Eclipse debug报ThreadPoolExecutor$ exception

来源:互联网 发布:java求100 200的素数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 11:19
Eclipse  debug 模式的线程经常会停在 ThreadPoolExecutor$ 这是因未捕获异常导致的. 

Configuring the behavior of Eclipse is straightforward - in the Preferences Dialog, the Debug pane under Java in the tree hierarchy, has the option titled "Suspend execution on uncaught exceptions", which can be unchecked. 

打开eclipse参数面板,搜索 debug 找到 java---->debug--->"Suspend execution on uncaught exceptions" 把前面的勾去掉. 

资料地址: blocks-on-threadpoolexecutor-without-any-obvious-exception 