
来源:互联网 发布:最新网络电影预告片 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 10:56
set serveroutput on;exec dbms_output.enable(buffer_size => null);declare  v_cnt  type_file.num5%TYPE;  v_flag type_file.chr1%TYPE;  v_bma01 bma_file.bma01%TYPE;  v_bmb03 bmb_file.bmb03%TYPE;  type bma_cursor_type is ref cursor;  type bmb_cursor_type is ref cursor;  bma_cursor bma_cursor_type;  bmb_cursor bmb_cursor_type;begin  open bma_cursor for select bma01 from bma_file where substr(bma01,1,2)='02' order by 1;  loop    fetch bma_cursor into v_bma01;    exit when bma_cursor%notfound;    open bmb_cursor for       select distinct bmb03 from bmb_file join bma_file on bmb01 = bma01        where bma10 = '2'         and  bma05 <= to_date('2012/12/05','yyyy/mm/dd')         and (bmb05 >= to_date('2012/12/05','yyyy/mm/dd') or bmb05 is null)         and  bmb14 = '0'         and  substr(bmb03,1,2)='01'        connect by prior bmb03 = bmb01        start with bmb01 = v_bma01         order by 1;      loop      fetch bmb_cursor into v_bmb03;      exit when bmb_cursor%notfound;      dbms_output.put_line(v_bma01 || '  ' || v_bmb03);    end loop;  end loop;                 end;/