
来源:互联网 发布:hadoop 2.8.0 windows 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 02:59
HasUserCancelledChecks whether the user has canceled the operation.SetAnimationSpecifies an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) clip that runs in the dialog box.SetCancelMsgSets a message to be displayed if the user cancels the operation.SetLineDisplays a message.SetProgressUpdates the progress dialog box with the current state of the operation.SetProgress64Updates the progress dialog box with the current state of the operation.SetTitleSets the title of the progress dialog box.StartProgressDialogStarts the progress dialog box.StopProgressDialogStops the progress dialog box and removes it from the screen.TimerResets the progress dialog box timer to zero.
具体用法请参照MSDN,参照下面源代码就可以明白其用法,WIN7+Delphi XE3 调试通过。
1. 通过CreateComObject创建COM对象得到IProgressDialog接口
2. SetTitle设置标题,SetLine设置各行显示文本(可设置的有三行,行号从1开始)
3. StartProgressDialog显示对话框
4. 在任务执行过程中调用SetProgress设置进度条(通过HasUserCancelled检测是否用户取消)
5. StopProgressDialog关闭对话框,释放接口
procedure TFormMain.btnStartClick(Sender: TObject);var  pNil: Pointer;  I: Integer;begin  ProgressDialog := CreateComObject(CLSID_ProgressDialog) as IProgressDialog;  ProgressDialog.SetTitle(PWideChar(Caption));  ProgressDialog.SetProgress(0, max);  ProgressDialog.SetLine(1, PWideChar(Format('进行%d次循环', [max])), True, pNil);  ProgressDialog.StartProgressDialog(Handle, nil, PROGDLG_AUTOTIME or    PROGDLG_NOMINIMIZE, pNil);  for I := 0 to max do  begin    if ProgressDialog.HasUserCancelled then    begin      Break;    end;    ProgressDialog.SetProgress(I, max);    ProgressDialog.SetLine(2, PWideChar(Format('当前循环到:%d', [I])), True, pNil);    Application.ProcessMessages;  end;  ProgressDialog.StopProgressDialog;  ProgressDialog := nil;end;
