
来源:互联网 发布:橙子网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 21:37
#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <cstdlib>#define maxn 1000#define T charusing namespace std;typedef struct btnode {    T data;    struct btnode *lchild;    struct btnode *rchild;}btnode;btnode *root = NULL;btnode *temp2 = NULL;int leaf_number = 0;btnode* newnode(T x) {    btnode* p = (btnode* )malloc(sizeof(btnode));    p->data = x;    p->lchild = NULL;    p->rchild = NULL;    return p;}bool insert1(T x) {  //插入节点    btnode *r = NULL, *q = NULL, *p = root;    T k = x;    while(p) {        q = p;        if(k < p->data) {            p = p->lchild;        }        else if(k > p->data) {            p = p->rchild;        }        else {            cout << "duplicate!" << endl;            return false;        }    }    r = newnode(x);    if(root) {        if(k < q->data) {            q->lchild = r;        }        else {            q->rchild = r;        }    }    else{        root = r;    }    return true;}void exchange(btnode *bt) {   //交换左右子树。    if(bt) {        exchange(bt->lchild);        exchange(bt->rchild);    }    if(bt == NULL) {        return ;    }    temp2 = bt->lchild;    bt->lchild = bt->rchild;    bt->rchild = temp2;}void midorder(btnode *bt) {    if(bt) {        midorder(bt->lchild);        cout << bt->data << ' ';        midorder(bt->rchild);    }    if(bt == NULL) {        return ;    }}int total(btnode *bt) {  //求节点总数。感觉写的太缀余。    int rnum = 0, lnum = 0;    int num = 0;    if(!bt) {        return 0;    }    if(bt->lchild == NULL && bt->rchild == NULL) {        leaf_number++;        return 1;    }    if(bt->lchild == NULL && bt->rchild != NULL) {       return rnum = total(bt->rchild) + 1;    }    if(bt->lchild != NULL && bt->rchild == NULL) {        return lnum = total(bt->lchild) + 1;    }    if(bt->lchild != NULL && bt->rchild != NULL) {       lnum = total(bt->lchild);       rnum = total(bt->rchild);      return num = lnum + rnum + 1;    }    return 0;//suseless}int height(btnode *t) {  //求树的高度。    int lh = 0, rh = 0;    if(!t) {        return 0;    }    else{        lh = height(t->lchild);        rh = height(t->rchild);        if(lh>rh){            return lh+1;        }        else{            return rh+1;        }    }}void preorder(btnode *bt) {    if(bt == NULL) {        return ;    }    if(bt) {        cout << bt->data << ' ';        preorder(bt->lchild);        preorder(bt->rchild);    }}int main(){    char str[maxn];    int len = 0;    gets(str);    len = strlen(str);    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {        insert1(str[i]);    }    btnode *temp = root;    cout << "preorder:  ";    preorder(temp);    cout << endl;    cout << "midorder:  ";    midorder(temp);    cout << endl;    exchange(temp);    cout << "preorder:  ";    preorder(temp);  cout << endl;    cout << "midorder:  ";    midorder(temp); cout << endl;    int Total = total(temp);    printf("The amount of the node: ");    cout << Total << endl;    printf("The height of the tree: ");    int heigh = height(temp);    cout << heigh << endl;    printf("The leaf of the tree: ");    cout << leaf_number << endl;    return 0;}/******************************************************************最近忙着备考,几乎很少写程序,完美结束考试,全心学习编程。程序仅仅说明道理,如果想完善稍加改动即可!测试数据:5382469170********************************************************************/
