VideoView 在ScrollView中 滑动出现的问题

来源:互联网 发布:se源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:35

The display is usually divided into two pipelines

  • Frame buffer pipeline - This is is where all your graphics is displayed. All the UI display elements go into this pipline
  • Video buffer pipeline - This is where your video data is diverted to.

Now when you declare a surface view you take up some screen space in the UI saying this is where the video will be displayed. So all other UI elements will not be able to occupy that space.

When scrolling happens your surface view will indeed be moved up or down depending on the scroll event but the problem is the video buffer pipeline does not care what happens in the frame buffer pipeline it goes on filling up the video data into the space in which it was initialised with.

So as of now you cannot scroll the video in android..



