Ext4 checkbox 动态加载问题

来源:互联网 发布:php程序员来晒工资 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 03:52

DoctorWorkStation_CommonDoctorAdvice.CreateYZCheckBoxWin = function(store, colnum,title) {         var count = store.getCount();         var myCheckboxItems = [];         for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {             var boxLabel = store.getAt(i).get("name");             var name = store.getAt(i).get("id");             myCheckboxItems.push({                         boxLabel : boxLabel,                         name : name                     });         }         var myCheckboxGroup = new Ext.form.CheckboxGroup({                     xtype : 'checkboxgroup',                     itemCls : 'x-check-group-alt',                     columns : colnum,                     items : myCheckboxItems                 });         var form = new Ext.FormPanel({                     border : true,                     frame : true,                     labelAlign : "right",                     buttonAlign : 'right',                     layout : 'column',                     width : 500,                     items : [myCheckboxGroup],                     buttons : [{                         xtype : 'button',                         text : '确定',                         handler : function() {                             var ids = [];                             var cbitems = myCheckboxGroup.items;                             for (var i = 0; i < cbitems.length; i++) {                                 if (cbitems.itemAt(i).checked) {                                     ids.push(cbitems.itemAt(i).name);                                 }                             }                             win.destroy();                             if (ids.length) {                                 Ext.Msg.alert("消息", "选中状态的id组合字符串为:"                                                + ids.toString());                             }                         }                         }, {                         xtype : 'button',                         text : '取消',                         handler : function() {                             win.destroy();                         }                         }]                     });         var win = new Ext.Window({                     modal : true,                     layout : 'fit',                     title : title,                     width : 500,                     height : 300,                     plain : true,                     items : [form]                 });         win.show();         }  



for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {    
        var boolValue=selValue.charAt(i)=='1'?true:false;         
                    boxLabel : i+1,    
                    name : 'cb',
 var cbitems = myCheckboxGroup.items;   
 var str='',
                        for (var i = 0; i < cbitems.length; i++) {    


add( Ext.Component[]/Ext.Component... component ) : Ext.Component[]/Ext.ComponentAdds Component(s) to this Container.Description:Fires the beforeadd event before adding.The Container's default config values will be applied accordingly (see defaults for details).Fires the add event after the component has been added.Notes:If the Container is already rendered when add is called, it will render the newly added Component into its content area.If the Container was configured with a size-managing layout manager, the Container will recalculate its internal layout at this time too.Note that the default layout manager simply renders child Components sequentially into the content area and thereafter performs no sizing.If adding multiple new child Components, pass them as an array to the add method, so that only one layout recalculation is performed.tb = new Ext.toolbar.Toolbar({    renderTo: document.body});  // toolbar is rendered// add multiple items.// (defaultType for Toolbar is 'button')tb.add([{text:'Button 1'}, {text:'Button 2'}]);To inject components between existing ones, use the insert method.

具体可参见api :
