
来源:互联网 发布:抢号软件编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 06:58

Join Expressions

select *

from student, takes

where student.ID =takes.ID;


select *

from student natural join takes;


select *

from student join takes using (ID);


select *

from student jointakes on student.ID=takes.ID;


Danger in natural join: beware of unrelatedattributes with same name which get equated incorrectly.

The difference between  join…on and natural join is that the resultof join…on has the ID attribute listed twice.


Outer Joins(外连接)

An extension of thejoin operation that avoids loss of information. (避免信息丢失)

FullOuter Join(全外连接)

Left OuterJoin(左外连接)

Right OuterJoin(右外连接)

例如:1.Display a list of all students in the Comp. Sci. department, alongwith the course sections, if any, that they have taken in Spring 2009; allcourse sections from Spring 2009 must be displayed, even if no student from theComp. Sci. department has taken the course section.

select *

    from (select*

            from student

            where dept name= ‟Comp. Sci‟)

             naturalfull outer join


            from takes

            where semester = ‟Spring‟ and year = 2009);


Findall students who have not taken a course.

     select ID

   from studentleft outer join takes on student.ID=takes.ID

   wherecourse_id is null;





The default jointype, when the join clause is used without the outer prefix is the inner join.


select *

from student join takes on student.ID=takes.ID


select *

from student inner join takes on student.ID=takes.ID;




In some cases, it isnot desirable(令人满意的) for all users to see the entire logical model.


A viewprovides a mechanism to hide certain data from the view of certain users.



SQL provides thecreate view command to create a view, which is stored in the database in thelong

run :

createview v as <query expression>

l<queryexpression> is any legal expression

lthe view nameis represented by v

例如:A view of instructors without their salary:

create view facultyas 

    select ID, name, dept_name

    from instructor


Createa view of department salary totals :

create view  departments_total_salary(dept_name,total_salary) as    

selectdept_name, sum (salary)    


groupby dept_name;




View definition isnot the same as creating a new relation by evaluating the query expression.

Rather, a viewdefinition causes the saving of an expression; the expression is substitutedinto queries using the view. (存储的是表达式)


Views Defined Using Other Views(用其他的视图来创建视图)

create view physics_fall_2009 as

   select course.course_id, sec_id, building,room_number

   from course, section

   where course.course_id = section.course_id

              andcourse.dept_name = ‟Physics‟

              andsection.semester = ‟Fall‟

              and section.year= ‟2009‟;


create viewphysics_fall_2009_watson as

    select course_id, room_number

    from physics_fall_2009

    where building= ‟Watson‟;


create viewphysics_fall_2009_watson as

      select course_id, room_number


(selectcourse.course_id, building, room_number

          from course, section

          where course.course_id =section.course_id

               andcourse.dept_name = ‟Physics‟

               andsection.semester = ‟Fall‟

               andsection.year = ‟2009‟)

      where building= ‟Watson‟;



Materialized Views(物化视图)

Materializinga view: create a physical table containing all the tuples in the result of thequery defining the view.


If relations used in the query are updated, thematerialized view result becomes out of date.

So in order to maintain the view, we need to updatethe view whenever the underlying relations are updated.



The Drop Viewcommand deletes the definition the view from the data dictionary.

drop view view_name;



Adda new tuple to faculty view which we defined earlier.

insert into faculty values (‟30765‟,‟Green‟, ‟Music‟);


Two reasonableapproaches:

– Reject theinsertion 

– Insert the tuple

(‟30765‟, ‟Green‟, ‟Music‟, null)

  into the instructor relation


ButSome Updates cannot be Translated Uniquely.


create view instructor_info as

        select ID, name,building

       from instructor, department


insert into instructor_info values (‟69987‟,‟White‟, ‟Taylor‟); 插入这条语句。

l which department, if multipledepartments in Taylor?

l what if nodepartment is in Taylor?


MostSQL implementations allow updates only on simple views, said to be updatable.

– The from clausehas only one database relation. 

– The select clausecontains only attribute names of the relation, and does not have anyexpressions, aggregates(聚集), or distinct specification.

– Any attribute notlisted in the select clause can be set to null. 

– The query does nothave a group by or having clause.



create viewhistory_instructors as

   select *

   from instructor

   where dept_name= ‟History‟;

if we insert (‟25566‟, ‟Brown‟, ‟Biology‟, 100000) intohistory_instructors, database may reject this query.

实际上在插入数据时,数据库系统都会对插入数据和视图进行检查,如果不满足数据库所定义的规则,那么数据库将不会执行这条插入语句。 if a tuple inserted into the view doesnot satisfy the view‟swhere clause condition, theinsertion is rejected by the database system.