
来源:互联网 发布:福建广电网络中考查分 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:28




* list_entry - get the struct for this entry

* @ptr:   the &struct list_head pointer.

* @type:   the type of the struct this is embedded in.

* @member:   the name of the list_struct within the struct.


#define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \

   ((type *)((char *)(ptr)-(unsigned long)(&((type *)0)->member)))






        | |

          | |


ptr--> | member --|


          | |

        | |


        图2 list_entry()宏的示意图



struct my_list{

void *mydata;

struct list_head list;

}; struct list_head *pos;  

则list_entry(pos, mylist, list)宏,就可以根据pos的值,获取mylist的地址,也就是指向mylist的指针,这样,我们就可以存取mylist->mydata字段了。


list_entry(pos, mylist, list) 展开以后为:

((struct my_list *)((char *)(pos) - (unsigned long)(&((struct my_list *)0)->list)))


((size_t) &(type *)0)->member)把0地址转化为type结构的指针,然后获取该结构中member成员的指针,并将其强制转换为size_t类型。于是,由于结构从0地址开始定义,因此,这样求出member的成员地址,实际上就是它在结构中的偏移量。为了更好的理解这些,我们可以写一段程序来验证:


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct foobar{

unsigned int foo;

char bar;

char boo;


int main(int argc, char** argv){

struct foobar tmp;

printf("address of &tmp is= %p\n\n", &tmp);

printf("address of tmp->foo= %p \t offset of tmp->foo= %lu\n", &tmp.foo, (unsigned long) &((struct foobar *)0)->foo);

printf("address of tmp->bar= %p \t offset of tmp->bar= %lu\n", &tmp.bar, (unsigned long) &((struct foobar *)0)->bar);

printf("address of tmp->boo= %p \t offset of tmp->boo= %lu\n\n", &tmp.boo, (unsigned long) &((struct foobar *)0)->boo);

printf("computed address of &tmp using:\n");

printf("\taddress and offset of tmp->foo= %p\n",

(struct foobar *) (((char *) &tmp.foo) - ((unsigned long) &((struct foobar *)0)->foo)));

printf("\taddress and offset of tmp->bar= %p\n",

(struct foobar *) (((char *) &tmp.bar) - ((unsigned long) &((struct foobar *)0)->bar)));

printf("\taddress and offset of tmp->boo= %p\n",

(struct foobar *) (((char *) &tmp.boo) - ((unsigned long) &((struct foobar *)0)->boo)));

return 0;


Output from this code is:

address of &tmp is= 0xbfffed00

address of tmp->foo= 0xbfffed00 offset of tmp->foo= 0

address of tmp->bar= 0xbfffed04 offset of tmp->bar= 4

address of tmp->boo= 0xbfffed05 offset of tmp->boo= 5

computed address of &tmp using:

address and offset of tmp->foo= 0xbfffed00

address and offset of tmp->bar= 0xbfffed00

address and offset of tmp->boo= 0xbfffed00


转载 :http://hi.baidu.com/gmwandodxdbnosq/item/a2904b107160ddfb756a84f0
