
来源:互联网 发布:小狐仙软件标准版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 16:56



      1 <!-- name of the output .jar file -->

<property name="jar.name" value="ourjarfile.jar" /> <!-- base directory for distribution target --> <property name="dist.home" value="dist" /> <!-- base directory for compilation targets --> <property name="build.home" value="target" /> <!-- The base directory for all libraries (jar) files --> <property name="lib.home" value="lib" />


<target name="jar" depends="compile" description="Create jar and MANIFEST.MF">       <!-- create a property containing all .jar files, prefix lib/, and seperated with a space -->    <pathconvert property="libs.project" pathsep=" ">      <mapper>        <chainedmapper>         <!-- remove absolute path -->         <flattenmapper />         <!-- add lib/ prefix -->         <globmapper from="*" to="lib/*" />       </chainedmapper>     </mapper>     <path>       <!-- lib.home contains all jar files, in several subdirectories -->       <fileset dir="${lib.home}">         <include name="**/*.jar" />       </fileset>     </path>   </pathconvert>   <!-- create the jar -->   <jar jarfile="${build.home}/${jar.name}" basedir="${build.home}/classes">     <!-- define MANIFEST.MF -->     <manifest>       <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />       <attribute name="Main-Class" value="my.path.to.the.main.Application" />       <section name="common">         <attribute name="Specification-Title" value="${component.name}" />         <attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${component.version}" />         <attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value="${component.vendor}" />         <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${component.name}" />         <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${component.version} ${TODAY}" />         <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${component.vendor}" />       </section>       <!-- finally, use the magically generated libs path -->       <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${libs.project}" />     </manifest>   </jar> </target>

第三步,执行主程序,在控制台中输入 java -jar 主程序.jar -Xms128M -Xmx256m.在这里我们就不用一一输入主程序引用的第三方包了,我们已经在主程序jar中的MANIFEST.MF文件中定义了Class-Path属性,这里列出了所有的第三方包.

