
来源:互联网 发布:库控制软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 12:23
好吧。。校赛,学长们说在那边喊“teamXXX X题 XX色气球”特别蛋疼。。
then 各种坑爹的需求, 我已经帮他们写了5个小时了,还不如到时候让我过去帮他们喊呢。
这边的多线程感觉其实就是。。。定时器。。。好吧,不是我故意将代码写的那么长的。只是我真心不知道“定时器”这个函数时什么(虽然韩boss和宸哥一直在那边强调,你只要用个定时器就可以解决自动刷新的功能了),however,我反正没在我的“thinking in java”书中找到任何这个函数的踪迹。

就在10分钟前又跟学长YY了下我的程序,各种bug。。学长V5  orz orz orz



import java.awt.*;import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.event.WindowListener;import java.util.*;import java.util.logging.Level;import java.util.logging.Logger;import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.Event.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.net.*;import java.io.*;class InShe {    int num;    private String str[];    InShe() {        str = new String[200];        num = 0;    }    public void setM(String str, int c) {        this.str[c] = str;    }    public String getM(int c) {        return str[c];    }    public int To(String st) {        int i;        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {            if (str[i].compareTo(st) == 0) {                return i;            }        }        str[num] = st;        num++;        SaveMap();        return num - 1;    }    public void SaveMap() {//sava map.txt over.        PrintWriter pw = null;        try {            pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter("map.txt"));            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {                pw.println(str[i] + "       " + i);            }        } catch (IOException ex) {            System.out.println("Error in SaveMap!");        } finally {            pw.close();        }    }}class Catch extends Frame {    InShe Is;    static boolean stop;    static boolean stuAC[][][] = new boolean[200][20][2];//stuAC[][][0]==true-> AC stuAC[][][1]==true  send.    static String seaid = new String("user_id=");//search the user_id    static String seapr = new String("problem_id=");//search the problem_id    static int col;    Button bgt, bcl, bur, cnl;    Label lur, lac;    TextArea tf;    TextField tur, tb, cnt_user, cnt_id, cnt_c;    String urlName = new String("");       MenuBar mb;    MenuItem mi;    Menu mu;    //    Checkbox cb;    Label cl;    //    JPopupMenu pop;    Catch() {        super("Balloon Robot");        stop = true;        Is = new InShe();        cb = new Checkbox();        cl = new Label("AUTO");        lur = new Label("Enter your web:");        lac = new Label("The List of AC");        tur = new TextField("", 50);        cnt_user = new TextField("", 12);        cnt_id = new TextField("", 4);        cnt_c = new TextField("", 4);        tur.selectAll();        tf = new TextArea(25, 70);        tb = new TextField("1000", 4);        bgt = new Button("Get");        bcl = new Button("Balloon");        bur = new Button("Set");        cnl = new Button("Cancel");        createMenu();//I'm so lazy...and it is 1:22 now . I just want to sleep.        setLayout(new FlowLayout());        //add web name        add(lur);        add(tur);        add(bur);        add(cnl);        //add cnt        add(new Label("Current sending|User:"));        add(cnt_user);        add(new Label("Problem:"));        add(cnt_id);        add(new Label("Color:"));        add(cnt_c);        add(bcl);        cnt_user.disable();        cnt_id.disable();        cnt_c.disable();        //add main        //add(lac);        add(bgt);        //add(bcl);        add(cl);        add(tb);        add(new Label("/ms"));        add(cb);        add(tf);        //tf.hide();        tf.setFont(new Font("", 13, 15));        setVisible(true);        setSize(600, 600);//change the size.        //add actionListener        bur.addActionListener(new Mint());        bgt.addActionListener(new Mint());        bcl.addActionListener(new Mint());        cb.addItemListener(new IL());        cnl.addActionListener(new Mint());        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {//closing ,you should save the data.waiting...                SaveData();                Is.SaveMap();                dispose();                System.exit(0);            }        });    }    public void createMenu() {//only supply open , I'm so lazy, and I just want to sleep.quick !!!        mb = new MenuBar();        mu = new Menu("File");        mi = new MenuItem("Open");        this.setMenuBar(mb);        mu.add(mi);        mb.add(mu);        mi.addActionListener(new MeL());    }    public void SaveData() {//this is finish        File fd = new File("data.txt");        PrintWriter pw = null;        try {            pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fd, false));            String Sa[] = tf.getText().split("\n");            for (int i = 0; i < Sa.length; i++) {                pw.println(Sa[i]);            }        } catch (IOException e) {            System.out.println(e.getMessage() + "Save data Error!");        } finally {            pw.close();        }    }    public void Find(String str) {//Find the needed match string        int i, j, k, user, pro = 0;        int len = str.length() - seaid.length();        for (i = 0; i < len - seaid.length(); i++) {            if (str.substring(i).startsWith(seaid)) {//search user_id                for (j = i + seaid.length(); j < len; j++) {                    if (str.charAt(j) == '>') {                        break;                    }                }                user = -1;                String st = "";                for (j = j + 1; j < len; j++) {                    if (str.charAt(j) == '<') {                        break;                    }                    st += str.charAt(j) + "";                }                if (st != null) {                    user = Is.To(st);//the same to map                    st = st + "              ";//add the user_id                }                pro = -1;                for (j = j + 1; j < len - seapr.length(); j++) {//search problem_id                    if (str.substring(j).startsWith(seapr)) {                        for (k = j + seapr.length();; k++) {                            if (str.charAt(k) == '>') {                                break;                            }                        }                        pro = str.charAt(k + 1) - 'A';                        st += str.charAt(k + 1) + "";                        break;                    }                }                if (user != -1 && pro != -1 && stuAC[user][pro][0] == false) {//Judge if there are same data.                    tf.append(st + "\n");//add the problem_id                    stuAC[user][pro][0] = true;                }            }        }    }    public void GetColor(int a) {        if (a == 0) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.red);        } else if (a == 1) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.blue);        } else if (a == 2) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.green);        } else if (a == 3) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.yellow);        } else if (a == 4) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.black);        } else if (a == 5) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.cyan);        } else if (a == 6) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.darkGray);        } else if (a == 7) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.lightGray);        } else if (a == 8) {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.magenta);        } else {            cnt_c.setBackground(Color.orange);        }    }    public void Get() {        try {            URL url = new URL(urlName);            BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));            String str;            while ((str = buf.readLine()) != null) {                //waiting ... I will come back and finish it.                Find(str);            }        } catch (Exception ex) {            System.out.println(ex.getClass() + " Get Error!");        } finally {//if there are some bug ,we can save the data first.            SaveData();            Is.SaveMap();        }    }    class Mint implements ActionListener {        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {            if (e.getSource() == cnl) {                tur.enable();            } else if (e.getSource() == bur) {//set finish~                urlName = tur.getText();                try {                    new URL(urlName);                } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {                    System.out.println("Connect failed!Check your url: " + urlName);                } finally {                    SaveData();                }                tur.disable();            } else if (e.getSource() == bgt) {//get waiting... now is finished.                Get();            } else if (e.getSource() == bcl) {//Clear finished.                int __t = 0;                String ac[] = tf.getText().split("\n");                tf.setText("");                for (int i = 0; i < ac.length; i++) {                    String two[] = ac[i].split(" +");                    //System.out.println(ac[i]+"|"+two[0]+" "+two[1]);                    if (i == col) {                        stuAC[Is.To(two[0])][two[1].charAt(0) - 'A'][1] = true;                        cnt_user.setText(two[0]);                        cnt_id.setText(two[1]);                        GetColor(two[1].charAt(0) - 'A');                        tf.append(ac[i] + "          Sended\n");                        __t = 1;                    } else {                        tf.append(ac[i] + "\n");                    }                }                col = col + __t;                SaveData();                return;            }        }    }    public void updata() {        col = 0;        File f = new File("data.txt");        File map = new File("map.txt");        BufferedReader bur;        try {            String str;            bur = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(map));            while ((str = bur.readLine()) != null) {                String cas[] = str.split(" +");                Is.setM(cas[0], Integer.parseInt(cas[1]));            }            bur = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));            tf.setText("");            while ((str = bur.readLine()) != null) {                String cas[] = str.split(" +");                if (cas.length == 3) {                    col++;                    stuAC[Is.To(cas[0])][cas[1].charAt(0) - 'A'][0] = true;                    stuAC[Is.To(cas[0])][cas[1].charAt(0) - 'A'][1] = true;                } else {                    stuAC[Is.To(cas[0])][cas[1].charAt(0) - 'A'][0] = true;                }                tf.append(str + "\n");            }        } catch (Exception ex) {            System.out.println(ex + "update Error");        }    }    public class MeL implements ActionListener {//I finish the open menuItem.Congratulations!!!        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {            if (e.getSource() == mi) {                updata();            }        }    }    public class IL extends Thread implements ItemListener {//waiting to continue the thread        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {            Clock c = new Clock("d");            if (cb.getState() == true) {                c = new Clock();                c.start();            } else {                c.Stop();            }        }    }    class Clock extends Thread {        boolean stat;        Button btn;        Clock() {            stat = true;            final Frame f = new Frame("clock");            btn = new Button("Stop");            btn.setSize(100, 200);//maybe useless!            f.add(btn);            btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                    stat = false;                    f.dispose();                }            });            f.setLayout(new FlowLayout());            f.setSize(200, 200);            f.setVisible(true);        }        Clock(String str) {        }        public void run() {            while (stat) {                try {                    this.sleep(Integer.parseInt(tb.getText()));//change the time!                    Get();                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {                    System.out.println("run Error!");                } finally {                    SaveData();                    Is.SaveMap();                }            }        }        public void Stop() {            if (this.isAlive()) {                this.Stop();            }        }    }}public class Main {    public static void init() {        for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) {            for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {                Arrays.fill(Catch.stuAC[i][j], 0, Catch.stuAC[i][j].length, false);            }        }        Catch.col = 0;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        init();        Catch c = new Catch();    }}
