
来源:互联网 发布:js数组的indexof 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 10:05



#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define TYPE char#define FORMAT "%c"#define CROSSBORDER -1#define NEGATIVE 100//链表的一个节点typedef struct list_node{    TYPE  value ;    struct list_node * next; }lnode,*ptrlnode;//链表typedef struct list{    ptrlnode head ;    int length;}list;int list_init(list *l){    l->length = 0;    l->head = 0 ;    return 0 ;}//链表分配失败的输出信息。void print_memory_fail(){    printf("Failed to allocate memory!\n");}//初始化一个节点,将节点的值设置位,并且将分贝节点的地址返回value 2012-07-30struct  lnode * list_node(TYPE value ){    lnode * current  = (lnode *)malloc(sizeof(lnode));    if(NULL == current ) {print_memory_fail();exit(0);}    current->value = value;    current->next = NULL;    return current;}//将 value的值查出到链表l的末尾int list_insert_tail(list *l,TYPE value){    ptrlnode tmp,item;    item = l->head;    tmp=(lnode *) malloc(sizeof(lnode));    if(NULL == tmp){printf("Failed to allocate memory!\n");exit(0);};    tmp->value = value;    tmp->next = NULL ;    //检查链表是否为空    if(item)    {        while(item->next)        {            item= item->next;        }        item->next = tmp;l->length++;    }    else    { l->head = tmp;l->length =1;}    return 0;}//l:节点n所在的链表,n:在其后面添加节点了, value:要插入节点值 2012-07-30int list_insert_node_tail(list * l,ptrlnode n , TYPE value){    ptrlnode tmp_node ;    tmp_node = (lnode *)malloc(sizeof(lnode));    if(NULL == tmp_node ){printf("Failed to allocate memeory!\n");exit(0);}    tmp_node ->value = value ;    tmp_node ->next = n->next;    n->next = tmp_node ;    l->length ++;    return 0;}//l:节点n所在的链表,n:在其后面添加节点了, value:要插入节点值 2012-07-30int list_insert_node_location(list * l,lnode *current , unsigned int loc){    lnode * pre_node;    int i;    if(0>=loc || l->length < loc)    {        printf("Cross-border!\n");        return CROSSBORDER;    }    else    {        if(1 == loc)        {            current->next=l->head;            l->head =current;            l->length++;            return 0;        }        pre_node = l->head;        for(i=1;i<loc;i++)        {            pre_node = pre_node->next ;        }        current->next = pre_node->next;        pre_node->next = current ;        l->length ++;    }    return 0 ;}//在链表l中的current节点后面添加节点insert节点 2012-07-30int list_insert_node(list *l,lnode * current,lnode * insert){    insert ->next = current->next ;    current->next =insert ;    l->length++;    return 0;}//在将value的值新建一个节点并且作为链表的头,其余节点后移int list_insert_head(list *l,TYPE value ){    ptrlnode tmp_node;        tmp_node=(lnode *) malloc(sizeof(lnode));    if(NULL == tmp_node){printf("Failed to allocate memory!\n");exit(0);};    tmp_node ->value = value ;    l->length++;    tmp_node->next=l->head;    l->head = tmp_node;    return 0 ;}//在链表l中的loc新建一个节点并且值为n。其余节点后移(包括本节点)int list_insert_location(list *l,int loc,TYPE value){    ptrlnode tmpnode =NULL;    ptrlnode pre_node=NULL;    int i;    if(0>=loc || l->length < loc)    {        printf("Cross-border!\n");        return CROSSBORDER;    }    else    {        tmpnode = (lnode *) malloc (sizeof(lnode));        if(NULL==tmpnode){printf("Failed to allocate memory!\n");exit(0);}        tmpnode->value = value ;        if(1 == loc)        {tmpnode->next = l->head;l->head=tmpnode;l->length++;return 0;}        pre_node = l->head;        for(i=1;i<loc;i++)        {            pre_node = pre_node->next ;        }        tmpnode->next = pre_node->next;        pre_node->next = tmpnode ;        l->length ++;    }    return 0 ;}//查询value值在链表l中出现的次数,返回值value出现的次数,0没有出现,最多出现unsigned intunsigned int list_find_value_count(list l,TYPE value){    int i ,count=0;    for(i=0;i<l.length;i++)    {        if(value == l.head->value)count ++;        l.head = l.head->next;    }    return count;}//查询值value在链表l中第一次出现的位,没有出现的值返回0int list_find_value_first_location(list l,TYPE value){    int i;    for(i=0;i<l.length;i++)    {        if(value == l.head->value) return i+1;        l.head = l.head->next;    }    return 0;}//查询值value在链表l中第n次出现的位置,如果没有第n次,返回0,有返回位置int list_find_value_location(list l,unsigned int n,TYPE value){    int i,count =0;    for(i=0;l.length;i++)    {        if(value == l.head->value)        {            if(n == ++count)return i+1;        }    }    return 0;}//得到链表l中第loc个位置的值,为零时候提示出错,将结果写到result中int list_get_value(list l,unsigned  int loc,TYPE * result){    int i;    if(0==loc) {return CROSSBORDER;}    for(i=0;i<loc-1;i++)    {            l.head = l.head->next;    }    *result = l.head->value;    return 0;}//删除链表l中第loc个节点,后面的节点补上。int list_delete(list *l,int loc){    int i;    ptrlnode tmpnode = NULL;    ptrlnode freenode =NULL;    tmpnode = l->head;        if(0>=loc || loc >l->length)    {        printf("cross-border!\n");        return CROSSBORDER;    }    else if(1==loc)    {        freenode =l->head;        l->head = (l->head)->next;    }    else    {            for(i=1;i<loc-1;i++)        {            tmpnode = tmpnode->next;        }        freenode =tmpnode->next;        if(freenode) tmpnode->next =freenode->next; else tmpnode->next = NULL;    }    free(freenode);    l->length --;    return 0;}//删除链表l中第一个值是value值的节点 2012-07-30int list_delete_first(list *l,TYPE value){    int i;    ptrlnode tmpnode = NULL;    ptrlnode freenode =NULL;    tmpnode = l->head->next;        if(value  ==  l->head->value)    { freenode = l->head;l->head = tmpnode;}    else    {        for(i=1;i<l->length-1;i++)        {            tmpnode = tmpnode->next;        }        freenode =tmpnode->next;        if(freenode) tmpnode->next =freenode->next; else tmpnode->next = NULL;    }    free(freenode);    l->length --;    return 0;}//打印链表void list_print(list l){    char *str;    char *p;    int i;        if(1 !=sizeof(TYPE))    {        ptrlnode node = l.head;        while(node)        {            printf(FORMAT,node->value );            node = node ->next;        }    }    else    {        str = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*l.length);        if(NULL != str)        {            for(i=0;i<l.length;i++)            {                str[i]=l.head->value;                l.head = l.head->next;            }        }    }    printf("%s\n",str);}//链表逆转//原理:源:head -> 1 -> 2 ->3 -> 4 -> null;//第一步: null <- 1 <- 2 , 3 ->4 - null;//第二步: null <- 1 <- 2 <- 3, 4 - null;//第三步: null <- 1 <- 2 <- 3 <- 5;//最后一步: head -> 5;void list_reverse(list *l){    int length = l->length;    int i;    ptrlnode tmphead = NULL;    ptrlnode node ;    ptrlnode head = l->head;    for(i =0;i<l->length;i++)    {        node = head;        head = head ->next;        node->next = tmphead ;        tmphead = node ;    }    l->head = tmphead ;}//将源链表中source拷贝到链表dest中的,但是主要我没有释放dest原有的空间,//学要保证dest本身为空,source与dest并没有共享空间。void list_copy(list  source,list * dest){    ptrlnode snode = source.head;    ptrlnode dest_node,tmpnode ;    if(snode)    {        dest->head = dest_node=tmpnode = (ptrlnode )malloc(sizeof(lnode));        if(NULL == tmpnode){printf("Failed to allocate memory!\n");exit(0);}        tmpnode->value = snode->value;        snode=snode->next;        while(snode)        {            tmpnode = (ptrlnode )malloc(sizeof(lnode));            if(NULL == tmpnode){printf("Failed to allocate memory!\n");exit(0);}            tmpnode ->value = snode->value ;            dest_node ->next= tmpnode;            dest_node = tmpnode ;            snode = snode ->next;        }    }    dest->length=source.length;}//复制链表source中的从start开始的len元素到链表result中,如果len多于剩下的元素,//复制余下所有的元素int list_sub(list *source,list *result,int start ,int len){    //源链表的节点,用于分配空间的节点,目标链表的前一个节点    ptrlnode source_node,tmp_node,result_previous;    int i;    if(0>=start || start > source->length){printf("start is error \n");return CROSSBORDER;}    if(len >(source->length-start))len = source ->length -start+1;    source_node = source->head;    //找到第一个需要复制的节点    for(i=1;i<start;i++)    {        source_node=source_node->next;    }    //复制节点    result->head=result_previous = tmp_node=(ptrlnode) malloc(sizeof(lnode));    if(NULL == tmp_node){print_memory_fail();exit(0);}    tmp_node->value = source_node->value;    source_node =source_node->next;    for(i=1;i<len;i++)    {        tmp_node=(ptrlnode) malloc(sizeof(ptrlnode));        if(NULL == tmp_node){print_memory_fail();exit(0);}        tmp_node->value = source_node->value;        source_node =source_node->next;        result_previous->next = tmp_node;        result_previous =tmp_node;    }    result->length =len;    return 0;}//将链表l的元素合并到链表result后面。int list_merger_tail(list l,list *result){    ptrlnode tmp_node ,result_previous;    int i;    if(0==l.length)return 0;    result_previous = result->head;    for(i=1;i<result->length;i++)        result_previous = result_previous->next;        for(i=0;i<l.length;i++)    {        tmp_node =(ptrlnode)malloc(sizeof(lnode));        if(NULL == tmp_node){print_memory_fail();exit(0);}        tmp_node->value =l.head->value ;        result_previous->next = tmp_node;        result_previous=tmp_node;        l.head = l.head->next;    }    result->length +=l.length;    return 0 ;}//销毁链表l,释放空间void list_destory(list * l){    ptrlnode free_node ;    while(l->head)    {        free_node=l->head;        l->head=(l->head)->next;        free(free_node);    }    l->length=0;}