
来源:互联网 发布:java教学 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:09


select * from location t;delete from LOCATION where LOCATION_id in (23,123);commit;select * from LOCATION order by 1;select * from LOCATION as of timestamp sysdate-5/24/60 order by 1;select * from LOCATION as of timestamp sysdate-5/24/60minusselect * from LOCATION;insert into LOCATION select * from LOCATION as of timestamp sysdate-5/24/60minusselect * from LOCATION;


update LOCATION set LOCATION_no='99' where LOCATION_id in (23,123);commit;select * from LOCATION where LOCATION_id in (23,123);select * from LOCATION as of timestamp sysdate-2/24/60 where LOCATION_id in (23,123);select * from LOCATION as of timestamp sysdate-2/24/60minusselect * from LOCATION;select versions_starttime,versions_endtime,versions_operation,versions_xid,a.* from LOCATION versions  between timestamp minvalue and maxvalue a  where LOCATION_id in (23,123) order by 1,2;select * from flashback_transaction_query where xid=hextoraw('10000C00C0020000')order by undo_change# DESC;update "HELIOS"."LOCATION" set "LOCATION_NO" = '3' where ROWID = 'AAAfaIAAHAAAAUFAAB';update "HELIOS"."LOCATION" set "LOCATION_NO" = '1' where ROWID = 'AAAfaIAAHAAAAUFAAA';commit;

Oracle 11g Flashback_transaction_query的undo_sql为空?

      近日测试的时候发现 flashback_transaction_query中 undo_sql 为空,经查证这个问题是 Oracle 11g 默认把 supplemental logging 禁用了导致的。使用如下语句,把 supplemental logging 打开就好了

alter database add supplemental log data;


drop table LOCATION;select * from LOCATION;flashback table LOCATION to before drop ;select * from LOCATION;create table tt1 as select * from LOCATION;drop table tt1;select * from user_recyclebin;purge recyclebin ;create table tt1 as select * from LOCATION;drop table tt1 purge;select * from user_recyclebin;


create table tt1 as select * from LOCATION;alter table tt1 enable row movement;delete from  tt1;commit;select * from tt1;flashback table tt1 to timestamp sysdate-0.5/24/60;

--**需要先启动flashback功能,日志模式为archivelog模式: **

shutdown immediate; startup mount;  alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=4G;  alter system set db_recovery_file_dest='请自己决定一个目录如d:\oracle';  alter system set db_flashback_retention_target=7200;(注,请自己决定可回退的时长,单位是分钟,这里假设可回退5天)  ARCHIVE LOG LIST; alter database archivelog; select flashback_on from v$database;  alter database flashback on;  alter database open;


sqlplus / as sysdbashutdown immediatestartup mount;flashback database to timestamp sysdate-20/24/60; alter database open read only;--alter database open resetlogs;


select * from LOCATION;select * from rtp_list;select * from t2;select * from user_tab_cols where table_name='R12';--查看f_str2tab函数,注释掉的好部分代码又恢复了!--验证确认正确后,操作如下:shutdown immediatestartup mount;alter database open resetlogs;--此情景很适合测试环境的反复利用!!!


rman target / RMAN> list archivelog all;RMAN> delete archivelog from time 'sysdate-10' until time 'sysdate-1';RMAN> delete archivelog until time 'sysdate-1';RMAN> list archivelog from time 'sysdate-10' until time 'sysdate-1';RMAN> list backup;RMAN> BACKUP DATABASE format='d:\%d_%u.bak';RMAN> RESTORE...;EXIT;ALTER system archive log current;select *--recid,name,deleted,statusfrom v$archived_log;

