Python : 计算大文件MD5值

来源:互联网 发布:网上买书的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 23:05

buffer = 8192 来自网络,但不知道是怎么实践出来的。

from hashlib import md5import timeimport os def calMD5(str):    m = md5()    m.update(str)         return m.hexdigest() def calMD5ForFile(file):    statinfo = os.stat(file)         if int(statinfo.st_size)/(1024*1024) >= 1000 :        print "File size > 1000, move to big file..."        return calMD5ForBigFile(file)             m = md5()    f = open(file, 'rb')    m.update(    f.close()         return m.hexdigest() def calMD5ForFolder(dir,MD5File):    outfile = open(MD5File,'w')    for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(dir):        for file in files:            filefullpath = os.path.join(root, file)            """print filefullpath"""                         filerelpath = os.path.relpath(filefullpath, dir)            md5 = calMD5ForFile(filefullpath)            outfile.write(filerelpath+' '+md5+"\n")    outfile.close() def calMD5ForBigFile(file):    m = md5()    f = open(file, 'rb')    buffer = 8192    # why is 8192 | 8192 is fast than 2048         while 1:        chunk =        if not chunk : break        m.update(chunk)             f.close()    return m.hexdigest()            if __name__ == "__main__":    #print calMD5("Hello World!")         t = time.time()    print calMD5ForFile("E:\\OS\\ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso")    print time.time() - t        t = time.time()    print calMD5ForBigFile("E:\\OS\\ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso")    print time.time() - t,"\n"         t = time.time()    print calMD5ForFile("E:\\OS\\ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso")    print time.time() - t       t = time.time()    print calMD5ForBigFile("E:\\OS\\ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso")    print time.time() - t,"\n"         t = time.time()    print calMD5ForFile("D:\\Virtual Machines\\Ubuntu 64-bit\\Ubuntu 64-bit-s001.vmdk")    print time.time() - t       t = time.time()    print calMD5ForBigFile("D:\\Virtual Machines\\Ubuntu 64-bit\\Ubuntu 64-bit-s001.vmdk")    print time.time() - t,"\n"           #output   #8b1085bed498b82ef1485ef19074c281#2.57500004768#8b1085bed498b82ef1485ef19074c281#3.34100008011##128f0c16f4734c420b0185a492d92e52#2.632999897#128f0c16f4734c420b0185a492d92e52#3.39100003242##File size > 1000, move to big file...#ec1fa4dc1b32569e9da7b4744548a9ef#5.40100002289#ec1fa4dc1b32569e9da7b4744548a9ef#5.42100000381 
