FLEX3 Alert.show()属性---flags用法补遗

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝儿童遥控电动车 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:26

FLEX3 Alert.show()属性---flags用法补遗   

  Alert.show()里面有多个属性,其中排在第三是flags,这个属性作用是在弹出的Alert提示框里面显示那一个或多个按钮,文档和书籍一般只写该属性可以自由组合 Alert.OK, Alert.CANCEL ,Alert.YES ,Alert.NO四个选项,并用“|”分隔,其实也可以用数字编号代替的,用数字编号更为简便,以下是编号对应的按钮组合表,一共有16个数字编号(其实只有15种组合)。 
1-  Alert.YES 
2-  Alert.NO 
3-  Alert.YES | Alert.NO 
4-  Alert.OK 
5-  Alert.OK | Alert.YES 
6-  Alert.OK | Alert.NO 
7-  Alert.OK | Alert.YES | Alert.NO 
8-  Alert.CANCEL 
9-  Alert.YES | Alert.CANCEL 
10-  Alert.NO | Alert.CANCEL 
11-  Alert.YES | Alert.NO | Alert.CANCEL 
12-  Alert.OK | Alert.CANCEL 
13-  Alert.OK | Alert.YES | Alert.CANCEL 
14-  Alert.OK | Alert.NO | Alert.CANCEL 
15-  Alert.OK | Alert.YES | Alert.NO | Alert.CANCEL 
16-  Alert.OK (和4一样) 


    private function doDelete():void 
    private function deleteCallBack(event:CloseEvent):void 
    if(event.detail == Alert.YES) 

<?xml version=”1.0″?>

<!– Simple example to demonstrate the Alert control. –>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx=”http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml”>




            import mx.controls.Alert;

            import mx.events.CloseEvent;


            // Event handler function uses a static method to show

            // a pop-up window with the title, message, and requested buttons.       

            private function clickHandler(event:Event):void {

                Alert.show("Do you want to save your changes?", "Save Changes", 3, this, alertClickHandler);



            // Event handler function for displaying the selected Alert button.

            private function alertClickHandler(event:CloseEvent):void {

                if (event.detail==Alert.YES)

                    status.text="You answered Yes";


                    status.text="You answered No";



            // Event handler function changes the default Button labels and sets the

            // Button widths. If you later use an Alert with the default Buttons,

            // you must reset these values.

            private function secondClickHandler(event:Event):void {

                Alert.buttonWidth = 100;

                Alert.yesLabel = "Magenta";

                Alert.noLabel = "Blue";

                Alert.cancelLabel = "Green";


                Alert.show("Select a color:","Color Selection",1|2|8,this);


                // Set the labels back to normal:

                Alert.yesLabel = "Yes";

                Alert.noLabel = "No";               





    <mx:Panel title=”Alert Control Example” width=”75%” horizontalAlign=”center” paddingTop=”10″>

      <mx:Text width=”100%” color=”blue” textAlign=”center”

          text=”Click the button below to display a simple Alert window.”/>

      <mx:Button label=”Click Me” click=”Alert.show(‘Hello World!’, ‘Message’);”/>


      <mx:Text width=”100%” color=”blue” textAlign=”center”

          text=”Click the button below to display an Alert window and capture the button pressed by the user.”/>

      <mx:Button label=”Click Me” click=”clickHandler(event);”/>

      <mx:Label id=”status” fontWeight=”bold”/>


      <mx:Text width=”100%” color=”blue” textAlign=”center”

          text=”Click the button below to display an Alert window that uses custom Button labels.”/>

      <mx:Button label=”Click Me” click=”secondClickHandler(event);”/>







Alert.show(message,title);// 首参数为要弹出的对话框的内容,第二个参数为要弹出对话框的标题



Alert.show(“Do you want to save your changes?”, “Save Changes”, 3, this, alertClickHandler); 首参数为要弹出的对话框的内容;第二个参数为要弹出对话框的标题;第三个参数指定可显示的button(可显示的button共四个分别为Alert.YESAlert.NOAlert.OKAlert.CANCEL  他们的二进制值分别为1248),也可以显示多个button,最多可显示四个,以安位或的型式相连:Alert.YES|Alert.NO |Alert.OK|Alert.CANCEL,或者取她们相或之后的二进制数,比如本例中取了Alert.YESAlert.NO相或后的二进制数, 默认值为Alert.OK;第四个参数为Alert组件的父组件;第五个参数为button的单击响应事件或者称为Alert组件的关闭响应事件,默认值为null即无任何操作


Alert.show(“Select a color:”,”Color Selection”,1|2|8,this);可以更改Alert弹出对话框中buttonlabel值,在alert组件中定义了每个buttonlabel属性,例如:Alert.yesLabelAlert.noLabel


