mongodb源码分析(二十五)mongos writeback

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝详情页设计软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:36


void receivedInsert(Message& m, CurOp& op) {    if ( handlePossibleShardedMessage( m , 0 ) )//这里判断插入的消息数据是否因为chunk的迁移而不应该在该服务上执行了        return;    checkAndInsert(ns, first);}
inline bool handlePossibleShardedMessage( Message &m, DbResponse * dbresponse ) {    if( !shardingState.enabled() ) //只有在开启了shard时才有意义        return false;    return _handlePossibleShardedMessage(m, dbresponse);}
    bool _handlePossibleShardedMessage( Message &m, DbResponse* dbresponse ) {        int op = m.operation();        if ( op < 2000 || op >= 3000|| op == dbGetMore )            return false;        DbMessage d(m);        const char *ns = d.getns();        string errmsg;        // We don't care about the version here, since we're returning it later in the writeback        ConfigVersion received, wanted;//判断ns对应版本是否变化了,没有变化返回true,则正常执行操作        if ( shardVersionOk( ns , errmsg, received, wanted ) ) {            return false;        }        //下面已经是因为版本改变之类的信息,使得操作不能继续了        bool getsAResponse = doesOpGetAResponse( op );//查询操作        if( getsAResponse ){//这里查询操作,但是chunk版本已改变,所以返回错误消息            BufBuilder b( 32768 );            b.skip( sizeof( QueryResult ) );            {                BSONObjBuilder bob;                bob.append( "$err", errmsg );                bob.append( "ns", ns );                wanted.addToBSON( bob, "vWanted" );                received.addToBSON( bob, "vReceived" );                BSONObj obj = bob.obj();                b.appendBuf( obj.objdata() , obj.objsize() );            }            QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult*)b.buf();            qr->_resultFlags() = ResultFlag_ErrSet | ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale;            qr->len = b.len();            qr->setOperation( opReply );            qr->cursorId = 0;            qr->startingFrom = 0;            qr->nReturned = 1;            b.decouple();            Message * resp = new Message();            resp->setData( qr , true );            dbresponse->response = resp;            dbresponse->responseTo = m.header()->id;            return true;        }        OID writebackID;//下面是修改操作,先将这些操作保存起来        writebackID.initSequential();        const OID& clientID = ShardedConnectionInfo::get(false)->getID();        BSONObjBuilder b;        b.appendBool( "writeBack" , true );        b.append( "ns" , ns );        b.append( "id" , writebackID );        b.append( "connectionId" , cc().getConnectionId() );        b.append( "instanceIdent" , prettyHostName() );        wanted.addToBSON( b );        received.addToBSON( b, "yourVersion" );        b.appendBinData( "msg" , m.header()->len , bdtCustom , (char*)(m.singleData()) );        // Don't register the writeback until immediately before we queue it -        // after this line, mongos will wait for an hour if we don't queue correctly        lastError.getSafe()->writeback( writebackID );        writeBackManager.queueWriteBack( clientID.str() , b.obj() );//操作保持到本地queue中        return true;    }
    bool shardVersionOk( const string& ns , string& errmsg, ConfigVersion& received, ConfigVersion& wanted ) {        if ( ! shardingState.enabled() )            return true;        if ( ! isMasterNs( ns.c_str() ) )  {            // right now connections to secondaries aren't versioned at all            return true;        }        ShardedConnectionInfo* info = ShardedConnectionInfo::get( false );        if ( ! info ) {//不存在本地的shard信息,允许该操作继续在本地执行            // this means the client has nothing sharded            // so this allows direct connections to do whatever they want            // which i think is the correct behavior            return true;        }        if ( info->inForceVersionOkMode() ) //版本信息一定是正确的,允许操作继续            return true;        // TODO : all collections at some point, be sharded or not, will have a version        //  (and a ShardChunkManager)        received = info->getVersion( ns );//得到当前ns版本信息        wanted = shardingState.getVersion( ns );//从shard中得到信息//writeCompatible比较major版本,这个版本只会在chunk发生迁移时增长.        if( received.isWriteCompatibleWith( wanted ) ) return true;        // Figure out exactly why not compatible, send appropriate error message        // The versions themselves are returned in the error, so not needed in messages here        // Check epoch first, to send more meaningful message, since other parameters probably        // won't match either        if( ! wanted.hasCompatibleEpoch( received ) )//Epoch版本不匹配,需要缓存操作,以后发回mogos            return false;        if( ! wanted.isSet() && received.isSet() )            return false;        if( wanted.isSet() && ! received.isSet() )            return false;        if( wanted.majorVersion() != received.majorVersion() ){            // Could be > or < - wanted is > if this is the source of a migration,            // wanted < if this is the target of a migration            return false;        }        return false;    }

    void WriteBackManager::queueWriteBack( const string& remote , const BSONObj& o ) {        static mongo::mutex xxx( "WriteBackManager::queueWriteBack tmp" );        static OID lastOID;        scoped_lock lk( xxx );        const BSONElement& e = o["id"];        lastOID = e.OID();        getWritebackQueue( remote )->queue.push( o );//记录到queue中    }

    bool VersionManager::initShardVersionCB( DBClientBase * conn_in, BSONObj& result ){        WriteBackListener::init( *conn_in );

    void WriteBackListener::init( DBClientBase& conn ) {        if ( conn.type() == ConnectionString::SYNC ) {            // don't want write back listeners for config servers            return;        }        if ( conn.type() != ConnectionString::SET ) {//单服务器之间初始化            init( conn.getServerAddress() );            return;        }        {            scoped_lock lk( _cacheLock );            if ( _seenSets.count( conn.getServerAddress() ) )                return;        }        // we want to do writebacks on all rs nodes        string errmsg;        ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString::parse( conn.getServerAddress() , errmsg );        vector<HostAndPort> hosts = cs.getServers();        for ( unsigned i=0; i<hosts.size(); i++ )//多服务器一台一台初始化            init( hosts[i].toString() );    }
    void WriteBackListener::init( const string& host ) {        scoped_lock lk( _cacheLock );        WriteBackListener*& l = _cache[host];//建立了的连接缓存起来        if ( l )            return;        l = new WriteBackListener( host );//新建一个writeBackListener        l->go();//这里开启一个线程专门负责从对端host中取出相应的未正确发往目的地的操作,然后发往正确的host    }

    void WriteBackListener::run() {        int secsToSleep = 0;        scoped_ptr<ShardChunkVersion> lastNeededVersion;        int lastNeededCount = 0;        while ( ! inShutdown() ) {            if ( ! Shard::isAShardNode( _addr ) ) {//不是一个shard节点.                sleepsecs( 60 );                continue;            }            try {                scoped_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> conn(                        ScopedDbConnection::getInternalScopedDbConnection( _addr ) );                BSONObj result;                {                    BSONObjBuilder cmd;//发往shard的命令,取回操作                    cmd.appendOID( "writebacklisten" , &serverID ); // Command will block for data                    if ( ! conn->get()->runCommand( "admin" , cmd.obj() , result ) ) {                        result = result.getOwned();                        conn->done();                        continue;                    }                }                conn->done();                BSONObj data = result.getObjectField( "data" );                if ( data.getBoolField( "writeBack" ) ) {//实际取得数据                    string ns = data["ns"].valuestrsafe();                    ConnectionIdent cid( "" , 0 );                    OID wid;                    if ( data["connectionId"].isNumber() && data["id"].type() == jstOID ) {                        string s = "";                        if ( data["instanceIdent"].type() == String )                            s = data["instanceIdent"].String();                        cid = ConnectionIdent( s , data["connectionId"].numberLong() );                        wid = data["id"].OID();                    }                    int len; // not used, but needed for next call                    Message msg( (void*)data["msg"].binData( len ) , false );                    DBConfigPtr db = grid.getDBConfig( ns );                    ShardChunkVersion needVersion = ShardChunkVersion::fromBSON( data, "version" );                    // TODO: Refactor the sharded strategy to correctly handle all sharding state changes itself,                    // we can't rely on WBL to do this for us b/c anything could reset our state in-between.                    // We should always reload here for efficiency when possible, but staleness is also caught in the                    // loop below.                    ChunkManagerPtr manager;                    ShardPtr primary;                    db->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( ns, manager, primary );                    ShardChunkVersion currVersion;                    if( manager ) currVersion = manager->getVersion();                    // We should reload only if we need to update our version to be compatible *and* we                    // haven't already done so.  This avoids lots of reloading when we remove/add a sharded collection                    bool alreadyReloaded = lastNeededVersion &&                                           lastNeededVersion->isEquivalentTo( needVersion );                    if( alreadyReloaded ){}                    else if( lastNeededVersion )                        lastNeededCount = 0;                    // Set our lastNeededVersion for next time                    lastNeededVersion.reset( new ShardChunkVersion( needVersion ) );                    lastNeededCount++;                    // Determine if we should reload, if so, reload//版本是否兼容,是否需要重新加载配置                    bool shouldReload = ! needVersion.isWriteCompatibleWith( currVersion ) &&                                        ! alreadyReloaded;                    if( shouldReload && currVersion.isSet()                                     && needVersion.isSet()                                     && currVersion.hasCompatibleEpoch( needVersion ) )                    {                        // If we disagree about versions only, reload the chunk manager                        db->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns, true );                    }                    else if( shouldReload ){                        // If we disagree about anything else, reload the full db                        db->reload();                    }                    // do request and then call getLastError                    // we have to call getLastError so we can return the right fields to the user if they decide to call getLastError                    BSONObj gle;                    int attempts = 0;                    while ( true ) {                        attempts++;                        try {//这里再次将来操作发往正确的shard中                            Request r( msg , 0 );                            r.init();                            r.d().reservedField() |= Reserved_FromWriteback;                            ClientInfo * ci = r.getClientInfo();                            if (!noauth) {                                // TODO: Figure out why this is 'admin' instead of 'local'.                                ci->getAuthenticationInfo()->authorize("admin", internalSecurity.user);                            }                            ci->noAutoSplit();                            r.process( attempts );//再次将该操作发向应该被操作的shard                            ci->newRequest(); // this so we flip prev and cur shards                            BSONObjBuilder b;                            string errmsg;                            if ( ! ci->getLastError( "admin",                                                     BSON( "getLastError" << 1 ),                                                     b,                                                     errmsg,                                                     true ) )                            {                                b.appendBool( "commandFailed" , true );                                if( ! b.hasField( "errmsg" ) ){                                    b.append( "errmsg", errmsg );                                    gle = b.obj();                                }                                else if( errmsg.size() > 0 ){                                    // Rebuild GLE object with errmsg                                    // TODO: Make this less clumsy by improving GLE interface                                    gle = b.obj();                                    if( gle["errmsg"].type() == String ){                                        BSONObj gleNoErrmsg =                                                gle.filterFieldsUndotted( BSON( "errmsg" << 1 ),                                                                          false );                                        BSONObjBuilder bb;                                        bb.appendElements( gleNoErrmsg );                                        bb.append( "errmsg", gle["errmsg"].String() +                                                             " ::and:: " +                                                             errmsg );                                        gle = bb.obj().getOwned();                                    }                                }                            }                            else{                                gle = b.obj();                            }//9517表示chunk version再次发生了变化,然后这次的发送又失败了,只能取回来//再次找到正确的shard发往之                            if ( gle["code"].numberInt() == 9517 ) {                                lastNeededVersion.reset();                                lastNeededCount = 1;                                // Bringing this in line with the similar retry logic elsewhere                                // TODO: Reloading the chunk manager may not help if we dropped a                                // collection, but we don't actually have that info in the writeback                                // error                                if( attempts <= 2 ){                                    db->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns, true );                                }                                else{                                    versionManager.forceRemoteCheckShardVersionCB( ns );                                    sleepsecs( attempts - 1 );                                }                                continue;                            }                            ci->clearSinceLastGetError();                        }                        break;                    }                    {                        scoped_lock lk( _seenWritebacksLock );                        WBStatus& s = _seenWritebacks[cid];               = wid;               = gle;                    }                }                secsToSleep = 0;                continue;            }            secsToSleep++;            sleepsecs(secsToSleep);            if ( secsToSleep > 10 )                secsToSleep = 0;        }    }


原文链接:mongodb源码分析(二十五)mongos writeback

作者:    yhjj0108,杨浩
