
来源:互联网 发布:张大大主持的网络节目 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:23



1、 求下列代码执行以后expr的值

a)        int a = 8,b = 4;

int expr =a++%++b*2


b)       int expr = 20 / 8 * 8;


c)        int expr = 4 << 2 + 1;


d)       int expr = -4321>>>30;


e)        int expr = 123 ^ 321 ^ 123;


f)        int a = 255;

int expr =(byte)a + (((byte)a) & 0xff);


g)       int expr = “123454321”.charAt(4)+ 2;



h)       Integer a =  new Integer(1234);

Integer b =  new Integer(1234);

boolean expr = a== b;


i)         String func(String s){

returns.length() > 0 ? func(s.substring(1)) + s.charAt(0) : “”;


Striing expr =func(“Gameloft”);



2、 知识题

a)        什么是垃圾回收?什么时候触发垃圾回收?如何降低垃圾回收的触发频率?它能保证程序有足够的可用内存吗?



b)       请写出short的取值范围。



c)        什么是混淆(obfuscate)?有什么好处?有哪些工具可以混淆jar文件?


d)       什么是状态机?游戏开发中有那些地方能用到状态机?


e)        请根据你的知识,对以下计算机名词进行尽量简单的描述:

                       i.             J2ME


                     ii.             Python


                   iii.             Ant


                    iv.             Javac


                      v.             Subversion


                    vi.             OpenGL



f)        请列出你心目中一名优秀员工所应该具备的品质,并按重要程度排序




3、 分析以下程序:

constSCREEN_WIDTH = 176;



public staticvoid DrawString(String strText,int posX,int posY,int flagX){

        int width = GetTextWidth(strText);

        int x,int y = posy;

        if(flagX > 0){

               x = 0;


        else if(flagX == 0){

               x = (SCREEN_WIDTH – width) / 2;



               x= SCREEN_WIDTH – width;


        x += posX;


        byte charTemp;

        for(int i = 0;i <=strText.length();i++){

               charTemp = strText.charAt(i);

               if(charTemp < ‘!’ | charTemp> ‘z’){

                      x += TEXTWORD_SPACE;



               x += DrawCharacter(charTemp,x,y);




1)       请尽量找出程序中的错误,直接标注在上面。

2)       请解释参数flagX的作用



3)       请推测函数DrawCharater的返回值有什么意义?



4、 应用题

a)        写一个函数判断两个圆是否相交,并尽量优化运行速度。

boolIsOverlapped(int x1,int y1,int r1,int x2,int y2,int r2)



b)       写一个函数去掉一个字符串中单词间多余的空格,使得相邻两个单词间有且只有一个空格。例如当输入字符串是“Hello!_ _Game_programming_ _world!”时,调用该函数后字符串变为“Hello!_Game_programming_world!”。



c)        假定屏幕的像素宽度为screenWidth,写一个函数计算一个字符串需要分成几行显示。



       2、每个字符的像素宽度不一样,每个字符的像素宽度不一样。用intGetCharWidth(char c)获得每个字符的像素宽度。



5、 把以下段落翻译成中文

a)        An integral approach to codedocumentation is to write the code so that it documents itself.In otherwords,the code should be naturally readable in such a way as to make it easy tounderstand .This is accomplished by proper naming conventions and statementformatting.



b)       Collections are the datastructures that are most easily altered for performance-tuning purposes. Usingthe correct or most appropriate collection class can improve performance withlittle change to code. For example, if a large ordered collection has elementsfrequently deleted or inserted throughout it, it usually can provide better performanceif based on a linked list rather than an array. On the other hand, astatic(unchanging) collection that needs to be accessed by index performs betterwith an underlying implementation that is an array.
