Automatic Scripts

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝为什么被删除评价 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 08:33

Sometimes, we need to create and run some scripts to do some common tasks automatically. There are some options in our pockets on the basis of scripts.

1. Use Shell scripts:

The shell scripts can get the parameters and use predefined  and special variables to run command for the tasks like file operation,database operation and text handling.

To refresh my memory, special variables are highlighted here: $0=> The name of the command being executed;$n=>There variables correspond to the arguments with which a script was invoked; $#=>The number of arguments supplied to a script; $*=>All the arguments are double quoted;$@=>All the arguments are individually double quoted;$?=>The exit status of the last command executed;$$=>The process number of the current shell.

2. Use shell with Java;

In this way, java business source codes are needed to compile into jar class with depended libraries. Shell scripts invoke the java bin to run java codes.

3.Use other scripts like PHP, Perl and Python;

They are usually installed with the Linux system installation.You will enjoy them if you like them.
