
来源:互联网 发布:防范电信网络诈骗征文 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 01:18
//===========================================================  // File: TIB.H  // Author: Matt Pietrek  // From: Microsoft Systems Journal "Under the Hood", May 1996  //===========================================================  #pragmapack(1)    typedefstruct_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD  {  struct_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD * pNext;  FARPROC                                 pfnHandler;  } EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD, *PEXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD;    typedefstruct_TIB  {  PEXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD pvExcept;// 00h Head of exception record list  PVOID   pvStackUserTop;        // 04h Top of user stack  PVOID   pvStackUserBase;        // 08h Base of user stack    union                          // 0Ch (NT/Win95 differences)  {  struct  // Win95 fields  {  WORD    pvTDB;          // 0Ch TDB  WORD    pvThunkSS;      // 0Eh SS selector used for thunking to 16 bits  DWORD   unknown1;      // 10h  } WIN95;    struct  // WinNT fields  {  PVOID SubSystemTib;    // 0Ch  ULONG FiberData;        // 10h  } WINNT;  } TIB_UNION1;    PVOID   pvArbitrary;            // 14h Available for application use  struct_tib *ptibSelf;          // 18h Linear address of TIB structure    union                          // 1Ch (NT/Win95 differences)  {  struct  // Win95 fields  {  WORD    TIBFlags;          // 1Ch  WORD    Win16MutexCount;    // 1Eh  DWORD   DebugContext;      // 20h  DWORD   pCurrentPriority;  // 24h  DWORD   pvQueue;            // 28h Message Queue selector  } WIN95;    struct  // WinNT fields  {  DWORD unknown1;            // 1Ch  DWORD processID;            // 20h  DWORD threadID;            // 24h  DWORD unknown2;            // 28h  } WINNT;  } TIB_UNION2;    PVOID*  pvTLSArray;            // 2Ch Thread Local Storage array    union                          // 30h (NT/Win95 differences)  {  struct  // Win95 fields  {  PVOID*  pProcess;      // 30h Pointer to owning process database  } WIN95;  } TIB_UNION3;    } TIB, *PTIB;  #pragmapack()
