
来源:互联网 发布:js 反转链表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 15:15

package com.leg3s.rld.util;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.DataInputStream;import java.io.DataOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;import java.net.HttpURLConnection;import java.net.URL;import java.net.URLConnection;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Map.Entry;import org.apache.log4j.Logger;/** * 地址经纬度信息获取工具类 *  * @author liuw * @create date 2010/01/18 */public class AddressLatLngUtil{ private static final String REQUEST_ENCODE = "UTF-8"; private static final String ADDRESS_KEY         = "/"address/""; private static final String ADDRESS_COUNTRY_KEY = "/"CountryName/""; private static final String ADDRESS_REGION_KEY  = "/"AdministrativeAreaName/""; private static final String ADDRESS_CITY_KEY    = "/"LocalityName/""; private static final String ADDRESS_POINT_KEY   = "/"coordinates/""; private static final String ADDRESS_SPLIT_STR   = ":";  private static final String LOCATION_COUNTRY_KEY  = "/"country/""; private static final String LOCATION_REGION_KEY   = "/"region/""; private static final String LOCATION_CITY_KEY     = "/"city/"";// private static final String LOCATION_POINT_KEY    = "/"location/""; private static final String LOCATION_POINT_LATITUDE_KEY   = "/"latitude/""; private static final String LOCATION_POINT_LONGITUDE_KEY  = "/"longitude/""; private static final String LOCATION_POINT_PRECISIONY_KEY = "/"accuracy/""; private static final String LOCATION_SPLIT_STR            = ",";   public static final int MIN_ZOOM = 11; public static final int MAX_ZOOM = 18;  private static final int DOWNNUM_FOR_PROXY = 8000; private static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 30000; // 30秒 private static final int THREAD_SLEEP_MILLIS = 200; private static boolean flag = false; private static int downNum = 0;  private static String proxyHost = ""; private static String proxyPort = "3128"; private static String proxySet  = "true";  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AddressLatLngUtil.class);  /**  * 获取地址详细信息及经纬度信息  *   * @param address  * @return Map<地址, 经纬度>  */ public static Map<String, Point> getAddressLatLng(String address) {  StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder();  urlBuilder.append("http://ditu.google.cn/maps/geo");  urlBuilder.append("?output=json");  urlBuilder.append("&oe=utf-8");  urlBuilder.append("&q=").append(encodeURLForUTF8(address));  urlBuilder.append("&key=ABQIAAAAzr2EBOXUKnm_jVnk0OJI7xSosDVG8KKPE1-m51RBrvYughuyMxQ-i1QfUnH94QxWIa6N4U6MouMmBA");  urlBuilder.append("&mapclient=jsapi");  urlBuilder.append("&hl=zh-CN");  urlBuilder.append("&callback=_xdc_._1g4gm5mh3");//  logger.info(urlBuilder.toString());  HttpURLConnection httpConnection = null;  try  {   // 1、构造HttpURLConnection连接   URL url = new URL(urlBuilder.toString());   URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();   httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlConnection;   httpConnection.setDoInput(true);   httpConnection.setDoOutput(true);   httpConnection.setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT);   httpConnection.connect();      // 2、接收响应结果   InputStream inStream = httpConnection.getInputStream();   String htmlContent = getContentByStream(inStream, REQUEST_ENCODE);   // 关闭流资源   inStream.close();      // 3、解析结果   Map<String, Point> map = parseAddressLatLng(htmlContent);    updateProxy();   return map;  } catch (Exception e)  {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();   logger.error("===========获取经纬度信息异常!请求地址:" + address, e);   return java.util.Collections.emptyMap();  } finally  {   // 关闭连接   if (null != httpConnection)   {    httpConnection.disconnect();   }  } }  /**  * 根据地址信息获取经纬度  *   * @param addressList 地址集合  * @return List<Map<地址, 经纬度对象>>  */ public static List<Map<String, Point>> getAddressLatLng(List<String> addressList) {  List<Map<String, Point>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Point>>();  if (null == addressList || addressList.isEmpty())  {   return list;  }    for (String address : addressList)  {   try   {    // 休息一下    Thread.sleep(THREAD_SLEEP_MILLIS);   } catch (InterruptedException e)   {    // TODO Auto-generated catch block    e.printStackTrace();   }      Map<String, Point> addrMap = getAddressLatLng(address);   if(false == addrMap.isEmpty())   {    list.add(addrMap);   }   else   {//    System.out.println(address + " point is null!!!");    logger.warn("===========获取经纬度信息为空!请求地址:" + address);   }  }  return list; }  /**  * 解析网页内容地址信息及经纬度信息  *   * @param htmlContent  * @return Map<地址, 经纬度>  */ private static Map<String, Point> parseAddressLatLng(String htmlContent) {  Map<String, Point> addr = new HashMap<String, Point>(1);  if (isNullOrEmpty(htmlContent))  {   return addr;  }    String[] contents = htmlContent.split("/r/n");  String[] ss = null;  String address = null;  String country = null;  String region  = null;  String city    = null;  Point point = null;  for (String line : contents)  {   if (isNullOrEmpty(line))   {    continue;   }   line = line.trim();   if (line.contains(ADDRESS_POINT_KEY))   {    /*     * "coordinates": [ 113.9465830, 22.5309650, 0 ]     */    ss = line.split(ADDRESS_SPLIT_STR);    if (null != ss && ss.length > 1)    {     String pointStr = getMiddleStr(ss[1], "[", "]");     String[] pss = pointStr.split(",");     if (null != pss && pss.length > 1)     {      double defaultValue = 0D;      point = new Point(isNullOrEmpty(pss[0])?defaultValue:Double.parseDouble(pss[0].trim()),         isNullOrEmpty(pss[1])?defaultValue:Double.parseDouble(pss[1].trim()));     }    }   }   else if (line.contains(ADDRESS_KEY))   {    address = getValue(line, ADDRESS_KEY);   }   else if (line.contains(ADDRESS_COUNTRY_KEY))   {    country = getValue(line, ADDRESS_COUNTRY_KEY);   }   else if (line.contains(ADDRESS_REGION_KEY))   {    region = getValue(line, ADDRESS_REGION_KEY);   }   else if (line.contains(ADDRESS_CITY_KEY))   {    city = getValue(line, ADDRESS_CITY_KEY);   }      // 默认取第一个地址信息   if (false == isNullOrEmpty(address)     && null != point)   {    point.setCountry(country);    point.setRegion(region);    point.setCity(city);    break;   }  } // end-for-contents    // 如果地址不为空  if (false == isNullOrEmpty(address))   {   addr.put(address, point);  }  return addr; }  /**  * 获取中间字符串内容  *   * @param content  * @param beginStr  * @param endStr  * @return  */ private static String getMiddleStr(String content, String beginStr, String endStr) {  String str = "";  if (isNullOrEmpty(content))  {   return str;  }    content = content.trim();  int bIndex = content.indexOf(beginStr);  int eIndex = -1;  if (null != beginStr && beginStr.equals(endStr))  {   int index = content.substring(bIndex+beginStr.length()).indexOf(endStr);   eIndex = content.substring(0, bIndex+beginStr.length()).length() + index;  }  else if (null != endStr && false == endStr.equals(beginStr))  {   eIndex = content.indexOf(endStr);  }    if (-1 != bIndex && -1 != eIndex)  {   str = content.substring(bIndex+beginStr.length(), eIndex);  }  return str; }  private static final String PROXY_HOST_KEY = "http.proxyHost"; private static final String PROXY_PORT_KEY = "http.proxyPort"; private static final String PROXY_SET_KEY  = "http.proxySet";  /**  * 切换代理  */ private static synchronized void updateProxy() {  downNum++;  if (downNum % DOWNNUM_FOR_PROXY == 0)  {   if (flag)   {    clearProxy();    flag = false;   }   else   {    setProxy();    flag = true;   }  } }  private static void setProxy() {  System.setProperty(PROXY_HOST_KEY, proxyHost);  System.setProperty(PROXY_PORT_KEY, proxyPort);  System.setProperty(PROXY_SET_KEY, proxySet);    logger.info("setProxy====="+proxyHost+":"+proxyPort);//  System.out.println("setProxy====="+proxyHost+":"+proxyPort); }  private static void clearProxy() {  System.clearProperty(PROXY_HOST_KEY);  System.clearProperty(PROXY_PORT_KEY);  System.clearProperty(PROXY_SET_KEY);    logger.info("clearProxy=====");//  System.out.println("clearProxy====="); }  private static String encodeURLForUTF8(String str) {  try  {   str = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8");  } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)  {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();   logger.error("字符串转码异常,字符串:"+ str, e);  }  return str; }  /**  * 按照指定编码从流中读取信息  *   * @param inStream  * @param encode  * @return  * @throws IOException  */ private static String getContentByStream(InputStream inStream, String encode) throws IOException {  if (null == inStream)  {   return null;  }    StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();  // 采用指定编码格式读取流内容  BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream, encode));  String message = null;  while (null != (message = reader.readLine()))  {   content.append(message);   content.append("/r/n");  }  // 关闭读取器,释放资源  reader.close();  return (content.toString()); }  /**  * 获取偏移后的经纬度(Google中国地图偏移接口)   * 中国地图和卫星图都存在偏移量,这个是由中国规划局确定的,  * google的地图服务,以ditu.gogle开头的都没有偏差,以maps.google开头的服务就有偏差  *   * @param zoom  *            偏移级别(从11级到18级,18级最精确)  * @param sourcePoint  *            经纬度对象  * @return  */ public static Point getOffsetLatLng(int zoom, Point sourcePoint) {  if (null == sourcePoint)  {   return null;  }    StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder();  urlBuilder.append("http://ditu.google.cn/maps/vp");  urlBuilder.append("?spn=0.0,0.0");  urlBuilder.append("&z=").append(zoom);  urlBuilder.append("&vp=");  urlBuilder.append(sourcePoint.getLatitude());// 纬度  urlBuilder.append(",");  urlBuilder.append(sourcePoint.getLongitude());// 经度  HttpURLConnection httpConnection = null;  try  {   // 1、构造HttpURLConnection连接   URL url = new URL(urlBuilder.toString());   URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();   httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlConnection;   httpConnection.setDoInput(true);   httpConnection.setDoOutput(true);   httpConnection.setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT);   httpConnection.connect();   // 2、接收响应结果   InputStream inStream = httpConnection.getInputStream();   String htmlContent = getContentByStream(inStream, REQUEST_ENCODE);   // 关闭流资源   inStream.close();   // 3、解析结果   String offset = parseOffsetFromZoom(zoom, htmlContent);   // 如果没有偏移值,则返回原经纬度对象   if (isNullOrEmpty(offset))   {    return sourcePoint;   }   Point targetPoint = getOffsetPoint(offset, zoom, sourcePoint);   updateProxy();      logger.info("sourcePoint: "+ sourcePoint);   logger.info("targetPoint: "+ targetPoint);      return targetPoint;  } catch (Exception e)  {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();   logger.error("===========获取偏移经纬度信息异常!zoom = " + zoom + ", sourcePoint = " + sourcePoint, e);  } finally  {   // 关闭连接   if (null != httpConnection)   {    httpConnection.disconnect();   }  }  return null; } /**  * 获取对应级别像素偏移量  *   * @param zoom  * @param htmlContent  * @return  */ private static String parseOffsetFromZoom(int zoom, String htmlContent) {  String offset = null;  if (isNullOrEmpty(htmlContent) || zoom > MAX_ZOOM || zoom < MIN_ZOOM)  {   return offset;  }  /*   * 下面分别表示经纬度、级别、偏移像素数量【级别从11级到18级,共8组数字】   * 前一组数字精确的等于后一组数字除二,我们为了得到最精确的偏移,故选择第18级的偏移量1193,-270,   * 1193为x方向上精度的偏移像素,-270为y方向上维度偏移像素   *    * window.GTileShiftUpdateOffset && window.GTileShiftUpdateOffset(   * 39.111195, 117.148067, 18, [9, -2, 18, -4, 37, -8, 74, -16, 149, -33,   * 298, -67, 596, -135, 1193, -270]);   */  int beginIndex = htmlContent.lastIndexOf("[");  int endIndex = htmlContent.lastIndexOf("]");  if (beginIndex > 0 && endIndex > 0)  {   // 获取各级别像素偏移量内容   String content = htmlContent.substring(beginIndex + 1, endIndex);   offset = getOffsetByZoom(zoom, content);  }  return offset; } /**  * 获取zoom级别的像素偏移量  *   * @param zoom  * @param content  * @return  */ private static String getOffsetByZoom(int zoom, String content) {  String[] ss = content.split(",");  int index = ((zoom - 10) << 1) - 2;  if (null == ss || ss.length < (index + 1))  {   return null;  }  return (ss[index].trim() + "," + ss[index + 1].trim()); }  /**  * 获取校正后的经纬度  *   * @param offset  * @param zoom  * @param point  * @return  */ private static Point getOffsetPoint(String offset, int zoom, Point point) {  String[] ss = offset.split(",");  int offsetX = Integer.parseInt(ss[0]);  int offsetY = Integer.parseInt(ss[1]);    double lngPixel = (Math.round(lngToPixel(point.getLongitude(), zoom)) - offsetX);   double latPixel = (Math.round(latToPixel(point.getLatitude(), zoom))  - offsetY);  return new Point(pixelToLng(lngPixel, zoom), pixelToLat(latPixel, zoom)); } /*  * sinLatitude = sin(latitude * pi/180)  *   * pixelX = ((longitude + 180) / 360) * 256 * 2level  *   * pixelY = (0.5 – log((1 + sinLatitude) / (1 – sinLatitude)) / (4 * pi)) * 256 * 2level  */  /**  * 经度到像素X值  *   * @param lng  * @param zoom  * @return  */ private static double lngToPixel(double lng, int zoom) {  return (lng + 180) * (256L << zoom) / 360; } /**  * 纬度到像素Y  *   * @param lat  * @param zoom  * @return  */ private static double latToPixel(double lat, int zoom) {  double siny = Math.sin(lat * Math.PI / 180);  double y = Math.log((1 + siny) / (1 - siny));  return (256L << zoom) * (0.5 - y / (4 * Math.PI)); }  /**  * 像素X到经度  *   * @param pixelX  * @param zoom  * @return  */ private static double pixelToLng(double pixelX, int zoom) {  return pixelX * 360 / (256L << zoom) - 180; } /**  * 像素Y到纬度  *   * @param pixelY  * @param zoom  * @return  */ private static double pixelToLat(double pixelY, int zoom) {  double y = 4 * Math.PI * (0.5 - pixelY / (256L << zoom));  double z = Math.pow(Math.E, y);  double siny = (z - 1) / (z + 1);  return Math.asin(siny) * 180 / Math.PI; }  /**  * 根据地区编码(LAC)和基站编号(CID)获取经纬度信息  *   * @param lac 地区编码  * @param cellId 基站编号  * @deprecated 改为调用 getLocationByLacAndCid方法  * @return  */ public static Point getLatLngByLacAndCid(int lac, int cellId) {  String urlString = "http://www.google.com/glm/mmap";  HttpURLConnection httpConn = null;  try  {   // ---open a connection to Google Maps API---   URL url = new URL(urlString);   URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();   httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) conn;   httpConn.setDoOutput(true);   httpConn.setDoInput(true);   httpConn.setDefaultUseCaches(false);   httpConn.setRequestMethod("POST");   httpConn.setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT);   httpConn.connect();   // ---write some custom data to Google Maps API---   OutputStream outputStream = httpConn.getOutputStream();   writeData(outputStream, cellId, lac);   outputStream.close();   // ---get the response---   DataInputStream dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(httpConn.getInputStream());   // ---interpret the response obtained---   dataInputStream.readShort();   dataInputStream.readByte();   int code = dataInputStream.readInt();   Point point = null;   if (code == 0)   {    double lat = (double) dataInputStream.readInt() / 1000000D;    double lng = (double) dataInputStream.readInt() / 1000000D;    int i = dataInputStream.readInt();    int j = dataInputStream.readInt();    String s = dataInputStream.readUTF();    // 关闭流    dataInputStream.close();        // 包装结果    point = new Point(lng, lat);    point.setPrecision(i); // 精确度        // ---display Google Maps---//    logger.info("lac = "+lac+", cellId = "+cellId+", Latitude = "+lat+", Longitude = "+lng//      + ", precision = "+i+", j = "+j+", s = "+s);//    System.out.println("Latitude = " + lat + ", Longitude = " + lng//      + ", precision = " + i + ", j = " + j + ", s = " + s);   }   else   {    logger.warn("===========根据地区编码和基站编号获取经纬度信息失败!lac = "+ lac + ", cellId = " + cellId);   }      return point;  } catch (Exception e)  {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();   logger.error("===========根据地区编码和基站编号获取经纬度信息异常!lac = "+ lac + ", cellId = " + cellId, e);  } finally  {   // 关闭连接   if (null != httpConn)   {    httpConn.disconnect();   }  }  return null; }  private static void writeData(OutputStream out, int cellId, int lac)  throws IOException {  DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(out);  dataOutputStream.writeShort(21);  dataOutputStream.writeLong(0);  dataOutputStream.writeUTF("en");  dataOutputStream.writeUTF("Android");  dataOutputStream.writeUTF("1.0");  dataOutputStream.writeUTF("Web");  dataOutputStream.writeByte(27);  dataOutputStream.writeInt(0);  dataOutputStream.writeInt(0);  if (cellId >= 65536)  {   // 联通3G   dataOutputStream.writeInt(5);  }   else  {   // 移动3G   dataOutputStream.writeInt(3);  }  dataOutputStream.writeUTF("");    dataOutputStream.writeInt(cellId);  dataOutputStream.writeInt(lac);    dataOutputStream.writeInt(0); //mnc  dataOutputStream.writeInt(0); //mcc  dataOutputStream.writeInt(0);  dataOutputStream.writeInt(0);  dataOutputStream.flush();  dataOutputStream.close(); }  /**  * 根据地区编码(LAC)和基站编号(CID)获取地区信息  *   * @param lac 地区编码  * @param cellId 基站编号  * @return  */ public static Point getLocationByLacAndCid(int lac, int cellId) {  String urlString = "http://www.google.cn/loc/json";  HttpURLConnection httpConn = null;  try  {   // ---open a connection to Google Maps API---   URL url = new URL(urlString);   URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();   httpConn = (HttpURLConnection) conn;   httpConn.setDoOutput(true);   httpConn.setDoInput(true);   httpConn.setDefaultUseCaches(false);   httpConn.setRequestMethod("POST");   httpConn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");   httpConn.setConnectTimeout(CONNECT_TIMEOUT);   httpConn.connect();   // ---write some custom data to Google Maps API---   OutputStreamWriter outputStream = new OutputStreamWriter(httpConn.getOutputStream());   outputStream.write(getLocationRequest(lac, cellId));   outputStream.flush();   outputStream.close();   // ---get the response---   String responseContent = getContentByStream(httpConn.getInputStream(), REQUEST_ENCODE);   // ---interpret the response obtained---   Point point = parseLocationContent(responseContent);   //   logger.info(responseContent);   return point;  } catch (Exception e)  {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();   logger.error("===========根据地区编码和基站编号获取地区信息异常!lac = "+ lac + ", cellId = " + cellId, e);  } finally  {   // 关闭连接   if (null != httpConn)   {    httpConn.disconnect();   }  }  return null; }  private static String getLocationRequest(int lac, int cellId) {  StringBuilder requestContent = new StringBuilder();  requestContent.append("{ ");  requestContent.append("  /"version/" : /"1.1.0/", ");  requestContent.append("  /"host/" : /"ditu.google.cn/", ");  requestContent.append("  /"access_token/" : /"2:k7j3G6LaL6u_lafw:4iXOeOpTh1glSXe/", ");  requestContent.append("  /"request_address/" : true,");  requestContent.append("  /"cell_towers/" : ");  requestContent.append("    [ ");  requestContent.append("      { ");  requestContent.append("        /"cell_id/" : ").append(cellId).append(", ");  requestContent.append("        /"location_area_code/" : ").append(lac).append(", ");  requestContent.append("        /"mobile_country_code/" : 460, ");  requestContent.append("        /"mobile_network_code/" : 00, ");  requestContent.append("        /"age/" : 0, ");  requestContent.append("        /"signal_strength/" : -60, ");  requestContent.append("        /"timing_advance/" : 5555 ");  requestContent.append("      } ");  requestContent.append("    ] ");  requestContent.append("} ");  return (requestContent.toString()); }  /**  * 解析地区信息,并构造Point对象  *   * @param respContent  * @return  */ private static Point parseLocationContent(String respContent) {  if (isNullOrEmpty(respContent))  {   return null;  }  /*    * {"location":{"latitude":31.148662,"longitude":114.957975,   *               "address":{"country":"中国","country_code":"CN","region":"湖北省","city":"黄冈市"},   *              "accuracy":1625.0},   *  "access_token":"2:i1-PwttBtQsSyYvX:VVq7Nsl89ut7l9aV"}   *    */  // 获取纬度、经度、精确度、国家、省份、城市信息  String latitude   = getValue(respContent, LOCATION_POINT_LATITUDE_KEY);  String longitude  = getValue(respContent, LOCATION_POINT_LONGITUDE_KEY);  String precisiony = getValue(respContent, LOCATION_POINT_PRECISIONY_KEY);  String country    = getValue(respContent, LOCATION_COUNTRY_KEY);  String region     = getValue(respContent, LOCATION_REGION_KEY);  String city       = getValue(respContent, LOCATION_CITY_KEY);  Point point = null;  if (false == isNullOrEmpty(latitude)    && false == isNullOrEmpty(longitude))  {   point = new Point(Double.parseDouble(longitude), Double.parseDouble(latitude));   if (false == isNullOrEmpty(precisiony))   {    point.setPrecision(Double.parseDouble(precisiony));   }   point.setCountry(country);   point.setRegion(region);   point.setCity(city);  }  return point; }  private static String getValue(String content, String key) {  if (false == isNullOrEmpty(content) && false == isNullOrEmpty(key))  {   String[] ss = content.split("/r/n");   for (String line : ss)   {    if (isNullOrEmpty(line))    {     continue;    }        line = line.replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").trim();    String[] sss = line.split(LOCATION_SPLIT_STR);    for (String str : sss)    {     if (isNullOrEmpty(str) || false == str.contains(key))     {      continue;     }          String[] sub = str.split(ADDRESS_SPLIT_STR);     for (int i = 0; i < sub.length; i++)     {      if (isNullOrEmpty(sub[i]))      {       continue;      }      sub[i] = sub[i].trim();     }     List<String> subList = java.util.Arrays.asList(sub);     int subIndex = subList.indexOf(key);     if (-1 != subIndex        && subList.size() > (subIndex + 1))     {      String value = subList.get(subIndex + 1);      return (value.replace("/"", "").trim());     }    }// end-for-sss       }// end-for-ss  }  return null; }  /**  * 判断字符串是否为空  *   * @param str  * @return  */ public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String str) {  if (null == str || "".equals(str))  {   return true;  }  return false; }  /**  * 经纬度坐标信息  */ public static class Point {  /**   * 经度   */  private double longitude;    /**   * 纬度   */  private double latitude;    /**   * 精确度   */  private double precision;    /**   * 国家   */  private String country;    /**   * 省份   */  private String region;    /**   * 城市   */  private String city;    /**   * 构造函数   * @param longitude 经度   * @param latitude 纬度   */  public Point (double longitude, double latitude)  {   this.longitude = longitude;   this.latitude = latitude;  }  public double getLongitude()  {   return longitude;  }  public void setLongitude(double longitude)  {   this.longitude = longitude;  }  public double getLatitude()  {   return latitude;  }  public void setLatitude(double latitude)  {   this.latitude = latitude;  }    public double getPrecision()  {   return precision;  }  public void setPrecision(double precision)  {   this.precision = precision;  }    public String toString()  {   StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();   content.append(getClass().getName());   content.append("[ latitude=");   content.append(this.latitude);   content.append(", longitude=");   content.append(this.longitude);   if (this.precision != 0.0)   {    content.append(", precision=");    content.append(this.precision);   }      if (false == isNullOrEmpty(this.country))    {    content.append(", country=");    content.append(this.country);   }      if (false == isNullOrEmpty(this.region))    {    content.append(", region=");    content.append(this.region);   }      if (false == isNullOrEmpty(this.city))    {    content.append(", city=");    content.append(this.city);   }   content.append(" ]");   return (content.toString());  }    public String getCountry()  {   return country;  }    public void setCountry(String country)  {   this.country = country;  }  public String getRegion()  {   return region;  }  public void setRegion(String region)  {   this.region = region;  }  public String getCity()  {   return city;  }  public void setCity(String city)  {   this.city = city;  } }  public static String getProxyHost() {  return proxyHost; } public static void setProxyHost(String proxyHost) {  AddressLatLngUtil.proxyHost = proxyHost; } public static String getProxyPort() {  return proxyPort; } public static void setProxyPort(String proxyPort) {  AddressLatLngUtil.proxyPort = proxyPort; }  /**  * 测试  * @param args  */ public static void main(String[] args) {//  System.getProperties().list(System.out);  //  深圳: (经度)lng:114.0578,(纬度)lat:22.5434  List<String> addrList = new ArrayList<String>();  addrList.add("留学生创业大厦");//  addrList.add("深圳市");//  addrList.add("世界之窗");//  addrList.add("地王大厦");//  addrList.add("黄鹤楼");    List<Map<String, Point>> list = getAddressLatLng(addrList);  for (Map<String, Point> map : list)  {   for (Entry<String, Point> entry : map.entrySet())   {    logger.info(entry.getKey() + entry.getValue());        // 获取偏移坐标    Point offsetPoint = getOffsetLatLng(MAX_ZOOM, entry.getValue());    logger.info("偏移经纬度:" + offsetPoint);    System.out.println();   }  }    int lac = 0x717f;  int cellId = 0x3341;  Point point = getLocationByLacAndCid(lac, cellId);  logger.info(point);  point = getOffsetLatLng(MAX_ZOOM, point);  logger.info(point);    System.out.println("finished!");   }}
