
来源:互联网 发布:剑三捏脸数据成男网盘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 13:52
create table #TestA(col1 varchar(10),col2 int,col3 varchar(20))
insert into #TestA
select '111',1,'adsf' union all
select '111',2,'sdfd' union all
select '111',3,'tyuio' union all
select '112',1,'dfgg' union all
select '222',1,'sdfg' union all
select '222',2,'vbmv' union all
select '222',3,'tuyi' union all
select '200',4,'dfhfgh' union all
select '111',1,'ert' union all
select '111',2,'hjkj' union all
select '222',1,'sdfg' union all
select '222',2,'vbmv' union all
select '222',3,'tuyi' union all
select '111',1,'ppp'
select top 26 identity(int,65,1) AsciiID
into #AsciiID
from sysobjects A,sysobjects B
select *,identity(int,1,1) TID into #testAA from #testA
select *,(select count(*)
from #testAA B
where A.col1=B.col1 and A.col2=B.col2 and B.TID<=A.TID
group by B.col1,B.col2
) DoubleTime
from #testAA A
select C.col1,C.col2,C.col1+isnull(D.AsciiChar,'') NewCol1
       select *,(
       select count(*)
       from #testAA B
       where A.col1=B.col1 and A.col2=B.col2 and B.TID<=A.TID
       group by B.col1,B.col2
       ) DoubleTime
       from #testAA A
) C
left join
       select char(AsciiID) AsciiChar,AsciiID-63 TID
       from #AsciiID
) D
on C.DoubleTime=D.TID
--order by C.col1
Col1 Col2 NewCol1
111 1     111
111 2     111
111 3     111
112 1     112
222 1     222
222 2     222
222 3     222
200 4     200
111 1     111A
111 2     111A
222 1     222A
222 2     222A
222 3     222A
111 1     111B
drop table #testA
drop table #testAA
drop table #AsciiID