
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝商品上架 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:50



import QtQuick 1.0import Qt3D 1.0import Qt3D.Shapes 1.0Rectangle {    id: topLevel    width: 800; height: 480   //数据模型    ListModel {        id: dynamicModel        ListElement { x:0; y:0; z:0; color:"#ffffff"}    }    function addItem() {        var newModelData = {                                    "x": navigator.currentX/5,                                    "y": navigator.currentY/5,                                    "z": navigator.currentZ/5,                                    "color": colorPicker.currentColor        }        dynamicModel.append( newModelData );        viewport.update3d();    }    //立方体元素组件    Component {        id: cubeDelegate        Cube {            id: item            x: model.x;y: model.y; z: model.z;            effect: Effect {                id: itemEffect                color: model.color                blending: true            }            scale:  1 / 5            enabled: index != -1            // You can have your own functions, signals, animations etc.            onClicked: {               onClicked: console.log("Cube("+index+") color: " + itemEffect.color);                removeAnimation.start();            }            SequentialAnimation  {                id: removeAnimation                ColorAnimation { target: itemEffect; property: "color" ;from: model.color; to: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0); duration: 500 }                ScriptAction { script: {                        dynamicModel.remove(index);                        viewport.update3d();                    }                }            }            Component.onCompleted: {                console.log("Cube Completed");            }        }    } //--cubeDelegate end    //三维视图    Viewport {        id: viewport        picking: true        blending: true        Repeater {            delegate: cubeDelegate            model: dynamicModel        }        anchors.left: controlPanel.right        anchors.right: parent.right        anchors.top: parent.top        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom        camera: Camera {            id: main_camera            eye: Qt.vector3d(0, 4, 12)        }    }   //颜色框 导航按钮以及说明    Rectangle {        id: controlPanel        color: "#ffffff"        width: 210        anchors.top: parent.top        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom        anchors.left: parent.left        Rectangle {            id: colorPicker            color: "white"            height: sliderContainter.height + titleText.height + 5            anchors.margins: 5            anchors.left: parent.left            anchors.right: parent.right            anchors.top: parent.top            Text {                id: titleText                text: qsTr("Color Picker")                font.bold: true                anchors.top: parent.top                anchors.left:parent.left                anchors.margins: 5            }            property color currentColor: "white"            property real currentRed:       1.0            property real currentGreen:    1.0            property real currentBlue:      1.0            property real currentAlpha:    1.0            // We use Qt.rgba() to build the colour, which breaks the bindings,            // so we update manually when the color components change.            //和上面的属性绑定,当改变时自动调用            onCurrentRedChanged: updateColor();            onCurrentGreenChanged: updateColor();            onCurrentBlueChanged: updateColor();            onCurrentAlphaChanged: updateColor();            function updateColor() {                currentColor = Qt.rgba( colorPicker.currentRed,                                                   colorPicker.currentGreen,                                                   colorPicker.currentBlue,                                                   colorPicker.currentAlpha);                redSlider.updateColors();                greenSlider.updateColors();                blueSlider.updateColors();                swatch.color = currentColor;            }            Rectangle {                id: swatch                anchors.margins: 5                height: 90                y: 5                border.width: 2                border.color: "black"                color: Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                               colorPicker.currentGreen,                               colorPicker.currentBlue,                               colorPicker.currentAlpha);                anchors.top: parent.top                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom                anchors.right: parent.right                anchors.left: sliderContainter.right            }            Rectangle {                id: sliderContainter                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom                width: 125                height: 110                Rectangle {                    id: redSlider                    property real currentValue: 1.0                    rotation: -90                    x: 30                    y: -20                    height: 80                    width: 30                    border.width: 2                    border.color: "black"                    radius: 5                    property color zeroColor: Qt.rgba(0,                                                      colorPicker.currentGreen,                                                      colorPicker.currentBlue,                                                      colorPicker.currentAlpha)                    property color fullColor: Qt.rgba(1.0,                                                      colorPicker.currentGreen,                                                      colorPicker.currentBlue,                                                      colorPicker.currentAlpha)                    function updateColors()                    {                        zeroColor = Qt.rgba(0,                                            colorPicker.currentGreen,                                            colorPicker.currentBlue,                                            colorPicker.currentAlpha);                        fullColor = Qt.rgba(1.0,                                            colorPicker.currentGreen,                                            colorPicker.currentBlue,                                            colorPicker.currentAlpha);                    }                    //定义一个颜色梯度                    gradient: Gradient {                        GradientStop {                            position: 0.0                            color: redSlider.zeroColor}                        GradientStop {                            position: 1.0                            color: redSlider.fullColor                        }                    }                    MouseArea {                        anchors.fill: parent                        onMousePositionChanged: {                            redSlider.currentValue = mouseY / redSlider.height;                            colorPicker.currentRed = redSlider.currentValue;                        }                    }                }                Rectangle {                    id: redSwatch                    width: redSlider.width                    height: redSlider.width                    color: Qt.rgba(1.0, 0, 0);                    border.width: 2                    border.color: "black"                    x: redSlider.height + 10                    y: 5                    radius: 5                    MouseArea {                        anchors.fill: parent                        onClicked: {colorPicker.currentRed = 1.0;                            colorPicker.currentGreen = 0;                            colorPicker.currentBlue = 0}                    }                }                Rectangle {                    id: greenSlider                    rotation: -90                    x: 30                    y: 15                    height: 80                    width: 30                    property color zeroColor: Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                                                      0.0,                                                      colorPicker.currentBlue,                                                      colorPicker.currentAlpha)                    property color fullColor: Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                                                      1.0,                                                      colorPicker.currentBlue,                                                      colorPicker.currentAlpha)                    function updateColors()                    {                        zeroColor = Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                                            0.0,                                            colorPicker.currentBlue,                                            colorPicker.currentAlpha);                        fullColor = Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                                            1.0,                                            colorPicker.currentBlue,                                            colorPicker.currentAlpha);                    }                    gradient: Gradient {                        GradientStop {                            position: 0.0                            color: greenSlider.zeroColor                        }                        GradientStop {                            position: 1.0                            color: greenSlider.fullColor                        }                    }                    border.width: 2                    border.color: "black"                    radius: 5                    MouseArea {                        anchors.fill: parent                        onMousePositionChanged: {                            colorPicker.currentGreen = mouseY / greenSlider.height;                        }                    }                }                Rectangle {                    id: greenSwatch                    width: greenSlider.width                    height: greenSlider.width                    color: Qt.rgba(0, 1, 0);                    border.width: 2                    border.color: "black"                    x: greenSlider.height + 10                    y: 40                    radius: 5                    MouseArea {                        anchors.fill: parent                        onClicked: {                            colorPicker.currentRed = 0;                            colorPicker.currentGreen = 1;                            colorPicker.currentBlue = 0                        }                    }                }                Rectangle {                    id: blueSlider                    rotation: -90                    x: 30                    y: 50                    height: 80                    width: 30                    property color zeroColor: Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                                                      colorPicker.currentGreen,                                                      0.0,                                                      colorPicker.currentAlpha)                    property color fullColor: Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                                                      colorPicker.currentGreen,                                                      1.0,                                                      colorPicker.currentAlpha)                    function updateColors()                    {                        zeroColor = Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                                            colorPicker.currentGreen,                                            0.0,                                            colorPicker.currentAlpha);                        fullColor = Qt.rgba(colorPicker.currentRed,                                            colorPicker.currentGreen,                                            1.0,                                            colorPicker.currentAlpha);                    }                    gradient: Gradient {                        GradientStop {                            position: 0.0                            color: blueSlider.zeroColor                        }                        GradientStop {                            position: 1.0                            color: blueSlider.fullColor                        }                    }                    border.width: 2                    border.color: "black"                    radius: 5                    MouseArea {                        anchors.fill: parent                        onClicked: {                            colorPicker.currentBlue =                                    mouseY / blueSlider.height;                        }                        onMousePositionChanged: {                            colorPicker.currentBlue =                                    mouseY / blueSlider.height;                        }                    }                }                Rectangle {                    id: blueSwatch                    width: blueSlider.width                    height: blueSlider.width                    color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 1);                    border.width: 2                    border.color: "black"                    x: blueSlider.height + 10                    y: 75                    radius: 5                    MouseArea {                        anchors.fill: parent                        onClicked: {                            colorPicker.currentRed = 0;                            colorPicker.currentGreen = 0;                            colorPicker.currentBlue = 1                        }                    }                }            }        }        //导航        Rectangle {            id: navigator            height: 200            anchors.margins: 5            anchors.top: colorPicker.bottom            anchors.left: parent.left            anchors.right: parent.right            // These properties contain are used by the modelview to populate            // new elements            property int currentX:0;            property int currentY:0;            property int currentZ:0;            property int buttonWidth: 45            property int buttonHeight: 30            Button {                width: navigator.buttonWidth                height: navigator.buttonHeight                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter                anchors.top: parent.top                text: qsTr("Up")                onClicked: {                    navigator.currentY += 1;                    topLevel.addItem();                }            }            Button {                width: navigator.buttonWidth                height: navigator.buttonHeight                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom                text: qsTr("Down")                onClicked: {                    navigator.currentY -= 1;                    topLevel.addItem();                }            }            Button {                width: navigator.buttonWidth                height: navigator.buttonHeight                anchors.left: parent.left                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter                text: qsTr("Left")                onClicked: {                    navigator.currentX -= 1;                    topLevel.addItem();                }            }            Button {                width: navigator.buttonWidth                height: navigator.buttonHeight                anchors.right: parent.right                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter                text: qsTr("Right")                onClicked: {                    navigator.currentX += 1;                    topLevel.addItem();                }            }            Button {                width: navigator.buttonWidth                height: navigator.buttonHeight                anchors.right: parent.right                anchors.top: parent.top                text: qsTr("In")                onClicked: {                    navigator.currentZ -= 1;                    topLevel.addItem();                }            }            Button {                width: navigator.buttonWidth                height: navigator.buttonHeight                anchors.left: parent.left                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom                text: qsTr("Out")                onClicked: {                    navigator.currentZ += 1;                    topLevel.addItem();                }            }            Image {                id: axesImage                anchors.centerIn: parent                source: "axes.png"                property color buttonColor: "#448888"            }        }        //说明文字        Rectangle {            id: instructions            anchors.margins: 5            anchors.top: navigator.bottom            anchors.left: parent.left            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom            anchors.right: navigator.right            Text {                anchors.fill: parent                id: instructionsText                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap                text: qsTr("Use this navigator to create new boxes and move around"                           + " 3d space.\n"                           + "Use the color picker to change the color of "                           + "generated cubes."                           //                       + "\n  Click on cubes to remove them from the scene."                           )            }        }    }}



import QtQuick 1.0Rectangle {    id: button    color: mouseArea.pressed ? "#000000" : "#ffffff"    border.width: 1    anchors.margins: 5    radius: 5    property alias text : text.text //页面显示的文字    signal clicked; //单击信号    Text {        id: text        color: mouseArea.pressed ? "#ffffff" : "#000000";        anchors.centerIn: parent        text: qsTr("A Button")    }    MouseArea {        id: mouseArea        anchors.fill: parent        onClicked: button.clicked()    }}







 propertyrealcurrentRed:      1.0



2. 通过Repeater动态向Viewport中添加三维元素



