
来源:互联网 发布:室内设计师用什么软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 05:11

# Written by Bram Cohen
# see LICENSE.txt for license information

#笔    者:zfive5(醉马不肖 之 [孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪])
#    接着上节来,我现在理所当然的要分析函数:
#download(params, d.chooseFile, d.updateStatus, d.finished, d.error, doneflag, 100, d.newpath)

from zurllib import urlopen
from urlparse import urljoin
from btformats import check_message
from Choker import Choker
from Storage import Storage
from StorageWrapper import StorageWrapper
from Uploader import Upload
from Downloader import Downloader
from Connecter import Connecter
from Encrypter import Encoder
from RawServer import RawServer
from Rerequester import Rerequester
from DownloaderFeedback import DownloaderFeedback
from RateMeasure import RateMeasure
from CurrentRateMeasure import Measure
from PiecePicker import PiecePicker
from bencode import bencode, bdecode
from sha import sha
from os import path, makedirs
from parseargs import parseargs, formatDefinitions
from socket import error as socketerror
from random import seed
from threading import Thread, Event
from time import time
    from os import getpid
except ImportError:
    def getpid():
        return 1

defaults = [
    ('max_uploads', 7,
        "the maximum number of uploads to allow at once."),
    ('keepalive_interval', 120.0,
        'number of seconds to pause between sending keepalives'),
    ('download_slice_size', 2 ** 14,
        "How many bytes to query for per request."),
    ('request_backlog', 5,
        "how many requests to keep in a single pipe at once."),
    ('max_message_length', 2 ** 23,
        "maximum length prefix encoding you'll accept over the wire - larger values get the connection dropped."),
    ('ip', '',
        "ip to report you have to the tracker."),
    ('minport', 6881, 'minimum port to listen on, counts up if unavailable'),
    ('maxport', 6999, 'maximum port to listen on'),
    ('responsefile', '',
        'file the server response was stored in, alternative to url'),
    ('url', '',
        'url to get file from, alternative to responsefile'),
    ('saveas', '',
        'local file name to save the file as, null indicates query user'),
    ('timeout', 300.0,
        'time to wait between closing sockets which nothing has been received on'),
    ('timeout_check_interval', 60.0,
        'time to wait between checking if any connections have timed out'),
    ('max_slice_length', 2 ** 17,
        "maximum length slice to send to peers, larger requests are ignored"),
    ('max_rate_period', 20.0,
        "maximum amount of time to guess the current rate estimate represents"),
    ('bind', '',
        'ip to bind to locally'),
    ('upload_rate_fudge', 5.0,
        'time equivalent of writing to kernel-level TCP buffer, for rate adjustment'),
    ('display_interval', .5,
        'time between updates of displayed information'),
    ('rerequest_interval', 5 * 60,
        'time to wait between requesting more peers'),
    ('min_peers', 20,
        'minimum number of peers to not do rerequesting'),
    ('http_timeout', 60,
        'number of seconds to wait before assuming that an http connection has timed out'),
    ('max_initiate', 40,
        'number of peers at which to stop initiating new connections'),
    ('check_hashes', 1,
        'whether to check hashes on disk'),
    ('max_upload_rate', 0,
        'maximum kB/s to upload at, 0 means no limit'),
    ('snub_time', 30.0,
        "seconds to wait for data to come in over a connection before assuming it's semi-permanently choked"),
    ('spew', 0,
        "whether to display diagnostic info to stdout"),
    ('rarest_first_cutoff', 4,
        "number of downloads at which to switch from random to rarest first"),
    ('min_uploads', 4,
        "the number of uploads to fill out to with extra optimistic unchokes"),
    ('rarest_first_priority_cutoff', 3,
        'the number of peers which need to have a piece before other partials take priority over rarest first'),
    ('report_hash_failures', 0,
        "whether to inform the user that hash failures occur. They're non-fatal."),

#参数:通过上节的download(params, d.chooseFile, d.updateStatus, d.finished, d.error, doneflag, 100, d.newpath)语句,
#      我们可以分析出每一个参数的意义
#      params:  命令行参数字典
#      filefunc:选择文件路径函数,对应的主窗体的chooseFile成员函数,负责选择文件存放路径的功能。
#      statusfunc:状态更新函数,对应的主窗体的updateStatus成员函数,完成bt信息的在窗口上的更新功能。
#      finfunc:完成处理函数,对finished成员函数,完成任务后的工作。
#      errorfunc:错误处理函数,对error成员函数,出错处理
#      doneflag:一个事件,与主窗体关联的
#      cols:命令行参数的个数
#      pathFunc:?
#      paramfunc:?
#      spewflag :?

def download(params, filefunc, statusfunc, finfunc, errorfunc, doneflag, cols, pathFunc = None, paramfunc = None, spewflag = Event()):
    if len(params) == 0:
        errorfunc('arguments are -/n' + formatDefinitions(defaults, cols))
        config, args = parseargs(params, defaults, 0, 1)
        if args:
            if config.get('responsefile', None) == None:
                raise ValueError, 'must have responsefile as arg or parameter, not both'
            if path.isfile(args[0]):
                config['responsefile'] = args[0]
                config['url'] = args[0]
        if (config['responsefile'] == '') == (config['url'] == ''):
            raise ValueError, 'need responsefile or url'
    except ValueError, e:
        errorfunc('error: ' + str(e) + '/nrun with no args for parameter explanations')

        if config['responsefile'] != '':
            h = open(config['responsefile'], 'rb')
            h = urlopen(config['url'])
        response = h.read()
    except IOError, e:
        errorfunc('problem getting response info - ' + str(e))

        # 函数bdecode(reponse),check_message(response)有点面熟吧,在<<读BitTorrent码日记1>>中说过
        response = bdecode(response)
    except ValueError, e:
        errorfunc("got bad file info - " + str(e))

        def make(f, forcedir = False):
            if not forcedir:
                f = path.split(f)[0]
            if f != '' and not path.exists(f):

        info = response['info']
        if info.has_key('length'):
            file_length = info['length']
            #调用选择下载存放函数,像是vc中save as对话框,语言是相通的....
            file = filefunc(info['name'], file_length, config['saveas'], False)
            if file is None:
            files = [(file, file_length)]
            file_length = 0
            for x in info['files']:
                file_length += x['length']
            file = filefunc(info['name'], file_length, config['saveas'], True)
            if file is None:
            # if this path exists, and no files from the info dict exist, we assume it's a new download and
            # the user wants to create a new directory with the default name
            existing = 0
            if path.exists(file):
                for x in info['files']:
                    if path.exists(path.join(file, x['path'][0])):
                        existing = 1
                if not existing:
                    file = path.join(file, info['name'])
            make(file, True)
            # alert the UI to any possible change in path
            if pathFunc != None:
            files = []
            for x in info['files']:
                n = file
                for i in x['path']:
                    n = path.join(n, i)
                files.append((n, x['length']))
    except OSError, e:
        errorfunc("Couldn't allocate dir - " + str(e))
    finflag = Event()
    ann = [None]
    myid = (chr(0) * 12) + sha(repr(time()) + ' ' + str(getpid())).digest()[-8:]
    #Initialize the basic random number generator. python infunction
    pieces = [info['pieces'][x:x+20] for x in xrange(0,
        len(info['pieces']), 20)]
    def failed(reason, errorfunc = errorfunc, doneflag = doneflag):
        if reason is not None:
    rawserver = RawServer(doneflag, config['timeout_check_interval'], config['timeout'], errorfunc = errorfunc)
            storage = Storage(files, open, path.exists, path.getsize)
        except IOError, e:
            errorfunc('trouble accessing files - ' + str(e))
        def finished(finfunc = finfunc, finflag = finflag,
                ann = ann, storage = storage, errorfunc = errorfunc):
            except (IOError, OSError), e:
                errorfunc('trouble setting readonly at end - ' + str(e))
            if ann[0] is not None:

        rm = [None]
        def data_flunked(amount, rm = rm, errorfunc = errorfunc, report_hash_failures = config['report_hash_failures']):
            if rm[0] is not None:
            if report_hash_failures:
                errorfunc('a piece failed hash check, re-downloading it')

        storagewrapper = StorageWrapper(storage,
            config['download_slice_size'], pieces,
            info['piece length'], finished, failed,
            statusfunc, doneflag, config['check_hashes'], data_flunked)
    except ValueError, e:
        failed('bad data - ' + str(e))
    except IOError, e:
        failed('IOError - ' + str(e))
    if doneflag.isSet():
    e = 'maxport less than minport - no ports to check'
    for listen_port in xrange(config['minport'], config['maxport'] + 1):
            rawserver.bind(listen_port, config['bind'])
        except socketerror, e:
        errorfunc("Couldn't listen - " + str(e))


