
来源:互联网 发布:node log4j 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 16:56
source code :

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#define M 3void main_interface();void find_interface();void choice(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N);void find_choice(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N);void input(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N);void output(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N);void sno_find(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N);void sname_find(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N);void cs_sort(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N);void total(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N);int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){long sno[M];char sname[M][20];int sage[M];float cs[M];int i, j;main_interface();choice(sno, sname, sage, cs, M);return 0;}void main_interface(){printf("\t\t*********************************************************************************\n");printf("\t\t*\t\tWelcome to use the system of managing student\t\t\t*\n");printf("\t\t*1.input students's basic information2.output students's information\t\t*\n");printf("\t\t*3.find students's basic information4.sort\t\t\t\t\t*\n");printf("\t\t*5.statistics 0.quit\t\t\t\t\t*\n");printf("\t\t*********************************************************************************\n");printf("\t\t Please input (0~5):");printf("\n");}void find_interface(){printf("\t\t*********************************************************\n");printf("\t\t*\t\tWelcome to use search operation\t\t*\n");printf("\t\t*1.According to the student id to find\t\t\t*\n");printf("\t\t*2.According to the student name to find\t\t*\n");printf("\t\t*0.Return to the previous menu\t\t\t\t*\n");printf("\t\t*********************************************************\n");printf("Please input (0~2)");printf("\n");}void choice(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N){int m;while (1){scanf("%d", &m);switch (m){case 1:input(sno, sname, sage, cs, N);main_interface();break;case 2:output(sno, sname, sage, cs, N);main_interface();break;case 3:find_interface();find_choice(sno, sname, sage, cs, N);main_interface();break;case 4:cs_sort(sno, sname, sage, cs, N);break;case 5:total(sno, sname, sage, cs, N);main_interface();break;case 0:exit(1);default:break;}}}void find_choice(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N){int m;while (1){scanf("%d", &m);switch (m){case 1:sno_find(sno, sname, sage, cs, N);find_interface();break;case 2:sname_find(sno, sname, sage, cs, N);find_interface();break;case 0:break;}if (0 == m)break;}main_interface();}void input(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N){int i;printf("input %d student's information\n", N);for (i = 0; i < N; i++){printf("input %dth student's\n",i + 1);printf("student id:");scanf("%ld", &sno[i]);getchar();printf("name:");gets(sname[i]);printf("age:");scanf("%d", &sage[i]);printf("score:");scanf("%f", &cs[i]);}}void output(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N){int i;printf("output %d student's information\n", N);for (i = 0; i < N; i++){printf("%-10ld", sno[i]);printf("%-16s", sname[i]);printf("%-4d", sage[i]);printf("%-6.0f", cs[i]);printf("\n");}}void sno_find(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N){int i;long sno1;printf("Please input you want to find student id:");scanf("%ld", &sno1);for (i = 0; i < N; i++){if (sno[i] == sno1)break;}if (i < N){printf("output %d student's information\n", sno1);printf("%-10ld", sno[i]);printf("%-16s", sname[i]);printf("%-4d", sage[i]);printf("%-6.0f", cs[i]);printf("\n");}else printf("The student id you entered does not exist!\n");}void sname_find(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N){int i; char sname1[20];printf("Please input you want to find name:");getchar();gets(sname1);for (i = 0; i < N; i++){if (strcmp(sname[i], sname1) == 0)break;}if (i < N){printf("output %d student's information\n", sname1);printf("%-10ld", sno[i]);printf("%-16s", sname[i]);printf("%-4d", sage[i]);printf("%-6.0f", cs[i]);printf("\n");}else printf("The student name you entered does not exist!\n");}void cs_sort(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N){int i, j, k;long tsno;char tsname[20];int tsage;float tcs;for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++){k = i;for (j = i + 1; j < N; j++){if (cs[j] > cs[k])k = j;}if (k != i){tsno = sno[i];sno[i] = sno[k];sno[k] = tsno;strcpy(tsname, sname[i]);strcpy(sname[i], sname[k]);strcpy(sname[k], tsname);tsage = sage[i];sage[i] = sage[k];sage[k] = tsage;tcs = cs[i];cs[i] = cs[k];cs[k] = tcs;}}}void total(long sno[], char sname[][20], int sage[], float cs[], int N){int i;printf("\n excellent(score >= 90) student:\n");for (i = 0; i < N; i++){if (cs[i] >= 90){printf("%-10ld", sno[i]);printf("%-16s", sname[i]);printf("%-4d", sage[i]);printf("%-6.0f", cs[i]);printf("\n");}}printf("\n well(score >= 80 && score < 90) student:\n");for (i = 0; i < N; i++){if (cs[i] >= 80 && cs[i] < 90){printf("%-10ld", sno[i]);printf("%-16s", sname[i]);printf("%-4d", sage[i]);printf("%-6.0f", cs[i]);printf("\n");}}printf("\n medium(score >= 70 && score < 80) student:\n");for (i = 0; i < N; i++){if (cs[i] >= 70 && cs[i] < 80){printf("%-10ld", sno[i]);printf("%-16s", sname[i]);printf("%-4d", sage[i]);printf("%-6.0f", cs[i]);printf("\n");}}printf("\n pass(score >= 60 && score < 70) student:\n");for (i = 0; i < N; i++){if (cs[i] >= 60 && cs[i] < 70){printf("%-10ld", sno[i]);printf("%-16s", sname[i]);printf("%-4d", sage[i]);printf("%-6.0f", cs[i]);printf("\n");}}printf("\n fail(score < 60) student:\n");for (i = 0; i < N; i++){if (cs[i] < 60){printf("%-10ld", sno[i]);printf("%-16s", sname[i]);printf("%-4d", sage[i]);printf("%-6.0f", cs[i]);printf("\n");}}}运行结果:
[haoyue@centos practices]$ ./a.out   *********************************************************************************  *  Welcome to use the system of managing student   *  *1.input students's basic information 2.output students's information  *  *3.find students's basic information 4.sort     *  *5.statistics     0.quit     *  *********************************************************************************   Please input (0~5):1input 3 student's informationinput 1th student'sstudent id:01name:aaage:12score:78input 2th student'sstudent id:02name:bbage:12score:98input 3th student'sstudent id:03name:ccage:12score:89  *********************************************************************************  *  Welcome to use the system of managing student   *  *1.input students's basic information 2.output students's information  *  *3.find students's basic information 4.sort     *  *5.statistics     0.quit     *  *********************************************************************************   Please input (0~5):2output 3 student's information1         aa              12  78    2         bb              12  98    3         cc              12  89      *********************************************************************************  *  Welcome to use the system of managing student   *  *1.input students's basic information 2.output students's information  *  *3.find students's basic information 4.sort     *  *5.statistics     0.quit     *  *********************************************************************************   Please input (0~5):3  *********************************************************  *  Welcome to use search operation  *  *1.According to the student id to find   *  *2.According to the student name to find  *  *0.Return to the previous menu    *  *********************************************************Please input (0~2)1Please input you want to find student id:01output 1 student's information1         aa              12  78      *********************************************************  *  Welcome to use search operation  *  *1.According to the student id to find   *  *2.According to the student name to find  *  *0.Return to the previous menu    *  *********************************************************Please input (0~2)2Please input you want to find name:bboutput -1077645624 student's information2         bb              12  98      *********************************************************  *  Welcome to use search operation  *  *1.According to the student id to find   *  *2.According to the student name to find  *  *0.Return to the previous menu    *  *********************************************************Please input (0~2)0  *********************************************************************************  *  Welcome to use the system of managing student   *  *1.input students's basic information 2.output students's information  *  *3.find students's basic information 4.sort     *  *5.statistics     0.quit     *  *********************************************************************************   Please input (0~5):  *********************************************************************************  *  Welcome to use the system of managing student   *  *1.input students's basic information 2.output students's information  *  *3.find students's basic information 4.sort     *  *5.statistics     0.quit     *  *********************************************************************************   Please input (0~5):42output 3 student's information2         bb              12  98    3         cc              12  89    1         aa              12  78      *********************************************************************************  *  Welcome to use the system of managing student   *  *1.input students's basic information 2.output students's information  *  *3.find students's basic information 4.sort     *  *5.statistics     0.quit     *  *********************************************************************************   Please input (0~5):5
 excellent(score >= 90) student:2         bb              12  98    
 well(score >= 80 && score < 90) student:3         cc              12  89    
 medium(score >= 70 && score < 80) student:1         aa              12  78    
 pass(score >= 60 && score < 70) student:
 fail(score < 60) student:  *********************************************************************************  *  Welcome to use the system of managing student   *  *1.input students's basic information 2.output students's information  *  *3.find students's basic information 4.sort     *  *5.statistics     0.quit     *  *********************************************************************************   Please input (0~5):0