
来源:互联网 发布:电信端口扩容10天解决 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:17

(1) 配置文件</etc/xinetd.d/tftp>

server@ubuntu:~$ cat  /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
# default: off
# description: The tftp server serves files using the trivial file transfer \
# protocol.  The tftp protocol is often used to boot diskless \
# workstations, download configuration files to network-aware printers, \
# and to start the installation process for some operating systems.
service tftp
        socket_type        = dgram
        protocol             = udp
        wait                   = yes
        user                    = root                 #配置默认的用户
        server                 = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
        server_args        = -s /tftpboot      #配置默认的路径
        disable               = no
        per_source         = 11
        cps                     = 100 2
        flags                   = IPv4
(2) 建立/tftpboot文件夹里面必须要给予足够的rwx权限。
(3) 重启服务xinetd服务
server@ubuntu:~$ sudo service xinetd restart            
 * Stopping internet superserver xinetd           [ OK ]
 * Starting internet superserver xinetd             [ OK ]

(4) 测试利用本地服务器
server@ubuntu:~$ tftp localhost
tftp> put toy8k.wav
Sent 88152 bytes in 0.1 seconds
tftp> quit