GIS缓冲区算法对比研究(Buffer Algorithm)

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GIS缓冲区算法对比研究(Buffer Algorithm----by wangsh 2011-12-30 10:19



针对点、线、面不同的几何类型,建立缓冲区的方式相互有所不同。建立点缓冲区比较简单,即以某点要素为圆心,以缓冲半径 R 作圆,得到点要素的缓冲区;线要素的缓冲区是以线为轴,以 R 为距离作两侧的平行线,在线的两端构建两个半圆弧段,和平行线一起组成缓冲区;面缓冲区的建立,是以面要素的边界为基线向内外侧作平行线,平行线和基线里的区域就是面缓冲区。除此之外,还可以对栅格数据建立缓冲区,根据不同的模型方程建立动态缓冲区,不论对什么样的数据建立缓冲区,其基本方法都是相似的。(见参考文献4


使用GEOS的应用有PostGIS (C API),MapServer (C API),Quantum GIS (C API),OGR (C API),GRASS (C API),Shapely (C API),INGRES (C API),SpatiaLite (C API),MapGuide Open Source GeoDjango (C API),MapWindow GIS (C API), osm2pgsql (C++ API),osgEarth (C++ API),MonetDB (C API),rgeos (C API),其中还有软件包的FMEAutodesk MapGuide Enterprise





 :确定中心点——以中心点为圆心、 R 为半径生成一个圆——得到缓冲区边界;

线、面 :确定轴线——以距离 R 生成中心轴线的平行曲线——处理转角弧段——对生成的弧段进行求交、合并运算——生成缓冲区边界;








1.        直线性判断,判断相邻三点是否在同一直线上;

2.        折点凸凹性判断,确定转角的地方哪侧使用直线求交,哪侧使用圆弧连接;

3.        凸点圆弧的嵌入,即将转角外侧形成的圆弧和两边的线段相连;

4.        边线关系的判别与处理,岛屿多边形参与缓冲区边界的构成,重叠多边形不参与缓冲区边界的构成;

5.        缓冲区边界的形成,具体是将重叠区域进行合并,绘制外围的边线,包括岛屿多边形的轮廓,形成最终的缓冲区边界。




double BufferOp::precisionScaleFactor(const Geometry *g,

     double distance,

     int maxPrecisionDigits)


     const Envelope *env=g->getEnvelopeInternal();

     double envSize=std::max(env->getHeight(), env->getWidth());

     double expandByDistance=distance > 0.0 ? distance : 0.0;

     double bufEnvSize=envSize + 2 * expandByDistance;

     // the smallest power of 10 greater than the buffer envelope

     int bufEnvLog10=(int) (std::log(bufEnvSize) / std::log(10.0) + 1.0);

     int minUnitLog10=bufEnvLog10 - maxPrecisionDigits;

     // scale factor is inverse of min Unit size, so flip sign of exponent

     double scaleFactor=std::pow(10.0,-minUnitLog10);

     return scaleFactor;



/*public static*/

GeometryBufferOp::bufferOp(const Geometry *gdouble distance,

         int quadrantSegments,

         int nEndCapStyle)


     BufferOp bufOp(g);



     return bufOp.getResultGeometry(distance);




GeometryBufferOp::getResultGeometry(double nDistance)




     return resultGeometry;




GeometryBufferOp::getResultGeometry(double nDistanceint nQuadrantSegments)





     return resultGeometry;




Void BufferOp::computeGeometry()



     std::cerr<<"BufferOp::computeGeometry: trying with original precision"<<std::endl;


     //bufferReducedPrecision(); return; // FIXME: remove this code


     if (resultGeometry!=NULLreturn;

     std::cerr << "bufferOriginalPrecision failed (" << saveException.what() << "), trying with reduced precision"

               << std::endl;

     const PrecisionModelargPM = *(argGeom->getFactory()->getPrecisionModel());

     if ( argPM.getType() == PrecisionModel::FIXED )







Void BufferOp::bufferReducedPrecision()


     // try and compute with decreasing precision

     for (int precDigits=MAX_PRECISION_DIGITSprecDigits >= 0; precDigits--)



         std::cerr<<"BufferOp::computeGeometry: trying with precDigits "<<precDigits<<std::endl;


         try {


         catch (const util::TopologyExceptionex) {


              // don't propagate the exception - it will be detected by fact that resultGeometry is null


         if (resultGeometry!=NULL) {

              // debug

              //if ( saveException ) std::cerr<<saveException->toString()<<std::endl;




     // tried everything - have to bail

     throw saveException;



Void BufferOp::bufferOriginalPrecision()


     BufferBuilder bufBuilder;



     //std::cerr<<"computing with original precision"<<std::endl;





     catch (const util::TopologyExceptionex)


         // don't propagate the exception - it will be detected by

         // fact that resultGeometry is null







Void BufferOp::bufferReducedPrecision(int precisionDigits)


     double sizeBasedScaleFactor=precisionScaleFactor(argGeomdistanceprecisionDigits);


     std::cerr << "recomputing with precision scale factor = "

         << sizeBasedScaleFactor

         << std::endl;


     PrecisionModel fixedPM(sizeBasedScaleFactor);





Void BufferOp::bufferFixedPrecision(const PrecisionModelfixedPM)


     PrecisionModel pm(1.0); // fixed as well


// FIXME: both MCIndexSnapRounder and SimpleSnapRounder

// makes buffer_snapround.xml test fail.


#if 0

     snapround::MCIndexSnapRounder inoder(pm); // fail

     snapround::SimpleSnapRounder inoder(pm); // fail


     algorithm::LineIntersector li(&fixedPM);

     IntersectionAdder ia(li);

     MCIndexNoder inoder(&ia); // This works fine (but does not snapround)


     ScaledNoder noder(inoderfixedPM.getScale());

     BufferBuilder bufBuilder;






     // this may throw an exception, if robustness errors are encountered




这里给出GRASS两个版本(源码位置grass/vector/v.buffergrass-. src/vector/v.buffer,具体算法在grass/lib/vector/Vlib/buffer.cgrass/lib/vector/Vlib/buffer2.c



   /brief Create buffer around the line line.

   This function is replaced by Vect_line_buffer().

   Buffer is closed counter clockwise polygon. Warning: output line

   may contain loops!

   /param InPoints input line

   /param distance create buffer in distance

   /param tolerance maximum distance between theoretical arc and polygon segments

   /param[out] OutPoints output line


Void Vect_line_buffer(const struct line_pnts *InPointsdouble distance,

          double tolerancestruct line_pnts *OutPoints)


    double dangle;

    int sidenpoints;

    static struct line_pnts *Points = NULL;

    static struct line_pnts *PPoints = NULL;

    distance = fabs(distance);

    dangle = 2 * acos(1 - tolerance / fabs(distance));  /* angle step */

    if (Points == NULL)

     Points = Vect_new_line_struct();

    if (PPoints == NULL)

     PPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    /* Copy and prune input */





    npoints = Points->n_points;

    if (npoints <= 0) {



    else if (npoints == 1) {     /* make a circle */

     double anglexy;

     for (angle = 0; angle < 2 * PIangle += dangle) {

         x = Points->x[0] + distance * cos(angle);

         y = Points->y[0] + distance * sin(angle);

         Vect_append_point(OutPointsxy, 0);


     /* Close polygon */

     Vect_append_point(OutPointsOutPoints->x[0], OutPoints->y[0], 0);


    else {             /* 2 and more points */

     for (side = 0; side < 2; side++) {

         double anglesangle;

         double lx1ly1lx2ly2;

         double xynxnysxsyexey;

         /* Parallel on one side */

         if (side == 0) {

         Vect_line_parallel(Pointsdistancetolerance, 0, PPoints);



         else {

         Vect_line_parallel(Points, -distancetolerance, 0, PPoints);



         /* Arc at the end */

         /* 2 points at theend of original line */

         if (side == 0) {

         lx1 = Points->x[npoints - 2];

         ly1 = Points->y[npoints - 2];

         lx2 = Points->x[npoints - 1];

         ly2 = Points->y[npoints - 1];


         else {

         lx1 = Points->x[1];

         ly1 = Points->y[1];

         lx2 = Points->x[0];

         ly2 = Points->y[0];


         /* normalized vector */

         vect(lx1ly1lx2ly2, &nx, &ny);

         /* starting point */

         sangle = atan2(-nxny);     /* starting angle */

         sx = lx2 + ny * distance;

         sy = ly2 - nx * distance;

         /* end point */

         ex = lx2 - ny * distance;

         ey = ly2 + nx * distance;

         Vect_append_point(OutPointssxsy, 0);

         /* arc */

         for (angle = dangleangle < PIangle += dangle) {

         x = lx2 + distance * cos(sangle + angle);

         y = ly2 + distance * sin(sangle + angle);

         Vect_append_point(OutPointsxy, 0);


         Vect_append_point(OutPointsexey, 0);


     /* Close polygon */

     Vect_append_point(OutPointsOutPoints->x[0], OutPoints->y[0], 0);






第二个版本就是buffer2.c版本(这个是Google Summer of Code 2008的源码,将点,线和面的buffer分开处理的):

/* area_outer and area_isles[i] must be closed non self-intersecting lines

   side: 0 - auto, 1 - right, -1 left


static void buffer_lines(struct line_pnts *area_outerstruct line_pnts **area_isles,

               int isles_countint sidedouble dadouble dbdouble dalphaint roundint capsdouble tolstruct line_pnts **oPointsstruct line_pnts ***iPointsint *inner_count)


    struct planar_graph *pg2;

    struct line_pnts *sPoints, *cPoints;

    struct line_pnts **arrPoints;

    int icount = 0;

    int reswinding;

    int auto_side;

    int more = 8;

    int allocated = 0;

    double pxpy;

    G_debug(3, "buffer_lines()");

    auto_side = (side == 0);

    /* initializations */

    sPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    cPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    arrPoints = NULL;

    /* outer contour */

    G_debug(3, "    processing outer contour");

    *oPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    if (auto_side)

     side =


                       area_outer->n_points -

                       1) ? LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT_SIDE;



    pg2 = pg_create(sPoints);

    extract_outer_contour(pg2, 0, *oPoints);

    res = extract_inner_contour(pg2, &windingcPoints);

    while (res != 0) {

     if (winding == 0) {

         if (!Vect_point_in_poly(cPoints->x[0], cPoints->y[0], area_outer)) {

         if (Vect_get_point_in_poly(cPoints, &px, &py) != 0)

             G_fatal_error(_("Vect_get_point_in_poly() failed"));

         if (!point_in_buf(area_outerpxpydadbdalpha)) {

             add_line_to_array(cPoints, &arrPoints, &count, &allocated,


             cPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();




     res = extract_inner_contour(pg2, &windingcPoints);



    /* inner contours */

    G_debug(3, "    processing inner contours");

    for (i = 0; i < isles_counti++) {

     if (auto_side)

         side =


                       area_isles[i]->n_points -

                       1) ? RIGHT_SIDE : LEFT_SIDE;

     convolution_line(area_isles[i], dadbdalphasideroundcaps,


     pg2 = pg_create(sPoints);

     extract_outer_contour(pg2, 0, cPoints);

     res = extract_inner_contour(pg2, &windingcPoints);

     while (res != 0) {

         if (winding == -1) {

         /* we need to check if the area is in the buffer.

            I've simplfied convolution_line(), so that it runs faster,

            however that leads to ocasional problems */

          if (Vect_point_in_poly

             (cPoints->x[0], cPoints->y[0], area_isles[i])) {

             if (Vect_get_point_in_poly(cPoints, &px, &py) != 0)

              G_fatal_error(_("Vect_get_point_in_poly() failed"));

             if (!point_in_buf(area_isles[i], pxpydadbdalpha)) {

              add_line_to_array(cPoints, &arrPoints, &count,


              cPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();




         res = extract_inner_contour(pg2, &windingcPoints);




    arrPoints = G_realloc(arrPointscount * sizeof(struct line_pnts *));

    *inner_count = count;

    *iPoints = arrPoints;



    G_debug(3, "buffer_lines() ... done");





   /brief Creates buffer around line.

   See also Vect_line_buffer().

   /param InPoints input line geometry

   /param da distance along major axis

   /param db distance along minor axis

   /param dalpha angle between 0x and major axis

   /param round make corners round

   /param caps add caps at line ends

   /param tol maximum distance between theoretical arc and output segments

   /param[out] oPoints output polygon outer border (ccw order)

   /param[out] inner_count number of holes

   /param[out] iPoints array of output polygon's holes (cw order)


void Vect_line_buffer2(const struct line_pnts *Pointsdouble dadouble db,

                double dalphaint roundint capsdouble tol,

                struct line_pnts **oPoints,

                struct line_pnts ***iPointsint *inner_count)


    struct planar_graph *pg;

    struct line_pnts *tPoints, *outer;

    struct line_pnts **isles;

    int isles_count = 0;

    int reswinding;

    int more = 8;

    int isles_allocated = 0;

    G_debug(2, "Vect_line_buffer()");

    /* initializations */

    tPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    isles = NULL;

    pg = pg_create(Points);

    /* outer contour */

    outer = Vect_new_line_struct();

    extract_outer_contour(pg, 0, outer);

    /* inner contours */

    res = extract_inner_contour(pg, &windingtPoints);

    while (res != 0) {

     add_line_to_array(tPoints, &isles, &isles_count, &isles_allocated,


     tPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

     res = extract_inner_contour(pg, &windingtPoints);












   /brief Creates buffer around area.

   /param Map vector map

   /param area area id

   /param da distance along major axis

   /param db distance along minor axis

   /param dalpha angle between 0x and major axis

   /param round make corners round

   /param caps add caps at line ends

   /param tol maximum distance between theoretical arc and output segments

   /param[out] oPoints output polygon outer border (ccw order)

   /param[out] inner_count number of holes

   /param[out] iPoints array of output polygon's holes (cw order)


void Vect_area_buffer2(const struct Map_info *Mapint areadouble dadouble db,

                double dalphaint roundint capsdouble tol,

                struct line_pnts **oPoints,

                struct line_pnts ***iPointsint *inner_count)


    struct line_pnts *tPoints, *outer;

    struct line_pnts **isles;

    int isles_count = 0;

    int iisle;

    int more = 8;

    int isles_allocated = 0;

    G_debug(2, "Vect_area_buffer()");

    /* initializations */

    tPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    isles_count = Vect_get_area_num_isles(Maparea);

    isles_allocated = isles_count;

    isles = G_malloc(isles_allocated * sizeof(struct line_pnts *));

    /* outer contour */

    outer = Vect_new_line_struct();


    Vect_append_point(outerouter->x[0], outer->y[0], outer->z[0]);

    /* inner contours */

    for (i = 0; i < isles_counti++) {

     isle = Vect_get_area_isle(Mapareai);


     /* Check if the isle is big enough */


        if (Vect_line_length(tPoints) < 2*PI*max)



     Vect_append_point(tPointstPoints->x[0], tPoints->y[0],


     add_line_to_array(tPoints, &isles, &isles_count, &isles_allocated,


     tPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();


    buffer_lines(outerislesisles_count, 0, dadbdalpharoundcaps,









   /brief Creates buffer around the point (px, py).

   /param px input point x-coordinate

   /param py input point y-coordinate

   /param da distance along major axis

   /param da distance along minor axis

   /param dalpha angle between 0x and major axis

   /param round make corners round

   /param tol maximum distance between theoretical arc and output segments

   /param[out] nPoints output polygon outer border (ccw order)


void Vect_point_buffer2(double pxdouble pydouble dadouble db,

              double dalphaint rounddouble tol,

              struct line_pnts **oPoints)


    double txty;

    double angular_tolangular_stepphi1;

    int jnsegments;

    G_debug(2, "Vect_point_buffer()");

    *oPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();

    dalpha *= PI / 180;     /* convert dalpha from degrees to radians */

     if (round || (!round))


     angular_tol = angular_tolerance(toldadb);

     nsegments = (int)(2 * PI / angular_tol) + 1;

     angular_step = 2 * PI / nsegments;

     phi1 = 0;

     for (j = 0; j < nsegmentsj++) {

         elliptic_transform(cos(phi1), sin(phi1), dadbdalpha, &tx,


         Vect_append_point(*oPointspx + txpy + ty, 0);

         phi1 += angular_step;



    else {


    /* close the output line */

    Vect_append_point(*oPoints, (*oPoints)->x[0], (*oPoints)->y[0],





a)         GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)

b)        GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source)

c)        JTSJTS Topology Suite

d)        GIS缓冲区应用及算法实现

e)         Buffer介绍

f)         《地理信息系统算法基础》,科学出版社。
