ;}int count_linklist(struct link_node *const p_head){    assert(p_head!=NULL) ;    int count = 0 ;    struct link_node *p_tmp = p_head->next ;    while(p_tmp!=NULL){        count++ ;        p_tmp = p_tmp->next ;    }    return count ;}int main(){    int arr1[]={20,12,31,34,42,24,46} ;    int arr2[]={2,4,3,78,1,51,9,432,5,7,8,11,32,20,12,24,31,21} ;    struct link_node *p_head1 = create_linklist(arr1,sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0])) ;    p_head1 = bubble_sort(p_head1) ;    print_linklist(p_head1) ;    struct link_node *p_head2 = create_linklist(arr2,sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0])) ;    p_head2= bubble_sort(p_head2) ;    print_linklist(p_head2) ;    struct link_node *p_tmp = merge_linklist(p_head1,p_head2) ;    print_linklist(p_tmp) ;    cout<<"sizeof(arr1)="<<sizeof(arr1)/4<<endl ;    cout<<"sizeof(arr2)="<<sizeof(arr2)/4<<endl ;    cout<<"sizeof(merge)="<<count_linklist(p_tmp)<<endl ;}
