
来源:互联网 发布:全景图算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 02:40



委托用于将方法作为参数传递给其他方法。事件处理程序就是通过委托调用的方法。您可以创建一个自定义方法,当发生特定事件时某个类(例如 Windows 控件)就可以调用您的方法。



    public class Husband    {        public delegate void BuyVegetableDelegate();        // You can definte delegate outside any class, but create instance the place where you want to use        public BuyVegetableDelegate BuyVegetableDel;//Create an instance of BuyVegetableDelegate        public void BuyVegetable()        {            Console.WriteLine("Tonight we eat vegetable");            if (BuyVegetableDel != null) //If have delegated somebody to buy vegetable                BuyVegetableDel(); // Performed delegate: Buy vegetable            else                Console.WriteLine("Husband buy vegetable");        }    }


    public class Wife    {        public void BuyCabbage()        {            Console.WriteLine("Wife buy cabbage");        }        public void BuyPotato()        {            Console.WriteLine("Wife buy potatoes");        }        public void BuyTomato()        {            Console.WriteLine("Wife buy tomatoes");        }    }


        static void Main(string[] args)        {            Husband husband = new Husband();// Create an instance of Husband            Wife wife = new Wife();// Create an instance of Wife            husband.BuyVegetableDel += wife.BuyCabbage;            husband.BuyVegetableDel += wife.BuyPotato;            husband.BuyVegetableDel += wife.BuyTomato;
            /*            husband.BuyVegetableDel = new Husband.BuyVegetableDelegate(wife.BuyCabbage) + new Husband.BuyVegetableDelegate(wife.BuyPotato) + new Husband.BuyVegetableDelegate(wife.BuyTomato);            // Here we can use "=" to add delegate             */
            /*            husband.BuyVegetableDel += wife.BuyCabbage;            husband.BuyVegetableDel += new Husband.BuyVegetableDelegate(wife.BuyPotato) + new Husband.BuyVegetableDelegate(wife.BuyTomato);            // Here we must use "+=", because you will hide wife.BuyCabbage if you use "="             */
            husband.BuyVegetable();        }


public delegate void BuyVegetableDelegate(String s, int i)
            Mom mom = new Mom();            BuyVegetableDelegate momBuyVegetable;            momBuyVegetable = mom.BuyCabbage;            // Or do it like below            //BuyVegetableDelegate momBuyVegetable = new BuyVegetableDelegate(mom.BuyCabbage);            momBuyVegetable+=mom.BuyPotato;            momBuyVegetable+=mom.BuyTomato;            momBuyVegetable("Dear Mom", 2);
    public class Mom    {        public void BuyCabbage(String s, int i)        {            Console.WriteLine(s + ", please buy " + i + " catty cabbage");        }        public void BuyPotato(String s, int i)        {            Console.WriteLine(s + ", please buy " + i + " catty potatoes");        }        public void BuyTomato(String s, int i)        {            Console.WriteLine(s + ", please buy " + i + " catty tomatoes");        }    }


  • 委托类似于 C++ 函数指针,但它们是类型安全的。

  • 委托允许将方法作为参数进行传递。

  • 委托可用于定义回调方法。

  • 委托可以链接在一起;例如,可以对一个事件调用多个方法。

  • 方法不必与委托签名完全匹配。有关更多信息,请参见在委托中使用变体(C# 和 Visual Basic)

  • C# 2.0 版引入了匿名方法的概念,此类方法允许将代码块作为参数传递,以代替单独定义的方法。C# 3.0 引入了 Lambda 表达式,利用它们可以更简练地编写内联代码块。匿名方法和 Lambda 表达式(在某些上下文中)都可编译为委托类型。这些功能统称为匿名函数。有关 lambda 表达式的更多信息,请参见匿名函数(C# 编程指南)

  • 可以做到低耦合
