
来源:互联网 发布:浙江师范行知学院地址 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 18:25


import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
 * This class is designed to contain word and it's frequency.
 * There is also some useful method.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
class Set{
 private int num;//The num of the word it already contained.
 private int []times;
 private String[] word;
 public Set(int size){
  this.num = 0;
  this.times = new int[size];
  this.word = new String[size];
 * This mothod is used to add element into the Set.
 * @param word is the word you want to add.
 * @param times is the times it appears.
public void addElement(String word,int times)
 this.times[num] = times;
 this.word[num] = word;
 * This method is used to sort word by frequency.
public void sort()
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  int num =  this.times[i];
  for(int j = i+1;j<this.num;j++)
    num = this.times[j];
    String word = this.word[i];
    int times = this.times[i];
    this.times[i] = this.times[j];
    this.word[i] = this.word[j];
    this.times[j] = times;
    this.word[j] = word;
 * This method is designed to show the result.
public void showResult()
 System.out.println("总共有" +this.num+"个单词,它们的出现频率降序排列如下:");
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  System.out.println(this.word[i]+"  :  "+this.times[i]);
 * This method is designed to get the number of words.
 * @return The number of words.
public int getCount()
 return this.num;
 * This method is designed to get word at number i.
 * @param i is the number of word you want to get.
 * @return the word[i].
public String getWordAt(int i)
 return this.word[i];
 * This method is designed to get frequency of word[i];
 * @param i is the number of word.
 * @return the frequency of word[i].
public int getFrequency(int i)
 return this.times[i];
 * This class is designed to annalyse
 * word's frequency of English articles.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST.
 * 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
public class EnglishWord {
private Set resultSet;
  * @param args
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  EnglishWord analyser = new EnglishWord("G://test","G://tao.txt");  
public EnglishWord(String filepath,String savepath)
 String content = this.readFile(filepath);
 Hashtable table = this.getWordList(content);
 * This method is used to analyse the times of each word appears in
 * the file.
 * @param content is the content of file you.
 * @return the word map.Which contains words and times it appeared.

public Hashtable getWordList(String content)
 Hashtable wordList = new Hashtable();
 int i = 0;
  char ch = content.charAt(i);
  else break;
 boolean flag = true;
 String word = new String();
 char ch ;
  ch =  content.charAt(i);
  if((ch>='A'&&ch<='Z')||(ch>='a'&&ch<='z')||ch == '/''){
   flag = true;
   if(ch == '-'){i+=2;continue;}
     Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
     int t = num.intValue()+1;
     wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
   flag = false;
   word = "";
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
    int t = num.intValue()+1;
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
   wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
 return wordList;
 * @see This method is used to read content from file.
 * @param String filepath is the path and name of the file
 * which you want to analyse.
 * @return return the content of file in String form.
public String readFile(String filepath)
      File file= new File(filepath);
       String[] list = file.list();
             String str = new String();
             System.out.println("文件的个数:"+list.length+" 文件列表如下:");
                for(int i =0;i<list.length;i++)
                  FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath+'//'+list[i]);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            str +=content;
          return str;
         FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            return content;
 }catch(IOException e){
  return null;
 * This method is designed to init a set of word and the times it appeared.
 * @param wordList
public void initSet(Hashtable wordList)
  Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
  this.resultSet = new Set(wordList.size());
   Object key = e.nextElement();
   String word = key.toString();
   Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
   int times = num.intValue();
 * This method is designed to show the word list.
 * @param wordList
public void showTable(Hashtable wordList)
 Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
    Object key = e.nextElement();
    String word = key.toString();
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
    int times = num.intValue();
    System.out.println(word+" : "+times);
 * This method is designed to write the result into file.
 * @param filepath
public void saveResult(String filepath)
  FileOutputStream write = new FileOutputStream(filepath);
  for(int i = 0;i<this.resultSet.getCount();i++)
   String word = this.resultSet.getWordAt(i);
   int times = this.resultSet.getFrequency(i);
 }catch(IOException e)
/**@author ZhuTao
 * This method is designed to format information
 * to byte stream.
 * @param word
 * @param times
 * @return a byte stream.
public byte[] format(String word,int times)
 String str =  new String (word+" : "+times+"/r/n");
 byte []data = new byte[str.length()];
 for(int i = 0;i<str.length();i++)
  data[i] = (byte)str.charAt(i);
 return data;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
 * This class is designed to contain word and it's frequency.
 * There is also some useful method.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
class Set{
 private int num;//The num of the word it already contained.
 private int []times;
 private String[] word;
 public Set(int size){
  this.num = 0;
  this.times = new int[size];
  this.word = new String[size];
 * This mothod is used to add element into the Set.
 * @param word is the word you want to add.
 * @param times is the times it appears.
public void addElement(String word,int times)
 this.times[num] = times;
 this.word[num] = word;
 * This method is used to sort word by frequency.
public void sort()
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  int num =  this.times[i];
  for(int j = i+1;j<this.num;j++)
    num = this.times[j];
    String word = this.word[i];
    int times = this.times[i];
    this.times[i] = this.times[j];
    this.word[i] = this.word[j];
    this.times[j] = times;
    this.word[j] = word;
 * This method is designed to show the result.
public void showResult()
 System.out.println("总共有" +this.num+"个单词,它们的出现频率降序排列如下:");
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  System.out.println(this.word[i]+"  :  "+this.times[i]);
 * This method is designed to get the number of words.
 * @return The number of words.
public int getCount()
 return this.num;
 * This method is designed to get word at number i.
 * @param i is the number of word you want to get.
 * @return the word[i].
public String getWordAt(int i)
 return this.word[i];
 * This method is designed to get frequency of word[i];
 * @param i is the number of word.
 * @return the frequency of word[i].
public int getFrequency(int i)
 return this.times[i];
 * This class is designed to annalyse
 * word's frequency of English articles.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST.
 * 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
public class EnglishWord {
private Set resultSet;
  * @param args
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  EnglishWord analyser = new EnglishWord("G://test","G://tao.txt");  
public EnglishWord(String filepath,String savepath)
 String content = this.readFile(filepath);
 Hashtable table = this.getWordList(content);
 * This method is used to analyse the times of each word appears in
 * the file.
 * @param content is the content of file you.
 * @return the word map.Which contains words and times it appeared.

public Hashtable getWordList(String content)
 Hashtable wordList = new Hashtable();
 int i = 0;
  char ch = content.charAt(i);
  else break;
 boolean flag = true;
 String word = new String();
 char ch ;
  ch =  content.charAt(i);
  if((ch>='A'&&ch<='Z')||(ch>='a'&&ch<='z')||ch == '/''){
   flag = true;
   if(ch == '-'){i+=2;continue;}
     Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
     int t = num.intValue()+1;
     wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
   flag = false;
   word = "";
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
    int t = num.intValue()+1;
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
   wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
 return wordList;
 * @see This method is used to read content from file.
 * @param String filepath is the path and name of the file
 * which you want to analyse.
 * @return return the content of file in String form.
public String readFile(String filepath)
      File file= new File(filepath);
       String[] list = file.list();
             String str = new String();
             System.out.println("文件的个数:"+list.length+" 文件列表如下:");
                for(int i =0;i<list.length;i++)
                  FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath+'//'+list[i]);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            str +=content;
          return str;
         FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            return content;
 }catch(IOException e){
  return null;
 * This method is designed to init a set of word and the times it appeared.
 * @param wordList
public void initSet(Hashtable wordList)
  Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
  this.resultSet = new Set(wordList.size());
   Object key = e.nextElement();
   String word = key.toString();
   Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
   int times = num.intValue();
 * This method is designed to show the word list.
 * @param wordList
public void showTable(Hashtable wordList)
 Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
    Object key = e.nextElement();
    String word = key.toString();
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
    int times = num.intValue();
    System.out.println(word+" : "+times);
 * This method is designed to write the result into file.
 * @param filepath
public void saveResult(String filepath)
  FileOutputStream write = new FileOutputStream(filepath);
  for(int i = 0;i<this.resultSet.getCount();i++)
   String word = this.resultSet.getWordAt(i);
   int times = this.resultSet.getFrequency(i);
 }catch(IOException e)
/**@author ZhuTao
 * This method is designed to format information
 * to byte stream.
 * @param word
 * @param times
 * @return a byte stream.
public byte[] format(String word,int times)
 String str =  new String (word+" : "+times+"/r/n");
 byte []data = new byte[str.length()];
 for(int i = 0;i<str.length();i++)
  data[i] = (byte)str.charAt(i);
 return data;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
 * This class is designed to contain word and it's frequency.
 * There is also some useful method.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
class Set{
 private int num;//The num of the word it already contained.
 private int []times;
 private String[] word;
 public Set(int size){
  this.num = 0;
  this.times = new int[size];
  this.word = new String[size];
 * This mothod is used to add element into the Set.
 * @param word is the word you want to add.
 * @param times is the times it appears.
public void addElement(String word,int times)
 this.times[num] = times;
 this.word[num] = word;
 * This method is used to sort word by frequency.
public void sort()
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  int num =  this.times[i];
  for(int j = i+1;j<this.num;j++)
    num = this.times[j];
    String word = this.word[i];
    int times = this.times[i];
    this.times[i] = this.times[j];
    this.word[i] = this.word[j];
    this.times[j] = times;
    this.word[j] = word;
 * This method is designed to show the result.
public void showResult()
 System.out.println("总共有" +this.num+"个单词,它们的出现频率降序排列如下:");
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  System.out.println(this.word[i]+"  :  "+this.times[i]);
 * This method is designed to get the number of words.
 * @return The number of words.
public int getCount()
 return this.num;
 * This method is designed to get word at number i.
 * @param i is the number of word you want to get.
 * @return the word[i].
public String getWordAt(int i)
 return this.word[i];
 * This method is designed to get frequency of word[i];
 * @param i is the number of word.
 * @return the frequency of word[i].
public int getFrequency(int i)
 return this.times[i];
 * This class is designed to annalyse
 * word's frequency of English articles.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST.
 * 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
public class EnglishWord {
private Set resultSet;
  * @param args
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  EnglishWord analyser = new EnglishWord("G://test","G://tao.txt");  
public EnglishWord(String filepath,String savepath)
 String content = this.readFile(filepath);
 Hashtable table = this.getWordList(content);
 * This method is used to analyse the times of each word appears in
 * the file.
 * @param content is the content of file you.
 * @return the word map.Which contains words and times it appeared.

public Hashtable getWordList(String content)
 Hashtable wordList = new Hashtable();
 int i = 0;
  char ch = content.charAt(i);
  else break;
 boolean flag = true;
 String word = new String();
 char ch ;
  ch =  content.charAt(i);
  if((ch>='A'&&ch<='Z')||(ch>='a'&&ch<='z')||ch == '/''){
   flag = true;
   if(ch == '-'){i+=2;continue;}
     Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
     int t = num.intValue()+1;
     wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
   flag = false;
   word = "";
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
    int t = num.intValue()+1;
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
   wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
 return wordList;
 * @see This method is used to read content from file.
 * @param String filepath is the path and name of the file
 * which you want to analyse.
 * @return return the content of file in String form.
public String readFile(String filepath)
      File file= new File(filepath);
       String[] list = file.list();
             String str = new String();
             System.out.println("文件的个数:"+list.length+" 文件列表如下:");
                for(int i =0;i<list.length;i++)
                  FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath+'//'+list[i]);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            str +=content;
          return str;
         FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            return content;
 }catch(IOException e){
  return null;
 * This method is designed to init a set of word and the times it appeared.
 * @param wordList
public void initSet(Hashtable wordList)
  Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
  this.resultSet = new Set(wordList.size());
   Object key = e.nextElement();
   String word = key.toString();
   Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
   int times = num.intValue();
 * This method is designed to show the word list.
 * @param wordList
public void showTable(Hashtable wordList)
 Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
    Object key = e.nextElement();
    String word = key.toString();
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
    int times = num.intValue();
    System.out.println(word+" : "+times);
 * This method is designed to write the result into file.
 * @param filepath
public void saveResult(String filepath)
  FileOutputStream write = new FileOutputStream(filepath);
  for(int i = 0;i<this.resultSet.getCount();i++)
   String word = this.resultSet.getWordAt(i);
   int times = this.resultSet.getFrequency(i);
 }catch(IOException e)
/**@author ZhuTao
 * This method is designed to format information
 * to byte stream.
 * @param word
 * @param times
 * @return a byte stream.
public byte[] format(String word,int times)
 String str =  new String (word+" : "+times+"/r/n");
 byte []data = new byte[str.length()];
 for(int i = 0;i<str.length();i++)
  data[i] = (byte)str.charAt(i);
 return data;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
 * This class is designed to contain word and it's frequency.
 * There is also some useful method.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
class Set{
 private int num;//The num of the word it already contained.
 private int []times;
 private String[] word;
 public Set(int size){
  this.num = 0;
  this.times = new int[size];
  this.word = new String[size];
 * This mothod is used to add element into the Set.
 * @param word is the word you want to add.
 * @param times is the times it appears.
public void addElement(String word,int times)
 this.times[num] = times;
 this.word[num] = word;
 * This method is used to sort word by frequency.
public void sort()
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  int num =  this.times[i];
  for(int j = i+1;j<this.num;j++)
    num = this.times[j];
    String word = this.word[i];
    int times = this.times[i];
    this.times[i] = this.times[j];
    this.word[i] = this.word[j];
    this.times[j] = times;
    this.word[j] = word;
 * This method is designed to show the result.
public void showResult()
 System.out.println("总共有" +this.num+"个单词,它们的出现频率降序排列如下:");
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  System.out.println(this.word[i]+"  :  "+this.times[i]);
 * This method is designed to get the number of words.
 * @return The number of words.
public int getCount()
 return this.num;
 * This method is designed to get word at number i.
 * @param i is the number of word you want to get.
 * @return the word[i].
public String getWordAt(int i)
 return this.word[i];
 * This method is designed to get frequency of word[i];
 * @param i is the number of word.
 * @return the frequency of word[i].
public int getFrequency(int i)
 return this.times[i];
 * This class is designed to annalyse
 * word's frequency of English articles.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST.
 * 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
public class EnglishWord {
private Set resultSet;
  * @param args
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  EnglishWord analyser = new EnglishWord("G://test","G://tao.txt");  
public EnglishWord(String filepath,String savepath)
 String content = this.readFile(filepath);
 Hashtable table = this.getWordList(content);
 * This method is used to analyse the times of each word appears in
 * the file.
 * @param content is the content of file you.
 * @return the word map.Which contains words and times it appeared.

public Hashtable getWordList(String content)
 Hashtable wordList = new Hashtable();
 int i = 0;
  char ch = content.charAt(i);
  else break;
 boolean flag = true;
 String word = new String();
 char ch ;
  ch =  content.charAt(i);
  if((ch>='A'&&ch<='Z')||(ch>='a'&&ch<='z')||ch == '/''){
   flag = true;
   if(ch == '-'){i+=2;continue;}
     Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
     int t = num.intValue()+1;
     wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
   flag = false;
   word = "";
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
    int t = num.intValue()+1;
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
   wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
 return wordList;
 * @see This method is used to read content from file.
 * @param String filepath is the path and name of the file
 * which you want to analyse.
 * @return return the content of file in String form.
public String readFile(String filepath)
      File file= new File(filepath);
       String[] list = file.list();
             String str = new String();
             System.out.println("文件的个数:"+list.length+" 文件列表如下:");
                for(int i =0;i<list.length;i++)
                  FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath+'//'+list[i]);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            str +=content;
          return str;
         FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            return content;
 }catch(IOException e){
  return null;
 * This method is designed to init a set of word and the times it appeared.
 * @param wordList
public void initSet(Hashtable wordList)
  Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
  this.resultSet = new Set(wordList.size());
   Object key = e.nextElement();
   String word = key.toString();
   Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
   int times = num.intValue();
 * This method is designed to show the word list.
 * @param wordList
public void showTable(Hashtable wordList)
 Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
    Object key = e.nextElement();
    String word = key.toString();
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
    int times = num.intValue();
    System.out.println(word+" : "+times);
 * This method is designed to write the result into file.
 * @param filepath
public void saveResult(String filepath)
  FileOutputStream write = new FileOutputStream(filepath);
  for(int i = 0;i<this.resultSet.getCount();i++)
   String word = this.resultSet.getWordAt(i);
   int times = this.resultSet.getFrequency(i);
 }catch(IOException e)
/**@author ZhuTao
 * This method is designed to format information
 * to byte stream.
 * @param word
 * @param times
 * @return a byte stream.
public byte[] format(String word,int times)
 String str =  new String (word+" : "+times+"/r/n");
 byte []data = new byte[str.length()];
 for(int i = 0;i<str.length();i++)
  data[i] = (byte)str.charAt(i);
 return data;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
 * This class is designed to contain word and it's frequency.
 * There is also some useful method.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
class Set{
 private int num;//The num of the word it already contained.
 private int []times;
 private String[] word;
 public Set(int size){
  this.num = 0;
  this.times = new int[size];
  this.word = new String[size];
 * This mothod is used to add element into the Set.
 * @param word is the word you want to add.
 * @param times is the times it appears.
public void addElement(String word,int times)
 this.times[num] = times;
 this.word[num] = word;
 * This method is used to sort word by frequency.
public void sort()
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  int num =  this.times[i];
  for(int j = i+1;j<this.num;j++)
    num = this.times[j];
    String word = this.word[i];
    int times = this.times[i];
    this.times[i] = this.times[j];
    this.word[i] = this.word[j];
    this.times[j] = times;
    this.word[j] = word;
 * This method is designed to show the result.
public void showResult()
 System.out.println("总共有" +this.num+"个单词,它们的出现频率降序排列如下:");
 for(int i = 0;i<this.num;i++)
  System.out.println(this.word[i]+"  :  "+this.times[i]);
 * This method is designed to get the number of words.
 * @return The number of words.
public int getCount()
 return this.num;
 * This method is designed to get word at number i.
 * @param i is the number of word you want to get.
 * @return the word[i].
public String getWordAt(int i)
 return this.word[i];
 * This method is designed to get frequency of word[i];
 * @param i is the number of word.
 * @return the frequency of word[i].
public int getFrequency(int i)
 return this.times[i];
 * This class is designed to annalyse
 * word's frequency of English articles.
 * @author ZhuTao HUST.
 * 2006.6.2-2006.6.3
 * Email:greenkugua@sina.com.cn.
 * QQ:307356132
 * @version:1.0
public class EnglishWord {
private Set resultSet;
  * @param args
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  EnglishWord analyser = new EnglishWord("G://test","G://tao.txt");  
public EnglishWord(String filepath,String savepath)
 String content = this.readFile(filepath);
 Hashtable table = this.getWordList(content);
 * This method is used to analyse the times of each word appears in
 * the file.
 * @param content is the content of file you.
 * @return the word map.Which contains words and times it appeared.

public Hashtable getWordList(String content)
 Hashtable wordList = new Hashtable();
 int i = 0;
  char ch = content.charAt(i);
  else break;
 boolean flag = true;
 String word = new String();
 char ch ;
  ch =  content.charAt(i);
  if((ch>='A'&&ch<='Z')||(ch>='a'&&ch<='z')||ch == '/''){
   flag = true;
   if(ch == '-'){i+=2;continue;}
     Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
     int t = num.intValue()+1;
     wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
   flag = false;
   word = "";
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(word);
    int t = num.intValue()+1;
    wordList.put(word,new Integer(t));
   wordList.put(word,new Integer(1));
 return wordList;
 * @see This method is used to read content from file.
 * @param String filepath is the path and name of the file
 * which you want to analyse.
 * @return return the content of file in String form.
public String readFile(String filepath)
      File file= new File(filepath);
       String[] list = file.list();
             String str = new String();
             System.out.println("文件的个数:"+list.length+" 文件列表如下:");
                for(int i =0;i<list.length;i++)
                  FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath+'//'+list[i]);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            str +=content;
          return str;
         FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(filepath);
            byte[]data = new byte[read.available()];
            String content = new String(data);
            return content;
 }catch(IOException e){
  return null;
 * This method is designed to init a set of word and the times it appeared.
 * @param wordList
public void initSet(Hashtable wordList)
  Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
  this.resultSet = new Set(wordList.size());
   Object key = e.nextElement();
   String word = key.toString();
   Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
   int times = num.intValue();
 * This method is designed to show the word list.
 * @param wordList
public void showTable(Hashtable wordList)
 Enumeration e = wordList.keys();
    Object key = e.nextElement();
    String word = key.toString();
    Integer num = (Integer)wordList.get(key);
    int times = num.intValue();
    System.out.println(word+" : "+times);
 * This method is designed to write the result into file.
 * @param filepath
public void saveResult(String filepath)
  FileOutputStream write = new FileOutputStream(filepath);
  for(int i = 0;i<this.resultSet.getCount();i++)
   String word = this.resultSet.getWordAt(i);
   int times = this.resultSet.getFrequency(i);
 }catch(IOException e)
/**@author ZhuTao
 * This method is designed to format information
 * to byte stream.
 * @param word
 * @param times
 * @return a byte stream.
public byte[] format(String word,int times)
 String str =  new String (word+" : "+times+"/r/n");
 byte []data = new byte[str.length()];
 for(int i = 0;i<str.length();i++)
  data[i] = (byte)str.charAt(i);
 return data;