
来源:互联网 发布:网络教育的好处 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:15


ebtables即是以太网桥防火墙,以太网桥工作在数据链路层,ebtables来过滤数据链路层数据包。 2.6内核内置了ebtables,要使用它必须先安装ebtables的用户空间工具(ebtables-v2.0.8-2),安装完成后就可以使用ebtables来过滤网桥的数据包。

1. 表
表是内置且固定的,共有三种: filter, nat, broute,用-t选项指定。最常用的就是filter了,所以不设-t时默认就是这个表。nat用于地址转换,broute用于以太网桥。
2.  链
链有内置和自定义两种 。不同的表内置的链不同,这个从数据包的流程图中就可以看出来。所谓自定义的链也是挂接在对应的内置链内的,使用-j让其跳转到新的链中。
3. 规则



ebtables [-t table] -[ADI] chain rule-specification [match-extensions] [watcher-extensions]

-t table :一般为FORWARD链。













Bridge configuration

------------- ifcfg-br0 -------------DEVICE=br0ONBOOT=noBOOTPROTO=staticIPADDR= bridge_up.sh --------------------#!/bin/bashifdown eth0ifdown eth1  //关闭网络中的网卡eth0和eth1.ifconfig eth0 upifconfig eth1 up //开启eth0,eth1,但是没有给有效的IP地址。即没有IP地址。brctl addbr br0 //使用brctl命令创建网桥br0brctl addif br0 eth0brctl addif br0 eth1 //将网络接口添加进网桥br0ifconfig br0 up----------- bridge_down.sh --------------------#!/bin/bash ifdown eth0ifdown eth1ifconfig br0 downbrctl delbr br0

The rate shaping part

We're usingTC to do the deed. This is my first attempt at this, so I may be doing some things wrong, especially with the TCcommands - BUT IT WORKS - so I figure, I'll fix it later. You can use ebtables -L --Lc to see your customer's usage. I dump this out hourly, adding the -Z option to zero the counters out, then have a perl script parse that output and dump it into a mysql table where I can make better use of it.

--------------------------- rateshape -----------------------#!/bin/bash##  All Rates are in Kbits, so in order to gets Bytes divide by 8#  e.g. 25Kbps == 3.125KB/s#TC=/sbin/tcEBTABLES=/sbin/ebtables   # Location of ebtables cd /usr/local/bridge tc_start() {    $TC qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1:0 cbq bandwidth 100Mbit avpkt 1000 mpu 64    $TC qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1:0 cbq bandwidth 100Mbit avpkt 1000 mpu 64 

在TC 中, 使用"major:minor"这样的句柄来标识队列和类别,其中major和minor都是数字。对于队列来说,minor总是为0,即"major:0"这样的形式,也可以简写为"major: 比如,队列1:0可以简写为1:。需要注意的是,major在一个网卡的所有队列中必须是惟一的。对于类别来说,其major必须和它的父类别或父队列的major相同,而minor在一个队列内部则必须是惟一的(因为类别肯定是包含在某个队列中的)。举个例子,如果队列2:包含两个类别,则这两个类别的句柄必须是2:x这样的形式,并且它们的x不能相同, 比如2:1和2:2。这里,命令中的"add 表示要添加,"dev eth0 表示要操作的网卡为eth0。"root 表示为网卡eth0添加的是一个根队列。"handle 1: 表示队列的句柄为1:。"cbq 表示要添加的队列为cbq队列。

#Customer A#Two MACs: 00:0D:BD:A4:E1:C8 and 00:20:78:B0:25:7D#256kbps download speed${TC} class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq rate 256KBit allot 1514 prio 1 avpkt 1000 bounded${TC} filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip handle 1 fw flowid 1:1${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -d 00:0D:BD:A4:E1:C8 -j mark --set-mark 1 --mark-target ACCEPT${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -d 00:20:78:B0:25:7D -j mark --set-mark 1 --mark-target ACCEPT#128kbps upload speed${TC} class add dev eth1 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq rate 128KBit allot 1514 prio 1 avpkt 1000 bounded${TC} filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip handle 1 fw flowid 1:1${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -s 00:0D:BD:A4:E1:C8 -j mark --set-mark 1 --mark-target ACCEPT${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -s 00:20:78:B0:25:7D -j mark --set-mark 1 --mark-target ACCEPT#Customer B#MAC Address: 00:0D:BD:A4:D6:54#800kbps download speed${TC} class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:2 cbq rate 800KBit allot 1514 prio 1 avpkt 1000 bounded${TC} filter add dev eth0 parent 1:0 protocol ip handle 2 fw flowid 1:2${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -d 00:0D:BD:A4:D6:54 -j mark --set-mark 2 --mark-target ACCEPT#64kbps upload speed${TC} class add dev eth1 parent 1:0 classid 1:2 cbq rate 64KBit allot 1514 prio 1 avpkt 1000 bounded${TC} filter add dev eth1 parent 1:0 protocol ip handle 2 fw flowid 1:2${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -s 00:0D:BD:A4:D6:54 -j mark --set-mark 2 --mark-target ACCEPT#Customer C#MAC Address: 00:0A:5E:22:D1:A3#do not rate shape!${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -s 00:0A:5E:22:D1:A3 -j ACCEPT${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -d 00:0A:5E:22:D1:A3 -j ACCEPT#Block anything we didn't specify above.${EBTABLES} -A FORWARD -j DROP --log#<my config has over 500 customers and over 1100 MAC addresses>#Just keep incrementing the classid, handle, flowid, and mark values for each customer's#individual speed queues.} tc_stop() {     ./save_and_reset_counters     ${EBTABLES} -F //将删除ebtables中定义的规则     $TC qdisc del dev eth0 root    $TC qdisc del dev eth1 root //删除在eth0和eth1上面定义的队列} tc_restart() {     tc_stop    sleep 1    tc_start} tc_show() { //分别查看eth0和eth1上面定义的队列,类及过滤器。    echo ""    echo "eth0"    $TC qdisc show dev eth0    $TC class show dev eth0    $TC filter show dev eth0    echo ""    echo "eth1"    $TC qdisc show dev eth1    $TC class show dev eth1
    $TC filter show dev eth1
case "$1" in   start)     echo -n "Starting bandwidth shaping: "    tc_start    echo "done"    ;;   stop)     echo -n "Stopping bandwidth shaping: "    tc_stop    echo "done"    ;;   restart)     echo -n "Restarting bandwidth shaping: "    tc_restart    echo "done"    ;;   show)     tc_show    ;;   *)     echo "Usage: rateshape {start|stop|restart|show}"    ;; esac