
来源:互联网 发布:上古卷轴5数据修改 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 05:56

typedef struct mac_address
 u_char byte1;
 u_char byte2;
 u_char byte3;
 u_char byte4;
 u_char byte5;
 u_char byte6;

/* mac header*/
typedef struct mac_header
 mac_address tmac;
 mac_address smac;
 u_short netprotocoltype;

/* 4 bytes IP address */
typedef struct ip_address
 u_char byte1;
 u_char byte2;
 u_char byte3;
 u_char byte4;

/* IPv4 header */
typedef struct ip_header
 u_char ver_ihl;  // Version (4 bits) + Internet header length (4 bits)
 u_char tos;   // Type of service
 u_short tlen;   // Total length
 u_short identification; // Identification
 u_short flags_fo;  // Flags (3 bits) + Fragment offset (13 bits)
 u_char ttl;   // Time to live
 u_char proto;   // Protocol
 u_short crc;   // Header checksum
 ip_address saddr;  // Source address
 ip_address daddr;  // Destination address
 u_int op_pad;   // Option + Padding

/* UDP header */
typedef struct udp_header
 u_short sport;   // Source port
 u_short dport;   // Destination port
 u_short len;   // Datagram length
 u_short crc;   // Checksum

/* TCP header */
typedef struct tcp_header{ //定义TCP首部
 u_short th_sport;
 USHORT th_dpost;
 unsigned int ht_seq;
 unsigned int ht_ack;
 unsigned char th_lenres;
 unsigned char th_flag;
 u_short th_win;
 u_short th_sum;
 u_short th_urp;
