
来源:互联网 发布:魔能2汉化补丁mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 21:14
此例向导为使用Visual Studio 6.0 应用程序向导制作具有可停靠面板的MDI程序. 对于最新版本的 Visual Studio . NET这种技巧同样生效.
使用MFC AppWizard制作简单的MDI程序:
  1. Visual Studio中选择文件(File) |新建(New) 选择项目(Projects) tab.
  2. 选择 项目类型为MFC Appwizard(exe) ,输入 ‘MDISample’ 作为项目名称.
    Visual Studio 新建工程对话框...
  3. 第一步, 确定多文档(Multiple documents) 被选中,单击'完成(Finish)’ 按钮.
  1. StdAfx.h 文件中加入下面一行:
    Xtreme Toolkit Pro:
    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. #define _XTP_STATICLINK //此处为译者修改 using mfc in static link lib   
    2. #include <XTToolkitPro.h>   
    4. //在rc2文件中添加   
    5. #include "xttoolkitpro.rc"  

  2. 给CMainFrame class添加成员变量 CXTPDockingPaneManager :
    // Attributespublic:    CXTPDockingPaneManager m_paneManager;
  3. 给将要使用的面板标题添加字符串资源:
    IDR_PANE_OPTIONS       61446    OptionsIDR_PANE_PROPERTIES    61447    Properties
  4. 在CMainFrame::OnCreate中添加如下代码:
    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1.          // 只有在所有控制栏对象被创建和停靠以后,初始化停靠面板管理器并设置面板的初始值.  
    2.     m_paneManager.InstallDockingPanes(this);  
    3.     m_paneManager.SetTheme(xtpPaneThemeOffice);  
    5.     //CXTPDockingPane* pwndPane1 = m_paneManager.CreatePane(  
    6.     //  IDR_PANE_OPTIONS, CRect(0, 0,200, 120), dockLeftOf);  
    7.     //CXTPDockingPane* pwndPane2 = m_paneManager.CreatePane(  
    8.     //  IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES, CRect(0, 0,200, 120), dockBottomOf, pwndPane1)  
    9.     <U>// 创建停靠面板,注意dockLeftOf改为xtpPaneDockLeft xtpPaneDockBottom 译者修改  
    10.          CXTPDockingPane* pwndPane1 = m_paneManager.CreatePane(  
    11.                   IDR_PANE_OPTIONS, CRect(0, 0,200, 120), xtpPaneDockLeft);  
    12.          CXTPDockingPane* pwndPane2 = m_paneManager.CreatePane(  
    13.                   IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES, CRect(0, 0,200, 120), xtpPaneDockBottom, pwndPane1);  
    14. </U>        
    16.     return 0;  
    带有停靠面板的MDI 示例程序...
由 CWnd 类派生面板:
  1. CMainFrame添加CWnd 派生类成员变量
    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. // Attributes   
    2. public:  
    3.     CStatic m_wndOptions;  
    4.     CEdit m_wndProperties;  

  2. MainFrm.cpp添加OnDockingPaneNotify 面板停靠通知消息句柄.
    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. <PRE class=cpp name="code">BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainFrame, CMDIFrameWnd)  
    2.     //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMainFrame)   
    3.     ON_WM_CREATE()  
    4.     //}}AFX_MSG_MAP   
    5.     ON_MESSAGE(XTPWM_DOCKINGPANE_NOTIFY, OnDockingPaneNotify)  
    6. END_MESSAGE_MAP()  
    8. //{{AFX_MSG(CMainFrame)   
    9.     afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);  
    10.         // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.   
    11.         //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!   
    12.     //}}AFX_MSG   
    13.     afx_msg LRESULT OnDockingPaneNotify(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);  
    16. LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDockingPaneNotify(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)  
    17. {  
    18.     //wParam消息 LPARAM 对象   
    19.     if (wParam ==XTP_DPN_SHOWWINDOW)  
    20.     {  
    21.         CXTPDockingPane* pPane=(CXTPDockingPane*)lParam;  
    22.         if (!pPane->IsValid())  
    23.         {  
    24.             switch(pPane->GetID())  
    25.             {  
    26.             case  IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES:  
    27.                 {  
    28.                     if (m_wndProperties.GetSafeHwnd()==0)  
    29.                     {  
    30.                         //子窗口,垂直滚动,多行编辑   
    31.                         m_wndProperties.Create(WS_CHILD|  
    32.                             ES_AUTOVSCROLL|ES_MULTILINE,  
    33.                             CRect(0,0,0,0),this,0);  
    34.                     }  
    35.                     pPane->Attach((&m_wndProperties));  
    36.                     break;  
    37.                 }  
    38.             case IDR_PANE_OPTIONS:  
    39.                 {  
    40.                     if (m_wndOptions.GetSafeHwnd()==0)  
    41.                     {  
    42.                         m_wndOptions.Create(_T("\n\nOptions"),  
    43.                             WS_CHILD|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|  
    44.                             WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|SS_CENTER,  
    45.                             CRect(0,0,0,0),this,0);  
    46.                     }  
    47.                     pPane->Attach(&m_wndOptions);  
    48.                     break;  
    49.                 }  
    50.             }  
    51.         }  
    52.         return TRUE;  
    53.     }  
    54.     return FALSE;  
    55. }  
    58. </PRE>  
    MDI Sample Application With CWnd Objects Attached to Docking Panes...


  1. 为创建好的面板制作Bitmap 图标
    Visual Studio 资源编辑器...
  2. CMainFrame::OnCreate 中添加如下代码
    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    2. m_paneManager.SetIcons(IDB_BITMAP_ICONS, nIDIcons,  
    3.     _countof(nIDIcons), RGB(0, 255, 0));  
    4. return 0;  

    Visual Studio 资源编辑器... (图标仅为示例,与原文并不一致)


  1. CMainFrame中添加如下代码在OnCreate 函数. 恢复先前停靠栏状态:
    int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct){    ...    // 加载先前停靠栏状态.    CXTPDockingPaneLayout layoutNormal(&m_paneManager);    if (layoutNormal.Load(_T("NormalLayout")))    {        m_paneManager.SetLayout(&layoutNormal);    }    return 0;}
  2. CMainFrame 类添加OnClose 消息句柄,调用基类前添加如下代码. 将保存最近停靠栏状态:
    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. void CMainFrame::OnClose()   
    2. {  
    3.     // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default   
    4.     CXTPDockingPaneLayout layoutNormal(&m_paneManager);  
    5.     m_paneManager.GetLayout(&layoutNormal);  
    6.     layoutNormal.Save(_T("NormalLayout"));  
    8.     CMDIFrameWnd::OnClose();  
    9. }  




Chapter 4: Tutorials for Using Xtreme Toolkit Pro v13.2

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How to Add a Docking Pane to Your Application
The following is a tutorial on how to create an MDI application with Docking Panes using the Visual Studio 6.0 Application Wizard. The same technique can be used for later versions of Visual Studio . NET as well.
Create a simple MDI application using the MFC AppWizard:
  1. From Visual Studio select File thenNew and select theProjects tab.
  2. Choose MFC Appwizard(exe) as your project type and enter ‘MDISample’ as the project name.
    Visual Studio New Project Dialog...
  3. For the first step, make sure that Multiple documents is selected then press the ‘Finish’ button.
Add Empty Docking Panes:
  1. Add the following line to your StdAfx.h file:
    Xtreme Toolkit Pro:
    #include <XTToolkitPro.h> // Xtreme Toolkit Pro component library
  2. Add CXTPDockingPaneManager member to CMainFrame class:
    // Attributespublic:    CXTPDockingPaneManager m_paneManager;
  3. Add string resources for the titles of the future panes:
    IDR_PANE_OPTIONS       61446    OptionsIDR_PANE_PROPERTIES    61447    Properties
  4. Add following to CMainFrame::OnCreate:
    // Initialize the docking pane manager and set the// initial them for the docking panes.  Do this only after all// control bars objects have been created and docked.m_paneManager.InstallDockingPanes(this);m_paneManager.SetTheme(xtpPaneThemeOffice);// Create docking panes.CXTPDockingPane* pwndPane1 = m_paneManager.CreatePane(    IDR_PANE_OPTIONS, CRect(0, 0,200, 120), dockLeftOf);CXTPDockingPane* pwndPane2 = m_paneManager.CreatePane(    IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES, CRect(0, 0,200, 120), dockBottomOf, pwndPane1)
    MDI Sample Application With Docking Panes...
Attach CWnd derived class to the panes:
  1. Add a CWnd derived class as member ofCMainFrame:
    // Attributespublic:    CStatic m_wndOptions;    CEdit m_wndProperties;
  2. Add OnDockingPaneNotify handler.
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainFrame, CMDIFrameWnd)    //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMainFrame)    ON_WM_CREATE()    //}}AFX_MSG_MAP    ON_MESSAGE(XTPWM_DOCKINGPANE_NOTIFY, OnDockingPaneNotify)END_MESSAGE_MAP()LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDockingPaneNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){    if (wParam == XTP_DPN_SHOWWINDOW)    {        CXTPDockingPane* pPane = (CXTPDockingPane*)lParam;        if (!pPane->IsValid())        {            switch (pPane->GetID())            {            case IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES:                {                    if (m_wndProperties.GetSafeHwnd() == 0)                    {                        m_wndProperties.Create(WS_CHILD|                            ES_AUTOVSCROLL|ES_MULTILINE,                            CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, 0);                    }                    pPane->Attach(&m_wndProperties);                    break;                }            case IDR_PANE_OPTIONS:                {                    if (m_wndOptions.GetSafeHwnd() == 0)                    {                        m_wndOptions.Create(_T("\n\nOptions"),                            WS_CHILD|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|                            WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|SS_CENTER,                            CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), this, 0);                    }                    pPane->Attach(&m_wndOptions);                    break;                }            }        }        return TRUE;    }    return FALSE;}
    MDI Sample Application With CWnd Objects Attached to Docking Panes...
Add Images for Dockig Pane Tabs:
  1. Create Bitmap with icons for created panes
    Visual Studio Resource Editor...
  2. Add to CMainFrame::OnCreate
    int nIDIcons[] = {IDR_PANE_OPTIONS, IDR_PANE_PROPERTIES};    m_paneManager.SetIcons(IDB_BITMAP_ICONS, nIDIcons,    _countof(nIDIcons), RGB(0, 255, 0));
    Visual Studio Resource Editor...

Add Save and Load State Handlers:

  1. Add following to the OnCreate function forCMainFrame. This will restore the previous state of docking panes:
    int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct){    ...    // Load the previous state for docking panes.    CXTPDockingPaneLayout layoutNormal(&m_paneManager);    if (layoutNormal.Load(_T("NormalLayout")))    {        m_paneManager.SetLayout(&layoutNormal);    }    return 0;}
  2. Add the OnClose message handler to CMainFrame and the following before the call to the base class. This will save the current state of your docking pane:
    void CMainFrame::OnClose(){    // Save the current state for docking panes.    CXTPDockingPaneLayout layoutNormal(&m_paneManager);    m_paneManager.GetLayout(&layoutNormal);    layoutNormal.Save(_T("NormalLayout"));    CMDIFrameWnd::OnClose();}