How to use modules in Drupal

来源:互联网 发布:为知笔记 密码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 06:54

When you finish a series of module actions: download, install and enable; you would wonder how front-end UI accesses or uses your installed modules. From Drupal's codes, i know that there are two ways: one is through menu, the other is by block.

1. Menu Way

function blog_menu() {  $items['blog'] = array(    'title' => 'Blogs',    'page callback' => 'blog_page_last',    'access arguments' => array('access content'),    'type' => MENU_SUGGESTED_ITEM,    'file' => '',  );}
You can make a menu in the front page and call blog_page_last when you access it. Referring to following code, blog_page_last returns array-type data.

function blog_page_last() {  global $user;  $build = array();  $query = db_select('node', 'n')->extend('PagerDefault');  $nids = $query    ->fields('n', array('nid', 'sticky', 'created'))    ->condition('type', 'blog')    ->condition('status', 1)    ->orderBy('sticky', 'DESC')    ->orderBy('created', 'DESC')    ->limit(variable_get('default_nodes_main', 10))    ->addTag('node_access')    ->execute()    ->fetchCol();  if (!empty($nids)) {    $nodes = node_load_multiple($nids);    $build += node_view_multiple($nodes);    $build['pager'] = array(      '#theme' => 'pager',      '#weight' => 5,    );  }  else {    drupal_set_message(t('No blog entries have been created.'));  }  drupal_add_feed('blog/feed', t('RSS - blogs'));  return $build;}
If callback function returns html markup data, it will show directly. If the page callback result is array-type data, it will use drupal_delivery_page method to render the content.

 $page_callback_result = call_user_func_array($router_item['page_callback'], $router_item['page_arguments']);
drupal_deliver_page($page_callback_result, $default_delivery_callback);
Let us examine drupal_deliver_page method's codes

function drupal_deliver_page($page_callback_result, $default_delivery_callback = NULL) {  if (!isset($default_delivery_callback) && ($router_item = menu_get_item())) {    $default_delivery_callback = $router_item['delivery_callback'];  }  $delivery_callback = !empty($default_delivery_callback) ? $default_delivery_callback : 'drupal_deliver_html_page';  // Give modules a chance to alter the delivery callback used, based on  // request-time context (e.g., HTTP request headers).  drupal_alter('page_delivery_callback', $delivery_callback);  if (function_exists($delivery_callback)) {    $delivery_callback($page_callback_result);  }  else {    // If a delivery callback is specified, but doesn't exist as a function,    // something is wrong, but don't print anything, since it's not known    // what format the response needs to be in.    watchdog('delivery callback not found', 'callback %callback not found: %q.', array('%callback' => $delivery_callback, '%q' => $_GET['q']), WATCHDOG_ERROR);  }}
The default callback is drupal_deliver_html_page, but there provides two options: delivery_callback and page_delivery_callback. delivery_callback is used in the menu definition and page_delivery_callback is for alter hook.

2 Block way

You can assign the block to one region and the block content will show in the region correspondingly.

function blog_block_view($delta = '') {  global $user;  if (user_access('access content')) {    $result = db_select('node', 'n')      ->fields('n', array('nid', 'title', 'created'))      ->condition('type', 'blog')      ->condition('status', 1)      ->orderBy('created', 'DESC')      ->range(0, variable_get('blog_block_count', 10))      ->addTag('node_access')      ->execute();    if ($node_title_list = node_title_list($result)) {      $block['subject'] = t('Recent blog posts');      $block['content']['blog_list'] = $node_title_list;      $block['content']['blog_more'] = array(        '#theme' => 'more_link',        '#url' => 'blog',        '#title' => t('Read the latest blog entries.'),      );      return $block;    }  }}

The regions are defined in the theme info files and can be managed by admin in the structure block area. the content is rendered by theme function hook_more_link.

if (isset($elements['#theme'])) {    $elements['#children'] = theme($elements['#theme'], $elements);  }
  $output = $prefix . $elements['#children'] . $suffix;

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