Oracle Workflow Demo (2) - Function

来源:互联网 发布:泰克网络实验室靠谱吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 21:49

之前写了一篇工作流的Demo文章 - Oracle Workflow Demo (1) - 一个简单的请假申请工作流 ,这篇文章在那个工作流的基础上增加一些功能。



然后在流程图中,新增一个Function图标,并关联上边新创建的Function,如果Result Type为True则继续流程,如果为False,则终止。

接下定义PTLEAVE Package,这个Package用于查找Employee的上级经理是谁,注意Procedure的格式是严格规定的,包括次序

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE PTLEAVE AS  Procedure find_approver(itemtype in varchar2,                          itemkey in varchar2,                          actid   in number,                          funcmode in varchar2,                          resultout out varchar2);END PTLEAVE;/CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY PTLEAVE AS    --Find Who is the manager of Employee  --Input/Output Parameter must follow below format  Procedure find_approver(itemtype in varchar2,                          itemkey in varchar2,                          actid   in number,                          funcmode in varchar2,                          resultout out varchar2) AS     v_manager varchar2(30);     v_employee varchar2(30);  BEGIN        If funcmode in ('RUN','RETRY') THEN      --Get Employee attribute value      v_employee:=wf_engine.getItemAttrText(itemtype ,itemkey,'EMPLOYEE');            --Find Who is Manager      select m.user_name        into v_manager        from fnd_user u, per_all_assignments_f a, fnd_user m       where u.user_name=v_employee         and u.employee_id=a.person_id         and m.employee_id=a.supervisor_id         and a.effective_end_date>sysdate       ;      if v_manager is null then        resultout:='COMPLETE:F';      ELSE        ----Assign Manager to MANAGER attribute         wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype ,itemkey,'MANAGER',v_manager);        resultout:='COMPLETE:T';      end if;    end if;  exception    when others then    resultout:='ERROR:'||sqlcode;  END find_approver;END PTLEAVE;/



Workflow Demo File: TPLEAVE_Sample2.wft