A re:

来源:互联网 发布:二维码数据录入 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 03:49
I just find a new blog that include some information about myself, here, I give some words:

Miss Wang:
Sorry but I am so tired since that day. I donnot want to use more words to explain my feeling, it is really a sign that stands for an end which we must face. No matter middle school or high school, every place may make us clever than before, you know my meaning. Girl, time is out, our period had become a history, maybe as your word, it is a story, but the more wanderful story is what we are writting now. YOU MUST LOVE YOUR BOYFRIEND, and SO DO I! I have a perfact life, and I enjoy it very much, I understand what is the real love, and I just want to tell you a word --- "Oberservant"! It is my love-style, and I tell you that every one love this word on their love. OK, more word is a kind of waste, I just completed a "mission" which I should to do as a classmate. I just see this article, and I want to add your BLOG address to my list, but if my girlfriend said "NO" one day, I must delete it,  that is what I understand --- "Loyal"! Thank you for your article and if my girlfriend allowed and you can, I just want to learn more about your articles.
Best Regards,
(FrontGoggle --- a blog)