
来源:互联网 发布:数据库预留字段命名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 01:11



1、  document.getElementById,由于ID是页面元素的唯一性标示属性,所以这种方法返回的元素是单个的。

2、  document.getElementsByName,与ID不同,Name不是唯一标示属性,所以返回的是一个对象数组,可以从字面上看出是getElements而不是getElement;

3、  document.getElementsByTagName,与getElementsByName原理相同。


/** * readonly text box or richtext box input. *  * @param by the attribute of the element, default support is TagName/Name/Id * @param byValue the attribute value of the element * @param text the text you want to input to element * @param index the index of the elements shared the same attribute value * @throws RuntimeException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */protected void sendKeysByDOM(String by, String byValue, String text, int index) {String js = null;boolean isSucceed = false;if (by.equalsIgnoreCase("tagname")) {js = "document.getElementsByTagName('" + byValue + "')[" + index + "].value='" + text + "'";} else if (by.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) {js = "document.getElementsByName('" + byValue + "')[" + index + "].value='" + text + "'";} else if (by.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) {js = "document.getElementById('" + byValue + "').value='" + text + "'";} else {throw new IllegalArgumentException("only can find element by TagName/Name/Id");}try {driver.executeScript(js);isSucceed = true;pass("input text [ " + text + " ] to element [ " + by + " ]...");} catch (WebDriverException e) {LOG.error(e);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());}operationCheck(isSucceed);}


/** * readonly text box or richtext box input, finding elements by element id. *  * @param elementId the id of the element * @param text the text you want to input to element * @throws RuntimeException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */protected void sendKeysById(String elementId, String text) {sendKeysByDOM("Id", elementId, text, 0);}/** * readonly text box or richtext box input, finding elements by element name. *  * @param elementName the name of the element * @param text the text you want to input to element * @param elementIndex the index of the elements shared the same name, begins with 0 * @throws RuntimeException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */protected void sendKeysByName(String elementName, String text, int elementIndex) {sendKeysByDOM("Name", elementName, text, elementIndex);}/** * readonly text box or richtext box input, finding elements by element tag name. *  * @param elementTagName the tag name of the element * @param text the text you want to input to element * @param elementIndex the index of the elements shared the same tag name, begins with 0 * @throws RuntimeException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */protected void sendKeysByTagName(String elementTagName, String text, int elementIndex) {sendKeysByDOM("TagName", elementTagName, text, elementIndex);}