
来源:互联网 发布:js push 完删除 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:08

通常我们在开发是会遇到这样的情况: 想要编辑或者删除一个dataset是,出现一个message: DATASET IN USE。想要接着做下去的话需要找到谁在占用这个ds,通知这个人让他释放开,然后才能接着做下面的。




方法1: double press PFkey F1.



 方法2: input 'WHOHAS' before your dataset name in 3.4 panel


方法3: input 'ISRDDN E' before your dataset name in 3.4 panel.


方法4: in sdsf panel input: D GRS,C,RES=(*,"dataset name'). (这个办法好像对已经产生contention的dataset可以查询,例如job和user content之类的,没办法简单的重现,具体的请参考下面的内容)。

D GRS Commands

The GRS display command can be used to display MVS resource contention information. Useful forms of this command include:
display enqueue contention. Possible responses are:
  • a display that represents jobs waiting on resources. For instance:
    S=SYSTEMS SYSVTOC  SYSRESSYSNAME   JOBNAME         ASID     TCBADDR   EXC/SHR  OWN/WAITSYSX      JOB1            00A0      009F8418 EXCLUSIVE   OWNSYSX      JOB2            005E      009F8418 EXCLUSIVE   WAIT
    JOB2 is waiting for JOB1 to release a resource (SYSVTOC,SYSRES). Both jobs require exclusive use of this resource.

D GRS,RES=(qname,rname)
display the use of a given resource. For example, D GRS,RES=(SYSDSN,SYS1.HELP) would display allocations to dataset SYS1.HELP. You can use * for either rname or qname, but you should be careful with the use of * as you can easily generate an excessive amount of console output.

Sample output:

S=SYSTEM  SYSDSN   SYS1.HELP SYSNAME   JOBNAME         ASID     TCBADDR   EXC/SHR    STATUS SYSX      TSOUSERA         0060     009FDE88   SHARE      OWN SYSX      TSOUSERB         0050     009FBE88   SHARE      OWN
There are two users making shared use of this resource. No one is waiting.

The value in the EXC/SHR field will be either SHARE or EXCLUSIVE. The value in the STATUS field will usually be either OWN or WAIT.

D GRS,DEV=devnum
displays reserves for the given device unit number.