cocos2d-x 1.0版本 自适应屏幕分辨率

来源:互联网 发布:织梦cms标签生成器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 17:06
#ifndef VIEW_AUTO_SCALE_H#define VIEW_AUTO_SCALE_H #include "cocos2d.h" int ViewAutoScale(cocos2d::CCEGLView* view,                 void* title,                 int width,                 int height,                 cocos2d::CCSize* supportDisplay,                 int displays,                 int defaultWidth,                 int defaultHeight); inline bool IsMatchDisplay(int w, int h, cocos2d::CCSize& size)   {       return (w==size.width && h==size.height) || (h==size.width && w==size.height);   }    #endif
#include "ViewAutoScale.h" using namespace cocos2d; #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32)   int ViewAutoScale(cocos2d::CCEGLView* view,                      void* title,                     int width,                      int height,                     cocos2d::CCSize* supportDisplay,                     int displays,                     int defaultWidth,                     int defaultHeight)   {       if(view == NULL)       {           return -1;       }       for (int i=0; i < displays; i++)       {           if (IsMatchDisplay(width, height, supportDisplay[i]))           {               view->Create((LPCTSTR)title, width, height);               return i+1;           }       }       view->Create((LPCTSTR)title, defaultWidth, defaultHeight);        view->setScreenScale(min((float)width/ defaultWidth, (float)height/ defaultHeight));       view->resize(width, height);       view->centerWindow();       return 0;   }    #endif    #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID)int ViewAutoScale(cocos2d::CCEGLView* view,                     void* title,                    int width,                     int height,                    cocos2d::CCSize* supportDisplay,                    int displays,                    int defaultWidth,                    int defaultHeight)  {      if(view == NULL)      {          return -1;      }      for (int i=0; i < displays; i++)      {          if (IsMatchDisplay(width, height, supportDisplay[i]))          {              return i+1;          }      }      view->create(defaultWidth, defaultHeight);       return 0;  }  #endif #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS)  int ViewAutoScale(cocos2d::CCEGLView* view,                     void* title,                    int width,                     int height,                    cocos2d::CCSize* supportDisplay,                    int displays,                    int defaultWidth,                    int defaultHeight)  {      return 0;  }  #endif

(1) Win32平台
#if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WIN32) // Initialize OpenGLView instance, that release by CCDirector when application terminate.// The HelloWorld is designed as HVGA. #define GAME_WIDTH 960  #define GAME_HEIGHT 540 #define DEFAULT_WIDTH 1024  #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 768          CCSize sSupportDisplay[] = {CCSize(1024, 768)};          CCEGLView * pMainWnd = new CCEGLView();          CC_BREAK_IF(! pMainWnd);             if (ViewAutoScale(pMainWnd, TEXT("IQ:960x540"),                  GAME_WIDTH,                  GAME_HEIGHT,                  sSupportDisplay,                  sizeof(sSupportDisplay)/sizeof(CCSize),                 DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT) < 0)             {                 return false;             }      #endif  // CC_PLATFORM_WIN32





void Java_org_cocos2dx_lib_Cocos2dxRenderer_nativeInit(JNIEnv*  env, jobject thiz, jint w, jint h){    cocos2d::CCSize sSupportDisplay[] = { cocos2d::CCSize(1024, 768) };    if (!cocos2d::CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getOpenGLView())    {    cocos2d::CCEGLView *view = &cocos2d::CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView();        view->setFrameWidthAndHeight(w, h);        // if you want to run in WVGA with HVGA resource, set it        // view->create(480, 320);  Please change it to (320, 480) if you're in portrait mode.        ViewAutoScale(view, NULL, w, h, sSupportDisplay,                        sizeof(sSupportDisplay) / sizeof(CCSize), 1024, 768);        cocos2d::CCDirector::sharedDirector()->setOpenGLView(view);         AppDelegate *pAppDelegate = new AppDelegate();        cocos2d::CCApplication::sharedApplication().run();    }    else    {        cocos2d::CCTextureCache::reloadAllTextures();        cocos2d::CCDirector::sharedDirector()->setGLDefaultValues();    }}



view->setScreenScale(min((float)width/ defaultWidth, (float)height/ defaultHeight));//改成view->setScreenScale(max((float)width/ defaultWidth, (float)height/ defaultHeight));

运行到android平台还需要修改引擎的源码,因为引擎默认使用的是min方式,修改platform\android\CCEGLView_android.cpp的CCEGLView::create(int width, int height)函数:
m_fScreenScaleFactor =  MIN((float)m_sSizeInPixel.width / m_sSizeInPoint.width,                            (float)m_sSizeInPixel.height / m_sSizeInPoint.height);//改成m_fScreenScaleFactor =  MAX((float)m_sSizeInPixel.width / m_sSizeInPoint.width,                             (float)m_sSizeInPixel.height / m_sSizeInPoint.height);

下面是CCEGLView::create(int width, int height)函数的完整源码:
void CCEGLView::create(int width, int height)  {      if (width == 0 || height == 0)      {          return;      }      m_sSizeInPoint.width = width;      m_sSizeInPoint.height = height;      // calculate the factor and the rect of viewport          m_fScreenScaleFactor =  MIN((float)m_sSizeInPixel.width / m_sSizeInPoint.width,                                    (float)m_sSizeInPixel.height / m_sSizeInPoint.height);      int viewPortW = (int)(m_sSizeInPoint.width * m_fScreenScaleFactor);      int viewPortH = (int)(m_sSizeInPoint.height * m_fScreenScaleFactor);      m_rcViewPort.origin.x = (m_sSizeInPixel.width - viewPortW) / 2;      m_rcViewPort.origin.y = (m_sSizeInPixel.height - viewPortH) / 2;      m_rcViewPort.size.width = viewPortW;      m_rcViewPort.size.height = viewPortH;      m_bNotHVGA = true;  }


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