js 设计模式 第十二章 Decorator Pattern

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝xbox one手柄真假 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 08:34


当我们想给类增加新功能时,我们可以通过派生类实现。但是用了Decorator Pattern ,我们不用派生各种新的类。


1 需要为类增加新特性,但是为新特新子类化,不实际。

2 为函数添加功能,而不需要重写函数


Decorator Pattern 引入了两个名词:

component ,即装饰类用来修饰的主体

装饰类对象可以代替component,因为他们都实现了同样的接口,这是Decorator Pattern 的关键。我们可以形象的思考,一个装饰类为什么要实现同component一样的接口?

当一个component 被修饰后,他还可以继续被其他的装饰修饰,so,被修饰的component应该还是component,这个通过实现同样的接口,能起到这样的目的,这是is-a的关系。


以下是factory pattern 中,自行车店的例子。现在升级了,店面为自行车提供了非常多的零部件供安装,比如车头灯、车尾灯、车篮等。

var AcmeBicycleShop = function() {};extend(AcmeBicycleShop, BicycleShop);AcmeBicycleShop.prototype.createBicycle = function(model) {    var bicycle;    switch(model) {       case 'The Speedster':            bicycle = new AcmeSpeedster();            break;       case 'The Lowrider':            bicycle = new AcmeLowrider();            break;       case 'The Flatlander':            bicycle = new AcmeFlatlander();            break;        case 'The Comfort Cruiser':        default:            bicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser();    }    Interface.ensureImplements(bicycle, Bicycle);    return bicycle;};



var AcmeComfortCruiser = function() { ... }; // The superclass for all of the// other comfort cruisersvar AcmeComfortCruiserWithHeadlight = function() { ... };var AcmeComfortCruiserWithTaillight = function() { ... };var AcmeComfortCruiserWithHeadlightAndTaillight = function() { ... };var AcmeComfortCruiserWithBasket = function() { ... };var AcmeComfortCruiserWithHeadlightAndBasket = function() { ... };var AcmeComfortCruiserWithTaillightAndBasket = function() { ... };var AcmeComfortCruiserWithHeadlightTaillightAndBasket = function() { ... };var AcmeComfortCruiserWithBell = function() { ... };


Decorator Pattern 是实现这个零部件的理想选择。用Decorator Pattern ,我们不用为自行车和零部件的每个组合新建类,我们仅仅为零部件创造几个类即可


用Decorator Pattern 创建的新类,它必须实现像其他自行车类一样实现Bicycle Interface的方法。

/* The Bicycle interface. */var Bicycle = new Interface('Bicycle', ['assemble', 'wash', 'ride', 'repair','getPrice']);


/* The BicycleDecorator abstract decorator class. */var BicycleDecorator = function(bicycle) { // implements Bicycle   Interface.ensureImplements(bicycle, Bicycle);   this.bicycle = bicycle;}BicycleDecorator.prototype = {    assemble: function() {       return this.bicycle.assemble();    },wash: function() {return this.bicycle.wash();},ride: function() {return this.bicycle.ride();},repair: function() {return this.bicycle.repair();},getPrice: function() {return this.bicycle.getPrice();}};

在构造函数中,接受一个自行车对象,作为component。基类实现了Bicycle Interface,每一个方法实现,简单的调用component 的对应方法


/* HeadlightDecorator class. */var HeadlightDecorator = function(bicycle) { // implements Bicycle    this.superclass.constructor(bicycle); // Call the superclass's constructor.}extend(HeadlightDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // Extend the superclass.HeadlightDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() {    return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach headlight to handlebars.';};HeadlightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() {    return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 15.00;};

车头灯装饰类,重写了assemble 和 getPrice 方法。两个方法都是先调用component 的对应方法,然后加上自己的一些特性。


1 实例化一个自行车

2 用1创建的自行车,实例化车头灯装饰类


var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle.alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Returns 399.00myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object.alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Now returns 414.00



/* TaillightDecorator class. */var TaillightDecorator = function(bicycle) { // implements Bicycle    this.superclass.constructor(bicycle); // Call the superclass's constructor.}extend(TaillightDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // Extend the superclass.TaillightDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() {    return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach taillight to the seat post.';};TaillightDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() {    return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 9.00;};


var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle.alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Returns 399.00myBicycle = new TaillightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object// with a taillight.alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Now returns 408.00myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object// again, now with a headlight.alert(myBicycle.getPrice()); // Now returns 423.00

我们知道,装饰类和component 都实现了同样的接口。但是,如果装饰类,想增加新的方法,怎么办?

/* BellDecorator class. */var BellDecorator = function(bicycle) { // implements Bicycle    this.superclass.constructor(bicycle); // Call the superclass's constructor.}extend(BellDecorator, BicycleDecorator); // Extend the superclass.BellDecorator.prototype.assemble = function() {    return this.bicycle.assemble() + ' Attach bell to handlebars.';};BellDecorator.prototype.getPrice = function() {    return this.bicycle.getPrice() + 6.00;};BellDecorator.prototype.ringBell = function() {    return 'Bell rung.';};

var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle.myBicycle = new BellDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object// with a bell.alert(myBicycle.ringBell()); // Returns 'Bell rung.'

var myBicycle = new AcmeComfortCruiser(); // Instantiate the bicycle.myBicycle = new BellDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object// with a bell.myBicycle = new HeadlightDecorator(myBicycle); // Decorate the bicycle object// with a headlight.alert(myBicycle.ringBell()); // Method not found.


我们可以改造BicycleDecortor 的构造函数,通过检测component的方法,来扩张装饰类的方法

/* The BicycleDecorator abstract decorator class, improved. */var BicycleDecorator = function(bicycle) { // implements Bicyclethis.bicycle = bicycle;this.interface = Bicycle;// Loop through all of the attributes of this.bicycle and create pass-through// methods for any methods that aren't currently implemented.outerloop: for(var key in this.bicycle) {// Ensure that the property is a function.   if(typeof this.bicycle[key] !== 'function') {        continue outerloop;   }// Ensure that the method isn't in the interface.   for(var i = 0, len = this.interface.methods.length; i < len; i++) {      if(key === this.interface.methods[i]) {            continue outerloop;      }    }// Add the new method.   var that = this;   (function(methodName) {       that[methodName] = function() {           return that.bicycle[methodName]();       };   })(key);  }}


Decorator Pattern 不仅仅使用于类,它同样适用于函数

function Decorators


function upperCaseDecorator(func){     return function(){         return func.apply(this,arguments).toUpperCase();     }}


function getDate() {    return (new Date()).toString();}


getDateCaps = upperCaseDecorator(getDate);


alert(getDate()); // Returns Wed Sep 26 2007 20:11:02 GMT-0700 (PDT)alert(getDateCaps()); // Returns WED SEP 26 2007 20:11:02 GMT-0700 (PDT)

最后,看一个method profiler 的例子,用来统计component中,各函数的执行时间

/* MethodProfiler class. */var MethodProfiler = function(component) {    this.component = component;    this.timers = {};    for(var key in this.component) {        // Ensure that the property is a function.       if(typeof this.component[key] !== 'function') {             continue;       }       // Add the method.       var that = this;(function(methodName) {    that[methodName] = function() {    that.startTimer(methodName);    var returnValue = that.component[methodName].apply(that.component,arguments);    that.displayTime(methodName, that.getElapsedTime(methodName));    return returnValue;    };})(key); }};MethodProfiler.prototype = {    startTimer: function(methodName) {        this.timers[methodName] = (new Date()).getTime();    },    getElapsedTime: function(methodName) {        return (new Date()).getTime() - this.timers[methodName];    },    displayTime: function(methodName, time) {         console.log(methodName + ': ' + time + ' ms');    }};


var shape = function(){};shape.prototype.drawCircle = function(){};shape.prototype.drawRectangle = function(){};

可以利用上面的method profiler ,来统计shape 的各个方法的执行时间

var s = new shape();s = new Methodprofiler(s);s.drawCircle();//Displays "buildList: 287 ms".s.drawRectangle();//Displays "buildList: xxx ms".
