
来源:互联网 发布:伊朗的土地改革知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 11:17
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>using namespace std;int main(){   vector<string> svec;       string str;   cout << "Enter text:" << endl;   while (cin>>str)        svec.push_back(str);   if (svec.size() == 0)   {        cout << "No string?!" << endl;        return -1;    }       cout << "Transformed elements from the vector:"<< endl;    for (vector<string>::size_type ix=0; ix!=svec.size()-1;++ix)//for (string::size_type ix=0; ix!=svec.size()-1;++ix)// vector<string>改成string,编译、执行都正常    {for (vector<string>::size_type index = 0;index != svec[ix].size();++index)//for(string::size_type index = 0;index != svec[ix].size();++index)// vector<string>改成string,编译、执行都正常              if(islower(svec[ix][index])) svec[ix][index]=toupper(svec[ix][index]);cout << svec[ix] << " ";    if ((ix+1) % 8 ==0) cout << endl;cout << "Transformed elements from the vector:" << endl; } return 0;}
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <typeinfo>using namespace std;int main(){    cout<<"The sizeof string::size_type is "<<sizeof(string::size_type)<<endl;cout<<"The type of string::size_type is "<<typeid(string::size_type).name()<<endl;    cout<<"The type of vector<string>::size_type is "<<sizeof(vector <string>::size_type)<<endl;cout<<"The type of vector<string>::size_type is "<<typeid(vector <string>::size_type).name()<<endl;    return 0;}
