Geolocation Marker for Google Maps v3

来源:互联网 发布:云计算 pdf 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 13:58

Geolocation Marker for Google Maps v3

This library uses geolocation to add a marker and accuracy circle to a map. The marker position is automatically updated as the user position changes.

To add the Geolocation Marker, just instantiate a new GeolocationMarker object, passing your map to it:

var mapOptions = {  zoom: 17,  center: new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644),  mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP};var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'),  mapOptions);var GeoMarker = new GeolocationMarker(map);

See the example.

Note: This library will only function in browsers supporting theW3C Geolocation API. This excludes Internet Explorer versions 8 and older.

class GeolocationMarker

This class extends google.maps.MVCObject.


ConstructorDescriptionGeolocationMarker(map?:google.maps.Map, marker_opts?:google.maps.MarkerOptions, circle_opts?:google.maps.CircleOptions)A marker and accuracy circle positioned on the map to track the user's location.


MethodsReturn ValueDescriptiongetAccuracy()number|nullReturns the current accuracy of the location data. Will return null if a position has not yet been obtained.getBounds()google.maps.LatLngBounds|nullReturns the lat/lng bounds containing the marker and accuracy circle. Will returnnull if a position has not yet been obtained.getMap()google.maps.Map getMinimumAccuracy()number|nullReturns the minimum accuracy (in meters) that must be achieved before the marker is initially drawn on the map. Returnsnull if no minimum is specified.getPosition()google.maps.LatLng|nullReturns the center of the marker and accuracy circle. Will return null if a position has not yet been obtained.getPositionOptions()PositionOptionsInterfaceReturns the current options used to call the geolocation.watchPosition method.setCircleOptions(options:google.maps.CircleOptions) This method will ignore certain properties of the google.maps.CircleOptions object. It will ignoreposition, radius andmap properties as these are set by the library.setMap(map:google.maps.Map)  setMarkerOptions(options:google.maps.MarkerOptions) This method will ignore certain properties of the google.maps.MarkerOptions object. It will ignoreposition and map properties as these are set by the library.setMinimumAccuracy(accuracy:number|null) Sets the minimum accuracy (in meters) that must be achieved before the marker is initially drawn on the map.setPositionOptions(positionOpts: PositionOptionsInterface) Sets the options used to call the geolocation.watchPosition method.


EventsArgumentsDescriptionaccuracy_changed  geolocation_errorPositionErrorInterfaceTriggered whenever geolocation fails. Can be caused by a user denying permission to access location data.position_changed
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