
来源:互联网 发布:中国真实科技水平 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:51

读 《C程序员精通Perl》http://book.douban.com/subject/1232075/   3.4节 笔记

#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;my $total = 0;while (1) {        my $line = <STDIN>;        if (not defined($line))        {                   print "come to file end\n";                last;           }           chomp($line);        if ($line eq "") #必须放到not defined后边进行判断,因为到了文件尾,                         #line的值为undef,使用此值的话,会导致出现Use of uninitialized的告警        {                   print "come to blank line\n";                last;           }           my @check_info = split /\t/, $line;        $total += $check_info[2];        printf "%-8s: %-20s %6.2f Total: %5.2f\n", $check_info[0], $check_info[1], $check_info[2], $total; }


[root@localhost perl_practice]# cat check.file
01/01/01        a       100
01/01/02        a       100
01/01/03        a       100
01/01/04        a       100
01/01/05        a       100
01/01/06        a       100
[root@localhost perl_practice]# ./check.pl < check.file
01/01/01: a                    100.00 Total: 100.00
01/01/02: a                    100.00 Total: 200.00
01/01/03: a                    100.00 Total: 300.00
01/01/04: a                    100.00 Total: 400.00
01/01/05: a                    100.00 Total: 500.00
01/01/06: a                    100.00 Total: 600.00
come to file end
[root@localhost perl_practice]#