
来源:互联网 发布:天津seo搜索排名优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 01:46

原文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/iuhsihsow




// 观察者模式定义了一种一对多的依赖,让多个观察者对象同时监听某一个 // 主题对象。这个主题对象在状态发生变化时,会通知所有观察者对象,使 // 他们能够自动更新自己。    // 观察者模式是一个很重要的模式,使用频率是非常高啊  // 当一个对象改变需要同时改变其他对象的时候 // 当具体不知道有多少个对象有待改变的时候。   // 适用的范围 // 在《大话模式》中,众多的观察者对象是上班开小差,看NBA,炒股票的同事 // 主题对象是坐在门口的前台。当老板回到公司的时候,前台会通知所有的“注册” // 后的同事赶紧干正经事。   // 其实三维浏览中也可以用到 // 将各种行为作为观察者对象,摄像机为主题对象,主题对象通过给观察对象当前的 // 时间来更新各种浏览控制器,浏览控制器再调整摄像机各个参数。    // 情景假设 // 对一飞机飞行进行控制, // 先飞行小于10秒 // 在旋转小于20秒    #include "stdafx.h" #include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector>  // 毕竟作为示例,还是开发效率重要, // 所以就用using namespace吧 using namespace std;  //浏览控制器基类 class IControl { public: virtual bool Update(double dtime) = 0; virtual bool Begin(double dtime ) = 0; virtual bool IsFinish() = 0;  protected: doublem_dLastTime; boolm_bFinish; private: };  //飞行浏览控制器 class FlyControl : public IControl { public: bool Begin(double dtime) { m_bFinish = false; m_dLastTime = dtime; return true; } bool Update(double dtime) { double dDetal = dtime - m_dLastTime; if (dDetal > 10) { cout<<"Complete fly!"<<endl; m_bFinish = true; return true; } cout<<"We have fly  "<<dDetal<<"  meters!"<<endl; } bool IsFinish() { return m_bFinish; } protected: private: };  //转向浏览控制器 class RotateControl : public IControl { public: bool Begin(double dtime) { m_bFinish = false; m_dLastTime = dtime; return true; } bool Update(double dtime) { double dDetal = dtime - m_dLastTime; if (dDetal > 20) { cout<<"Complete Rotate!"<<endl; m_bFinish = true; return true; } cout<<"We have Rotate  "<<dDetal<<"  degress"<<endl; } bool IsFinish() { return m_bFinish; } protected: private: };   // 控制器集合 class ControlList { public: int GetCount() { return m_CtrlVec.size(); } void SetTime(double dTime) { m_dLastTime = dTime; } void Attach(IControl *pCtrl) { for (int i = 0; i < m_CtrlVec.size(); i++) { if (pCtrl == m_CtrlVec[i]) { return; } } m_CtrlVec.push_back(pCtrl); } void Detach(IControl *pCtrl) { for (int i = 0; i < m_CtrlVec.size(); i ++) { if (pCtrl == m_CtrlVec[i]) { m_CtrlVec.erase(m_CtrlVec.begin() + i); } return; } }  bool UpdateAllCtrls(double dtime) { double dT = dtime - m_dLastTime; if (dT == 0.0) { return false; }  int nSize = m_CtrlVec.size(); if ( m_CtrlVec.size() != 0 )  { IControl* pCtrl = m_CtrlVec.front(); if ( NULL != pCtrl )  { pCtrl->Update( dtime );  if ( pCtrl->IsFinish() )  { delete pCtrl; pCtrl = NULL; m_CtrlVec.erase(m_CtrlVec.begin());  if ( m_CtrlVec.size() != 0 )  { pCtrl = m_CtrlVec.front(); if ( NULL != pCtrl )  { pCtrl->Begin( dtime ); } }  }  }  }   m_dLastTime = dtime;  return true; }  protected: private: std::vector<IControl*>m_CtrlVec; doublem_dLastTime;  };   //  // Plain // 飞机类 class Plain : public ControlList { public: protected: private: };   int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { //演示程序,就不用多线程了  Plain plain;  //恩,现在时刻是0.0 double curTime = 0.0; plain.SetTime(curTime); FlyControl *pFlyCtrl = new FlyControl; pFlyCtrl->Begin(curTime); plain.Attach(pFlyCtrl); //恩,现在时刻是0.1 curTime = 0.1;  RotateControl *pRoCtrl = new RotateControl; pRoCtrl->Begin(curTime); plain.Attach(pRoCtrl);  while(plain.GetCount()) { Sleep(200); // 模拟时间的流逝 // 7.5倍的速度 curTime += 1.5; plain.UpdateAllCtrls(curTime); }  return 0; }  // 输出结果 //We have fly  1.6  meters! //We have fly  3.1  meters! //We have fly  4.6  meters! //We have fly  6.1  meters! //We have fly  7.6  meters! //We have fly  9.1  meters! //Complete fly! //We have Rotate  1.5  degress //We have Rotate  3  degress //We have Rotate  4.5  degress //We have Rotate  6  degress //We have Rotate  7.5  degress //We have Rotate  9  degress //We have Rotate  10.5  degress //We have Rotate  12  degress //We have Rotate  13.5  degress //We have Rotate  15  degress //We have Rotate  16.5  degress //We have Rotate  18  degress //We have Rotate  19.5  degress //Complete Rotate! //请按任意键继续. . .