Begining Linux Programing Chapter 3

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Error messages and diagnostics are often sent to this device.
It is an alias for the controlling terminal of a process.
All output written to this device is discarded.
Library Functions:
The library functions arrange for the low-level system calls .
The mode value given in the open call is ANDed with the inverse of the user mask value at runtime.
It provides an interface for controlling the behavior of devices and their descriptors and configuring underlying services.
The standard I/O library:
The equivalent of the low-level file descriptor is called a stream is implemnted as a pointer to a structure, a FILE *.
Three file streams are automatically opened when a program is strarted.They are stdin,stdout,stderr.
To close the specified stream,causing any unwritten data to be fgwritten.When a program ends normally,fclose is called automatically on all file streams that are still open.
causing all outstanding data on a file stream to be  written immediately. f
read a string from an input file stream.
Streams Error:
The ferror function tests the error indicator for a stream and returns nonzero if it's set,but zero otherwise.
The feof function tests the end-of-file indicator within a stream and returns nonzero if it is set,zero otherwise.
The clearerr function clears the end-of-file and error indicators for the stream to which stream points.
strerror,maps an error number into a string describing the type of error that has occurred.
perror,report in errno,into a string and prints it on the standard error stream.