来源:互联网 发布:商品期货行情数据接口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 13:41

This pci_device_id structure needs to be exported to user space to allow the hotplug and module loading systems know what module works with what hardware devices. The macroMODULE_DEVICE_TABLEaccomplishes this. An example is:

MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, i810_ids);

This statement creates a local variable called _ _mod_pci_device_table that points to the list ofstructpci_device_id. Later in the kernel build process, the depmod program searches all modules for the symbol_ _mod_pci_device_table. If that symbol is found, it pulls the data out of the module and adds it to the file/lib/modules/KERNEL_VERSION/modules.pcimap. Afterdepmod completes, all PCI devices that are supported by modules in the kernel are listed,along with their module names, in that file. When the kernel tells the hotplug system that a new PCI device has been found, the hotplug system uses themodules.pcimap file to find the proper driver to load.

/* Define these values to match your devices */ 

#define USB_SKEL_VENDOR_ID  0xfff0 
#define USB_SKEL_PRODUCT_ID 0xfff0 
/* table of devices that work with this driver */ 
static struct usb_device_id skel_table [] = { 
     { }                    /* Terminating entry */ 
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, skel_table); 

    MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE的第一个参数是设备的类型,如果是USB设备,那自然是usb(如果是PCI设备,那将是pci,这两个子系统用同一个宏来注册所支持的设备。这涉及PCI设备的驱动了,在此先不深究)。后面一个参数是设备表,这个设备表的最后一个元素是空的,用于标识结束。代码定义了USB_SKEL_VENDOR_ID是0xfff0,USB_SKEL_PRODUCT_ID是0xfff0,也就是说,当有一个设备接到集线器时,usb子系统就会检查这个设备的vendor ID和product ID,如果它们的值是0xfff0时,那么子系统就会调用这个skeleton模块作为设备的驱动。

如果有几个驱动文件同时调用了MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci,***),那么hotplug调用哪个哪个驱动?是不是就是调用该宏的本模块,本module,本驱动。应该是的,看上面红色字部分  along with their module names


  1. MODULE_LICENSE("许可证");  
  2. MODULE_AUTHOR("模块作者");  
  3. MODULE_DESCRIPTION("模块用途描述");  
  4. MODULE_VERSION("代码修订号");  
  5. MODULE_ALIAS("模块的别名");  
  6. MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE("模块支持的设备")
